this game is really fun but it makes me miserable

FrePAS Member Posts: 6
edited August 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Killers are too strong and its just unfair to survivors, I love this game but its just so annoying and I rage all the time cuz theres literally nothing I can do against the killers, I can run in circles, stun them, flashlight them, do everything I can but they still just catch up to me, if they nerfed the killers this game would be amazing but right now its just #########

EDIT: after playing the game for a while and getting better at it, its not that bad, I dont think the killers are THAT strong anymore, I escape trials a lot more often and I escape chases too, NOW my problem is I get tunneled and targeted at 5 GENS cuz im annoying the killers… not even joking

EDIT2: they should delete trickster from the game

Post edited by FrePAS on


  • cruelb
    cruelb Member Posts: 110

    The more you play, the better you will get, don't worry.

    And even if you get killed, try new loadouts, play in swf… have fun and don't sweat the outcome. Plus, it's fine for us all to have a little DBD rage from time to time… it's part of it :)

  • FrePAS
    FrePAS Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2024

    yeah I just gotta learn to take this game not seriously, like yeah.. the killers will catch up eventually whatever, Its still a fun game but it gets annoying sometimes, honestly I was just mad when posting this so sorry xdd

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    This is probably my favorite post now. I haven't laughed so well in a very long time.

    At this point, just play some gen/skill checks simulator, or just single games on easy mode, if you enjoy being untouchable and win no matter what.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480
    edited August 2024

    If they nerfed the killer even more game would be amazing simulator of staring campfire

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2024

    All fair enough. No sweat.

    My advice would primarily be, if you can, try playing killer.

    • Helps you understand the killer powers, and you get to directly see how other survivors deal with you.
    • Helps you understand the killers game plan and why certain decisions are made.
    • Changes your perspective of the game to a more balanced point of view, and makes it less "personal" when you get targetted.

    I personally try to target roughly 40 secs of looping the killer. If between the 2 hits I can buy approximately 20s, then I feel Ive done my job, and anything beyond that is a bonus. This also includes managing to waste carry and walk back time. If I can go down somewhere where the Killer has a bit of a walk to hook, and then a bit of a walk back towards the rest of the team, then it's a job very well done.

    Honestly when you get this mindset, other survivors will typically be what annoys you over the killer... it's very rare I get mad at killers now xD

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 855

    There are 4 survs, killer have to be as strong as they 4 combined. Killers gave to catch you, it's only a matter of time, but there is 4 of You.

    And yes, survs are not "a team" that is why this feels so unfair.

    Game would greatly benefit if sacrifices would be removed, and instead everyone would play untill the time runs out (have to be implemented with more and less impacting balances). Survs would feel as a team, and combined effort would feel much better.

  • FrePAS
    FrePAS Member Posts: 6

    I dont have problems with skill checks and I know how to juke the killers, its just that they're faster so they catch up no matter what, I was being chased by a killer for 4 minutes before he catched up to me, like… how is that a skill issue if I managed to run away from him for 4 minutes?

  • FrePAS
    FrePAS Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2024

    dont know how to delete a comment dont mind this xd

  • FrePAS
    FrePAS Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2024

    yeah youre right, playing both sides helped, But I enjoy playing survivor more I just dont enjoy playing killer that much, its too easy, I catch up to everyone and I just dont feel like I have to try. I can just sit back and relax and kill some survivors, no real challenge. Sure sometimes I find a match with 10000 hours+ survivors that absolutely rail me but that doesnt happen a lot

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    I'm not gonna add anything new or revolutionary to this conversation, I just wanna encourage you to try and play both sides a little more evenly. You'll enjoy one side more than the other for sure, but understanding the powers is a big help. Along with that, the more you play, the better you get.

    Another thing I'd suggest is watching content creators. I started playing DBD because I saw an Otzdarva video back in 2020, and I was immediately hooked (pun mildly intended). Since then, I've been watching him and other creators just test things out in their videos and, when I'm able to, I try my best to replicate it.

    My biggest piece of advice is this: just be patient. That's way easier said than done, but it's worth it in the end. You'll lose. You'll make dumb mistakes. But eventually, you start seeing that turn into wins. I hope this somewhat helps. It's one of those things I wish someone had told me when I first started.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 501

    I would advise playing killer than you can see what they do to win then you can incorporate that into your surivor games

  • ahrenisabimbo
    ahrenisabimbo Member Posts: 39

    It's a bit of a broken combo but you could try running Decisive Strike + Plot Twist. If you're being tunnelled you can be chased for as long as you can and then just Plot Twist in a GOOD SPOT (this is crucial)… then you force the killer to decide between eating the stun or letting you heal fully! Both are a win for you.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 855
  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131
    edited August 2024

    Survivors are pretty much the power role in this game - they have a load of power over the killer. The thing is, it just takes a lot of practice and experience to get into a position to take advantage at the tools survivors have against the killer. Some super experienced survivor players can effectively entirely remove killers as a threat entirely.

    Long and short, just keep playing and practicing. You'll eventually start figuring out little tips and tricks that will really turn the game around to the point where you might actively try to seek OUT the killer just to dare him to chase you. It's a bit silly considering the theme of the game, but it's definitely a thing. Hang in there! As you get more experience, killers will become less of a problem (unless they play nurse\blight - then you're pretty much screwed, ha).

    You said you've run a killer for 4 minutes straight before. That's what you're supposed to do. It's about buying as much time as possible for your teammates to complete gens (or work on gens while someone else buys you time). If you're looping a killer for 4 minutes straight, you're definitely in the winning position. It's 1 v 4, so the killer is designed to be able to eventually catch you, but you have 3 lives. It's about making the most out of those 3 lives until the exit doors are powered and you can finally escape.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,184

    You didn't play the game enough for sure if you really think killer is too strong. In the best case (Matchmaking worked and no one brings overpowered things and map-offering) it's pretty balanced.

    Potentialy the survivors are stronger because they can throw in more items, perks and offerings that destroy the killer.

    Of course all things said before only count for survivors as a team, not as a single person. A single survivor shouldn't and won't ever be stronger than the killer.