Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

What if The Unknown could crawl?

I'm going to cut to the chase and propose an idea for a slight change to The Unknown that would add a lot of depth to the Killer's power while maintining some trade-off and counterplay! After watching the promotional video for the 8th Anniversary's earnable cosmetics for Bill and The Unknown, we were shown a very creepy and haunting "crawling" animation for The Unknown:

This seems like an unused asset that was perhaps once intended to be in the main game! One of the top comments I always see for The Unknown is that people wish The Unknown crawled instead of walking. So I was thinking…

What if The Unknown was given a "crouch" button? This button would allow the killer to alternate between "walking" and "crawling" at will. This would make the killer far more creepy, would appease thousands of fans AND adds a great deal of depth to the killer that I will explain in detail below.

The ability to crawl as The Unknown would be an incredible advantage, seeing as the main counter to it's power is by maintaining line of sight. However, as I'll explain there are many intricacies that actually make it surprisingly balanced and even add counterplay:

Advantages for The Unknown:

  1. Gaining access to an incredible and engaging mind-game tool that could revolutionise chasing survivors.
  2. Breaking Line-of-Sight with survivors to keep their weakened state up.
  3. Catching survivors off guard on maps with high visability.
  4. Scaring survivors out of their minds!

Disadvantages for The Unknown:

  1. While crouched, the POV of The Unknown will have to be lowered as well, this will naturally make survivors harder to track which would be an innate disadvantage.
  2. While crouched, shooting a projectile UVX blast will also be considerably harder seeing as the player has to completely reconfigure their aiming.

Advantages for Survivors:

  1. Losing the killer at loops will be considerably easier for survivors and can let them make a quick getaway.
  2. Trying to dodge a UVX blast while The Unknown is crouched should also be significantly easier seeing as The Unknown will most likely need to lob a shot over an obstacle or try and hit a wall insetad of being able to hit the ground at the feet of the survivor.

Disadvantages for Survivors:

  1. Requires survivors to be far more vigilant, builds anxiety and can throw them off their game.
  2. It would be considerably harder to get rid of the Weakened state (but luckily if the killer is crouching anyways it should be easier to dodge any UVX projectiles.)

In Summary: Letting The Unknown change manually between standing and crawling would prove to be a great advantage that still offers a lot of learnability and counterplay to survivors which will limit the power of this new ability.

Hopefully I've done a good enough job for this idea to be considered and discussed! Thank you very much for reading.

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  • Member Posts: 438

    Oh 100% I would love to see that.

    I can imagine walking around as a small artillery unit, or using it with Insidious to hide in crevices waiting for survivors. It would be fun to mess around with.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    Sounds funny as hell, I wouldn't say it's very creepy but funny and disgusting (in a good way) for sure xD

    It also sounds interessting that you could change the way you projectiles fly xD

  • Member Posts: 193

    As an Unknown semi-main… this would be incredibly fun. The UVX would obviously be harder in the crawling mode like you said, but y'know, I think it would be worth it.

  • Member Posts: 194
    edited August 2024

    Yeah I've wanted this since the beginning. I think they should make it like Ghostface though, where you have a reduced terror radius if you're crouched, or just no terror radius. 😈

  • Member Posts: 622

    We already have Xenomorph Ubknown is fine as is.

  • Member Posts: 37
    edited August 2024


    Post edited by ahrenisabimbo on
  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited August 2024

    As an Unknown main I NEED this. The crawl animation they have in that showcase already looks so smooth and ready to be implemented. It's totally wasted potential and I would love for Unknown to be able to crawl.

    It would allow for more unpredictable shots where the survivor can't see you under a low wall tile, unable to tell where you're aiming at. Would add more depth to the already high skill ceiling that Unknown has.

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    The crawling animation in the anniversary trailer isn't unused asset, it's just the mori animation being played.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    Behavior please hire him.

    I wanted this since the beginning. They did such a good job in the promotion. I was so hyped for a crawling killer and then…😭

    I really like this idea. Hopefully they add this with his changes soon. The only problem is that the unknown already got both of his power buttons used and they probably won‘t add a third one.

    One question tho: Is he the same speed while crawling?

  • Member Posts: 37

    I only learned this after posting my discussion lmao i'm just silly

  • Member Posts: 37

    If they wanted to make Unknown like 4/ms while crawling I'd understand but I'd also love to permanently crawl and do stealth builds to scare survivors lmao

  • Member Posts: 566

    I would love to see this implemented in some way!! Its so much lost potential the fact that he only crawls in his mori.

    Maybe after a teleport he could crawl a little just for immersion.

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