New perk Idea: Early Fortitude

I was looking at some of my old documents for perk concepts that i wrote. I stumble upon this perk concept and I would like to share it.
Early Fortitude:
For first 120 seconds of the trial, Early Fortitude activates.
Upon beginning a chase with a killer, Early Fortitude becomes active for 30 seconds.
-Your movement speed is increased by 3%.
-Your vaulting speed is increased by 20%.
Early Fortitude becomes deactivates upon being put into the injured state.
This was a perk concept that i came up with to boosts survivors early game to counter early hook camping and early downs. Thoughts on this perk concept?
I think it should work for 90 instead of 120s from the start, and should be active at all time, deactivate only when time goes down.
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Chasing someone with this at the beginning is a game losing proposition. Finding a new survivor is also a chance endeavor, especially if they also have this perk.
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We'd say it probably would need more deactivate conditions, especially if you'd want it to have 120 seconds as if everyone runs it, it's pretty much 2 minutes of nothing for most killers.
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it already has two deactive conditions. if you get an opening hit, the perk deactivates and if killer chases for 30 seconds, the bonuses expire. They can be re-activated within the timer by killer losing chase or survivor losing chase but honestly losing chase with bloodlust 2. you move fast enough that you shouldn't be losing chase.
if everyone runs it, it's pretty much 2 minutes of nothing for most killers.
This is very good description of Corrupt+Deadlock+Pain Res+Hex:Wretched fate for survivor. 2 minutes of doing nothing due to 4 stacked slowdown. Surely you won't face proxy camping+Tunnelling at 5 gens vs C21 Blight or Other killers with wall-hack add-on's. I.e Cigar box clown etc.
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Ahh we glazed over that second one so our bad on that
That said still sorta poses the same issue of many killers going to be getting nil for those 2 min (as the timer reactivates upon losing chase [which is different than losing the survivor mind you]) without heavy investing in that time sink (since this is at the start survivors have all the pallets to work with [so we're unsure where the whole bloodlust factors in here])
This is very good description of Corrupt+Deadlock+Pain Res+Hex:Wretched fate for survivor. 2 minutes of doing nothing due to 4 stacked slowdown.
Thing is, this is a whole combo of perks compared to 1 single one. Is this combo awful and boring to go against? Absobloodylotely. But the combo requires 4 slots and in the case of 2 of those hooks while yours is at the start of the gate and requires either a hit (which for the average m1 is gonna be tough unless the map helps) or a minimum 30 second sink just for the boost and not counting the time to hit after (and then again for the down). In addition, its not gonna affect a good handful of killers already commonly seen (blight, billy, wesker, huntress), just the uncommon ones (pig, trapper, meyers, gf [to be fair for gf, sneak attacks work]) which gives some less reasons to play them.
Surely you won't face proxy camping+Tunnelling at 5 gens vs C21 Blight or Other killers with wall-hack add-on's. I.e Cigar box clown etc.
So now this part your gonna need to explain to us why its here.
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Thing is, this is a whole combo of perks compared to 1 single one. Is this combo awful and boring to go against?
you act like survivor don't have combos of perks that also slow the killer down… like Lithe+Decisive strike+Med-kit with Red syringe. Dead hard+Iron will+Decisive strike Med-kit Red syringe, Sprint burst+Off the record.
Anyhow, it was perk idea that i wrote 2 years ago, didn't post it because i never thought old MFT would ever show up up in the game but i forgot that i wrote this perk idea 2 years ago.
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you act like survivor don't have combos of perks that also slow the killer down… like Lithe+Decisive strike+Med-kit with Red syringe. Dead hard+Iron will+Decisive strike Med-kit Red syringe, Sprint burst+Off the record.
We act like we know theres bs on both sides. We could rant about our thoughts on those "combos" but short version is that they don't stack and don't stall as well (or maybe the word is consistently since it depends on the killer) as something like the above killer ones (care more about you seeming to try and put us in some X main category).
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Did we just forget the pain and suffering the made for this meta caused? This is just made for this 2.0, no thank you.