Slugging for the 4k

When the killer slugs for the 4k, I roll my eyes. I then proceed to crawl into a corner or as far away from the slug point so they waste more time trying to find me. You need it so bad? Work harder for it. Plus it gives me a little side quest so I'm not bored out of my mind. We both would have been on to next match if you killed me already. I'm petty
I mean, aren't both killers and you having fun in those situations?
Killers are having fun in finding sneaky survivors, survivors are having fun in trying to be as stealthy as possible whether they are slugged or not
I generally won't try to hide once slugged as that feels like waste of time, but I'm always having fun when trying to find last survivor or walking around the corner in hope of not being found
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a killer interested in a 4k won't bother it… doesn't matter if by hook or bleeding, for them it's sufficient to see you dead since this is their primary goal… As for me i slug for the 4k only in those cases:
1 i need to do adept (blame bhvr for this)
2 tome challenge that require a 4k in a match (blame bhvr again)
3 if survivors start to be annoying/toxic to no end (they bring map offerings, broken addons for medkits/toolboxes, use the basekit mechanics offensively aganist me in order to waste my time despite going for other people, using ds offensively especially when they are currently doing secondary things like pinhead's box, etc etc) be sure that i'll gladly waste my time to get a 4k at all costs just to teach them a lesson (to quote chucky: don’t ######### with the chuck!)
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that's also a reason 2v1 dynamic should get reworked
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This absolutely is not a reason it should get reworked because people are just going for longer games by themselves, let them have fun they wished for
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I've seen plenty of people say they do this in that situation too. A sort of 'you wanna waste my time, I'll waste yours.' Definitely petty but like, fair enough also, you know?
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I don't like it either. When it happens i just tab out and watch a video or do some small things IRL. For some strange reason it annoys me more when it happens to a streamer/youtuber…I can't tell exactly why^^….
When i play killer I rarely do it.
The only time i dot it is when 2 survivors are left i down one of them and can see the 4th…then i might do it but not every time. IMO the game is over at that point so i think it is better for anyone to move on.
Also i think finding the hatch and maybe one last chase is more exciting then searching for 1 dude^^
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That's where I'm at. If I already SEE the last guy, I don't wanna lose track of him while I'm hooking his teammate. Otherwise though... I'll hook and hope for the best.
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It's nice of you giving more fun to the killer.
Personally I love looking for a hiding slugged survivor.
If I don't find him, he died bleeding out.
If I find him, it feels nice.
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I encourage you to do that, if I slug you then I'm using that time to smash left over pallets/doors or finding the hatch to close. Looking for your slugged a$$ isn't a priority. So while you think your essentialy giving the slugger the finger your really not lol.
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you're weird
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I mean, not weird people don't do things that they do not enjoy, especially in games
So it's quite clear people are having fun in this kind of situation as long as they aren't afk, there is no reason to take away those fun things from the game
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Nah it's just to waste time and if they bleedout you didn't get them.
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I never really do it, but I'd just bleed you out and watch youtube while waiting if I don't find you, so maybe not the best option if he didn't bleed someone out before and he'd maybe pick you up xD
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I just want the option to bleed out faster for these situations.
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Aren't they having fun in wasting killer's time and accomplishment of "stay hidden for the entire bleedout" tho
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I remember a killer saying they reported me for AFK when they slugged me. I just opened another tab and the crows started circling me. Like bro, I'm not going to stare at you "humping" my body and nodding for 4 minutes.'s hard to recommend this game to my friends.
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Satisfaction from getting "revenge" (you waste my time so I waste yours) is a fundamentally different experience than fun
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Honestly I really do not care if the Killer slugs me for the 4k or not, I tab out and watch Youtube or something. I DO care when they slug me and I am the last person, and they force me to bleed out for the entire endgame collapse or 4 minutes, like a really toxic Doctor did to me during Blood Moon.
I personally don't care enough to do this as Killer, and assume Killers that do it are new and still care that hard about winning in a game fundamentally not about dominating your opponent so hard. But sadly, that's what you get when you make Killer wincons based around kills, not around hooking, and you push the idea that you need to 4k every round all the time, as the current system does.
In other words, if you're upset about Killers slugging for the 4k and behaving this way… well, blame BHVR. They're the one making "Kill them All" challenges, achievements, and subtly encouraging this by stating that 1-2k isn't enough to pip in higher Grades. This is why I think Grades overall just really need a rework, or to be removed entirely, or made so easy to pip up in that even if you 0k/Get Sacrificed early, it doesn't matter. Nobody even cares about Grades anymore.
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Agree to disagree then, both of fun and revenge is same thing in my eyes, people generally do those because those things are best choice for them
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Little do you know, I'm running Deerstalker.
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none would be possible if they just deleted the pity trap door
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When you are slugged then it is your right to crawl wherever you want but from my perspective, doesn't it make more sense to get the game over with so you can start the next one? You aren't just wasting the killer's time, you are wasting your own. If I'm playing killer and I can't find the survivor in a reasonable amount of time cause they are slugged then I'll just afk to use the bathroom, get a snack, watch a YouTube video or whatever. I don't really think of it as a "punishment". Btw, I don't generally slug for the 4k but if there are only 2 survivors left and I catch them together then yes, I'll slug one and hunt the last player. That just makes sense. But if you want to "punish" me for that then that's your prerogative I suppose.
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Took this a little personal I see. Sorry I wanna get a few more points to stay in match longer because the killer didn't want to go ahead and kill me so I could already be in another match.
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Endgame in DBD should get a rework. The killer should not be blamed for wanting to get the optimal outcome. Its their right to try to achieve it. Its bad that the most secure way too do it is extremely boring and tiresome for the other side. Therefore the whole hatch mechanic when two survivors remain in the trial should get reworked. Its long overdue at this point and the mechnic right now only results in people feeling either bored, annoyed or robbed. This leading to heated arguments in end game chat, that we all can do better without.
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Not personal at all lol, if you want to deliberately crawl away with the intention to delay the end of the game out of spite then I'm just saying go ahead because while your doing that the killer gets a chance to get extra points for smashing pallets and looking to close the hatch. so if you want to do that to feel like you got payback in someway then have at it, whatever works for you 😁
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Me too, like please
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You do know some killers in the game by design excel from slugging right?
Freddy: How do you keep everyone asleep and slow the game down? Slug.
Hooking survivors wakes them up. So, by design Freddy gets punished for doing his objective as the killer.
Singularity: How do you spread Slipstream without any add on? Slug.
Hooking survivors pops the slipstream on survivors back for hooking them.
Dredge: How do you keep people injured and speed up Nightfall? Slug.
Don't get mad at us for how we play you should be rolling your eyes at how the killers are being designed that makes us play this way. Everyone don't slug to be toxic, some of us play this way because we get punished just for doing our objective.
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I think survivors should be allowed to kill themselves if slugged for too long. Let's say that the killer slugs you for 4 minutes, right? So I think after let's say 90 seconds you should be allowed to #########. And if no one has unbreakable or they already used it and everyone is currently beeing slugged they should be allowed to bleed out instantly. It's boring for survivors to be slugged for 4 minutes. It's boring for the killer to have to wait until everyone dies…less people would dc as well. And it doesn't hurt anyone. You are gonna die anyway. Just this way you can die faster and it's less frustrating for everyone. And 90 seconds is a lot of time for busy survivors to pick you up that to be honest if no one picks you up even in 60 seconds they are already demonstrating to be incompetent and you shouldn't be forced to keep playing. Unless they don't pick you up because the killer is on top if you and they don't wanna end up like you in the ground. In that case we'll you should still have the option to choose if you wanna die as you have it in the hook
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I always slug for the 4K when it is down to two people. Survivors get their big bonus just for escaping as individuals. The Killer only gets it if he kills ALL four. Why don't we change that big bonus at the end to Survivors only getting it if all four escape? ;)
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Well it's easier for the killer to kill one or 2 survivors at least than it is for all survivors to escape. From the other hand as a survivor chances are that you might die but someone else escapes. Plus I don't think anyone slugs for the blood points bonus. They never did, especially nowadays where blood points are so easy to gain. Killers slug just to kill everyone, not for blood points. And even in the past when blood points where more difficult to gain most killers would run bbq and actually hook people. I think killers just slug for the 4k just to kill everyone and that's it
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Sometimes, killer players in this game want to kill. You wouldnt think this basic thing to be such a hot topic all the time.
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They already worked hard for it. They killed 2 people and are now going for the other 2. If you want to lay on the ground even longer, by all means crawl to that corner.
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But not the killer who's desperate for a 4k. Ok buddy. Sorry I wanna get a few extra points since I'm denied the option to already be in another match getting even more. Survs get points from being alive longer.
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I'm only on the ground because the killer wants me to be. That's the funny part.
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I'm only on the ground because the killer wants me to be. That's the funny part. If they gave me an option to bleed out faster, I'd be so happy.
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Add an option for me to self kill myself and the killer can get points faster. Problem solved. I get to leave a miserable round and they get their precious 4k. Win-win
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It honestly needs to be this:
Slugged to Death = no BP
Suicide Attempt on both Stages = no BP
Hatch = no BP
Why? You might ask, because both are not the respective Objectives of Killers and Survivors
Main objective is Sacrifices on hook for the Entity by Killer.
Main objective is to Power Up Gates by 5 Generators to Escape by Survivor.
Slugging to death is not a win
Hatch escapes is not a win
And you both sides all should feel bad for believing they are a win.
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I don't think BHVR are doing anything about killers bleeding people out for 4 minutes for no reason any time soon. Or survivors gate waiting. I know you can push them out but I wouldn't mind being able to just end the game and give up instead of being forced to walk across the map to push survivors out. Waste of time and not fun to have to do.
There's lots and lots of ways they could make this game less frustrating, but I don't think it's a priority at this point. Tab out, take a quick breather and come back some minutes later. I'd love for these things to be quicker and snappier but I don't think it's ever gonna happen, sadly.
Look, when I'm one of the last 2 survivors, I don't mind just instantly being sacrificed after going down. Or just being able to give up to the entity if you're the last survivor. As killer, I wouldn't mind being able to just give the last survivor an instant escape after 3 players are dead, I don't care about 4ks or escapes, I just wanna play.
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I just look at it this way: If anything it's really telling when it comes to the qualities the player behind the killer is lacking. To me they're exactly like that kid who feels the need to kick the guy already on the ground. Usually I pity them - cause in what sorry state of mind do you have to be for that - sometimes I'm just kinda disgusted. And sometimes I'm both.
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I think you should understand game system a lot more when you make assumption of other peoples, you seems to be making ridiculous assumptions based on extremely biased point of view
Necessity for 4k is a design flaw and nothing else
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If you think slugging for the 4k is bad, in 2v8 I had multiple killer duos slugging TWO ppl and trying to find the third one to secure their 8k. THAT is obnoxious!
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I know, right? How dare they try to fulfill their objective 100%. Don't they know they are supposed to let some of you go? ;)
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I hope every survivor you slug always gets hatch and that every match is a 4 out. This is insane. In a non competitive mode that's supposed to be fun, still survivors can't escape killers that need "8ks" as if their whole family will die if they don't.
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Ok, let's consider carefully what you just said. It brings up questions such as, why do you think any format of this game is non-competitive? It is a 4v1 or 8v2, where one side is supposed to try and escape, and the other is supposed to kill them all. That is the entire game in a nutshell. It doesn't have a non-competitive mode. While some matches happen now and then where the Killer and Survivors decide to farm, that is a mutual choice and not really by design. Next, fun is what you make it. You get out of a game, exactly what you bring into it. If you have decided you can't have fun if the other side is going to bring "maximum effort" as Deadpool would say, it your mindset that is getting in your way.
Your fun should never be predicated on the outcome of the match. Your fun should come from the journey, regardless of the destination. If you don't enjoy the process, then you might have to consider your choice to be in that match in the first place? They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Do you catch my meaning? There is no Survivor's Rulebook for Killers. You have no authority or entitlement to tell other people how they should be playing. You have the right, of course, to complain and try to shame others all you want. Is that really the way you want us to see you?Post edited by Rumplestiltskin on2 -
Lets increase gate opening time to another 30 seconds, as right now, when the gens are going to fast, the killer has no chance to keep up. As there is 4 survivors and only 1 killer.
You want to escape that badly? work harder for it.0 -
OR remove hatch. That would also make slugging for 4k unneccessary. You would be never slugged for the 4k again if hatch wasnt there. sounds good right?
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This is factually correct, even if humor was your primary goal. A Killer who wants to try and earn the big BP bonus for no one getting out, slugs because stopping to put someone on the hook gives the other Survivor a great chance at finding the hatch. They can use that time to move off, hide and begin the search. The hatch is open and it become a coin toss at best for the Killer. Thus, it makes sense tactically to leave the 2nd to last on the ground and hunt down the other Survivor first.
If the Hatch were removed (and many used to suggest this loudly) they would have to have the End Game Collapse start as soon as there was only one Survivor left in the match (rather than closing the hatch). This would mean who has the advantage, Killer or Survivor would depend entirely on how closely the Gates are situated from one another and whether or not there are Perks selected which help in the end game.
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Pity? Idk, if that's the case then endgame collapse shouldn't eliminate afc, basekit borrowed time and ds and otr can activate.
Seeing as that's a "pity" mechanic.
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I dont think slugging for 4k will be gone completely if hatch were to be removed, as anti face camp also didnt remove facecamping completely. (yes, some killers actually make the bar fill up on purpose so they can tunnel off hook. Its equivalent to shoot yourself in the foot by giving other survivors time to repair gens, but i guess for some people it just works.) But it has been reduced greatly, face camping is ultra rare now. I think it would be the same case without hatch, even though it would also need offerings and certain challenges to be reworked.
And GOOD RIDDANCE i would say in that case to the tome challenges. Hatch challanges on survivor are some of the most, if not THE most obnoxious challanges to get done in 2024's DBD. On killer its a coin toss just like the 4k. But at least you can kinda force it by using an offering and camping the place during endgame, 1 survivor always waits till last second at the gate, so you have enough time to close it.1