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2v8 - Trapper - Naughty Bear - Can't Pick Up Traps

- Platform: PC / Steam
- Description of the issue: When playing as Trapper in the new 2v8 mode with the Naughty Bear skin in the MacMillan Estate Realm, I wasn't able to pick up any disarmed traps when I had no traps in my inventory.
- Sometimes I would be able to grab the traps after resetting them on the ground. It usually took a few tries.
- I didn't try picking up traps when I had one or more traps in my inventory.
- I have not played another match as Trapper with a different skin yet.
Have the same Issue as Trapper with Trapper as Naughty Bear. Usually takes a couple of tries to pick Traps up but you have to go through the animation in every try. When you are out of traps and try to pick up your first it mostly works first try. Most affected by this is the second ( or 2-4 in 2v8 😊 ) trap.
Every other Cosmetic Set or Combination of Cosmetics works fine with Trappers Power.
This is not only in 2v8 but in EVERY Gamemode / Match.
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can confirm this happened to me once or twice whilst playing bear trapper ye
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Yep, same with Naughty Bear.
Played with normal Trapper skin after that and it was ok - no bug.
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I actually created a support ticket for this the other day and they got back to me, acknowledging the issue and asking for my Log files. Just sent them over to support so hopefully this will be fixed soon.
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Can confirm this is happening. Really annoying, but only on Naughty Bear
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Yeah this was happening to me earlier too
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Same here with Naughty Bear on PS5.
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As of August 4th this bug has not been fixed. I've confirmed it's related to Naughty Bear after playing various matches as Trapper with different skins and only Naughty Bear presents these issues.
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Yeah its sad that this bug was present the whole 2v8 mode... Couldn't play as Naughty Bear without having a disadvantage
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I really wish I'd found this thread earlier because this bug has made playing Naughty Bear in this mode absolutely infuriating.
Trapper with normal cosmetics feels so good now.
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This bug exist since the ptb, reported and nothing has been made. The most ironic is after the hotfix to counter the issue map of the 2v8, you need to interact 10 tumes with the beartraps. Before it was just 2/3 times. I think it's not a bug but a feature