We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Is The Xenomorph the most disappointing licensed chapter?

Ekrizdis Member Posts: 65

Just as the title says. Id love to hear what other think about this iconic characters treatment in dbd.

Personally i find xenomorph to be one of the most disappointing licensed killers in dbd. From their extremely simple tail attack to their frustrating clunky gameplay.

The tunnels are cool though but thats honestly the only part of the killer i genuinely enjoy. Perhaps others feel differently?


  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited August 9

    No, because Tomb Raider exist and the only thing missing from Xeno's power for me is Wall Crawling, give it that and i'd consider Xeno to be perfect powerwise.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 114

    I feel like Xenomorph is a really powerful killer but I am a little sad they never gave it a mechanic of bleeding acid blood when it gets stunned

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    Xenomorph is one of the better licensed chapters that is heavily misunderstood by people because they had unrealistic and unreasonable expectations.

    Playing xenomorph actually feels like being one with the tunnels allowing to skulk near survivors and attack them, turrets creating lots of cinematic moments and the tail offering a lot of lethality and opportunities for outsmarting your opponents or bruteforcing them.

    The only truly disappointing part, imo, is his addons that are extremely boring and barely contribute to unique or new playstyles. He basically has cat carrier which allows funny immersive xeno memeing and acidic blood which is so situational and hard to get value from that it's not even worth it. Most addons are basically plain buffs or gimmicky info which is neat, but not interesting.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,078
    edited August 9

    Tomb raider isn’t close to be disappointing in my opinion.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited August 9

    It is to me, because it's not a horror IP and it certainly is not horror-adjacent enough.

    All Lara's inclusion does is allowing any future licensed content to not necessarily be horror and still allow it to be added to the game regardless.

  • Heliosse
    Heliosse Member Posts: 117

    Thanks god im not alone thinking this !

    Could not have said this better, Xenomorph is really great, more tunnels would be cool

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    I wish he had an addon that doubled the amount of control stations and turrets on the map.

    That wouldve been so fun to try

  • Ekrizdis
    Ekrizdis Member Posts: 65

    Okay i forgot about freddy because NO ONE PLAYS HIM. you're completely right

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,078

    Since we got a kpop killer I legit do not care if anyone that doesn’t have the horror essence enters dbd

    We also got dungeons and dragons

    And Lara Croft is known by everyone, in my opinion she was a good addition to dbd.

  • Heliosse
    Heliosse Member Posts: 117

    My favorite chapter in the game alongside Silent Hill so no, im not disapointed in the slightest. Could it receive some changes, yeah for sure, does it need a complete rework, absolutly not imo.

    I would love more tunnels, more entrances/exits so i can use the tunnels more. I'll explain:

    • Having only 7 stations makes accessing them difficult. You are better off walking than doing a detour to access the tunnels, which is really uncool.
    • When you spot someone with the amazing footsteps detection, you just can't attack the guy because the exists are so far from him.

    Except that, i would also like to limit the motion tracker since it's uncounterable for the Xeno :

    • Motion tracker are now it's own thing, you have 3 flame turrets and 1 motion tracker per stations. There is 7 stations, and X secondary entrances. With 21 flame turrets you have more than enough for a whole trial and more. But, ressources are finite, so just like Wesker, it can dry out eventually.
    • With now access to true stealth, the Xenomorph could benefit from the tunnels and it's reduced TR.

    Could changes like this make the Xenomorph more interesting for you or do you want something else entirely ?

    The Alien is so versatile, you could make multiple kits for it, we could have like 4 Xenomorphs with complete different kits. The fact that people expectations were high and diverse plus the fact that despite the biais, this killer is actually very hard to fully learn, yeah no wonder it's not so played.

    Talking about it, it's pick rate is not that bad, it's better than both PH, Onryo and Demogorgon, it's clearly not a forgotten killer.

    Like i said, this killer is not for everyone. It's not simple, not intuitive, not straightforward. You have a lot to do with this killer, but it's more macro focused which is usually looked down upon compared to micro skills.

    My only true grip is i want more tunnels, it's too cool, i want to be able to use it more.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,636

    Most frustrating killer to play as… his tail Attack is bugged as hell and too much inconsistent and turrets are annoying af...

  • ColdCobalt
    ColdCobalt Member Posts: 50

    I mean, there's the acidic blood iri addon at least, but I could see how that's underwhelming

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    Alright everyone , listen to this. How about we rework the alien and instead of the exit gates ….. we need to escape a maze of tunnels and vents ? Pure movie horror . Right ? Entity would love this change.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,658

    Incredibly disappointing because Xenomorph is terrible to play, any fun to be had is choked out of the killer by janky controls, low to the ground FOV, and the flamethrower turrets. And the Alien map has bad performance on console.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited August 9

    Trickster is still a horror character and that's reflected in all from his lore to his mannerism in game, he's as much horror as Norman Bates and Patrick Bateman is horror and him being kpop or having a colorful attire doesn't change or exclude him from being that, as horror can be both colorful and non-conventional.

    Dungeons & Dragons can be excused because it's a game engine to be whatever you want it to be and the devs went with a horror setting and very horror-adjacent killer.

    Tomb Raider is not a horror IP nor is it even remotely horror-adjacent as the scary elements aren't the main focus of the IP, exploring tombs and old ruins is, same way how Lara is only a Survivor, not a horror Survivor. The IP is closer to that of Indiana Jones and Uncharted than it is to horror.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572
    edited August 9

    Xenomorph was one of my favorite killers until they added an ungodly amount of slow to the tail attack a week or two after release. Ever since then they've just felt clunky and punishing to play.

    (And for the record I do think release Xeno's tail attack slow was too short but they made it way too long).

    The turrets also get irritating after a while.

  • Tyler3
    Tyler3 Member Posts: 194

    Have you played the Survivor Trilogy? Getting shipwrecked on a remote island by a powerful supernatural entity, then being hunted down by an insane cult that is doing everything it can to kill you and your friends, seems pretty horrifying to me. You probably haven't even heard of the Yaaxil..

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    To me, his tail attack is a worse version from Nemesis whip. While the tail does insta injure its alot less forgiving than the whip.

    And the teleportation was fun for the view hours it lasted before people started to put flamethrowers right in front of the entrances.

    Xeno brought a strong af perk so anybody poured money into it only for it to be nerfed immediatly. So its no surprise to me, xeno is one of those ultra rare killers you go against.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited August 9

    I've watched the Survivor Trilogy and yes i know of the Yaaxil, it doesn't change the fact that it is still an action adventure IP and not a horror IP, nor is the Survivor trilogy itself advertised as horror.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,923
    edited August 9

    Not when Nightmare on Elm Street exists.

    We didn't get Robert Englund's Freddy, we didn't get Nancy for the survivor, we didn't get the iconic Elm Street house for a map, Freddy doesn't talk when he is one of the most verbally witty slasher killers, he has a boring weak power. That chapter can't even get a cosmetic.

    I struggle to think of positives for it. I hope that changes after Freddy's next rework.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,973

    nostromo in my opinion is one of the most boring maps in the game it’s pretty much just toba landing with a different colour scheme and alien references

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 249

    i'm assuming you forgot freddy exists which is understandable.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    no because they nailed the killer's themes. Only thing that sucks about the killer is its just another victim of a stale meta.

  • Tyler3
    Tyler3 Member Posts: 194

    Nor is Dungeons & Dragons, or Rainbow Six Siege. Horror is subjective. What one person finds scary another will laugh at.

    Tomb Raider is far from the most disappointing chapter and 100% deserves a place in the game.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793

    I don't think Nightmare on Elm Street is the most disappointing licensed chapter, but it is definitely the license which suffered the most throughout the years.

    When the chapter first released, all the way back in October of 2017, it was pretty good. Freddy's power was unique and really accurate to the remake, Quentin (despite the goblin memes) was meant to look sleep-deprived and had the iconic Freddy's claw marks in his P3 skin, and there was only one Badham map, the problematic variants didn't exist.

    But after all of the changes to Freddy, Quentin and Badham the chapter is just not the same gem it used to be. I doubt Quentin and Badham will get better anytime soon, but there definitely is hope for Freddy. He will receive changes at some point in the nearby future, after all.

    (Please BHVR give Freddy some actual love, I've doing this for over five years)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    I honestly thought the chapter was alright, although I know I'm probably the minority. It could have been much better though, which is what hurts it more.

    Up until its release, Alien, Friday 13th and FNAF were probably the most wished for Chapters, so when it was finally confirmed there was a lot of buzz!

    The big problem was the wasted opportunity. The Xenomorph could have been something truely scary; a stealth Killer which could have sudden bursts of speed, being able to walk along walls, and other options. What we got was a minor stealth Killer with a whip and could use tunnels. In the right hands the Xenomorph is still formidable, but it's just not what was expected. Also, not having Sigourney Weaver as Ripley was disappointing (although I understand the difficulties).

    I don't believe it's the worst chapter. The Killer is still fun, I love the flame-thrower mechanic, the map's decent with some nice surprises, and the Perks offered somwthing new, fun and useful. However, with what it could have promised, it was certainly the most disappointing chapter, considering the hype.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 883

    I've never been afraid of shouting how much I love Toba but Nostromo is straight up trash.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited August 9

    R6 (much like AOT) is cosmetic only so that's completely irrelevant as this is purely about chapters only and Dungeons & Dragons can be excused because it's a game engine that exist to be whatever people want it to be, which includes horror, which the D&D chapter is heavily theme'd around both with the map and with the Killer himself.

    Tomb Raider is just Lara Croft only, there is no horror-adjacent killer included, the IP itself is not horror nor does it try to be or advertise itself as being that, it's themes in the game are not nearly horror focused enough and i will never not consider it the most disappointing chapter we've ever had so far.

  • Tyler3
    Tyler3 Member Posts: 194

    So the Hour of the Witch chapter is more rooted in horror than Tomb Raider? Mikaela is just a girl that dabbles in witchcraft. Tomb Raider is a franchise that involves demons, cannibals, murder and ritualistic sacrifice. Which chapter seems more 'horror'?

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863

    Mikaela is original to DBD, which is created and classified as a horror game, which makes her a horror character by default just like all other original characters created for the game itself.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Incredibly narrow minded view of what horror can and can't be.

    If Tomb Raider slapped a horror tag on Steam would it then count as a horror IP to you?

    DBD doesn't need to exclusively take from franchises that call themselves horror. As long as it is thematically and tonally consistent, it is okay.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited August 9

    Except that's why genres exist, DBD falls within the horror genre because it was created with the intent of being horror, Tomb Raider is not a horror IP because it is not created with the intent on being horror primarily.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Me when I don't know media can use multiple genres at once lol.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited August 9

    Me when i don't know that all medias needs a primary genre in order to establish the main identity of an IP.

  • Brutha
    Brutha Member Posts: 179

    I'd say The Nightmare On Elm Street chapter is the most disappointing full chapter, the killer has a boring power, there's no cosmetics for anything in the chapter not even charms except for one outfit you can get for Quentin, the realm is nothing special either. I'd say the Alien chapter is second or third though.

  • Tyler3
    Tyler3 Member Posts: 194

    There's a Stranger Things chapter. According to Google, these are the genres of the show:

    • Adventure
    • Romance
    • Horror fiction
    • Science fiction
    • Horror
    • Mystery
    • Suspense
    • Thriller
    • Supernatural
    • Drama
    • Teen
    • Historical drama

    I'm pretty sure the primary genre of Stranger Things is 'historical drama'! ☺

    Why can't it be? When a piece of media presents itself as multiple genres, how is a primary one decided?

  • Tyler3
    Tyler3 Member Posts: 194

    The PTB version of the chase music (with some minor adjustments), would have been so much better!

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 433

    I think the Alien chapter was pretty great overall. Nostromo is a beautiful map and Xeno plays pretty well. I think it's more interesting to go against as survivor because the turrets really set the flow of the match. Hearing their detection, placing a well thought out turret feels really great when you shut down Xeno's power…..Problem is, after playing Xeno so much I've noticed like 90% of people just stick turrets right outside of tunnels making them pretty useless. Either that or nobody repositions turrets when they're done with them, just leaving them sit in random corners of the map making them a ######### to retrive.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 327

    Leatherface paragraph is muuuuuch worse. Or at least it was when it launched. And I'd argue the Alien chapter still blows what it currently is out of the water by a country mile