Unspoken rules?

What are some unspoken rules of dbd? The only one I've heard is "If it glows it goes" what are some others?
There used to be "respect the 4%" but doubtful anyone does anymore
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It's ok to go next.
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And actually, prior to crossplay, there was a lot of unspoken rules where you wouldn't exploit broken #########. Not even just bugs, but crap that was obviously dirty to use, like infinites or abusing op perks. It was because you faced the same people that you played with over and over again and got to know them eventually.
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I remember this one. There was also the on-hook "camp dance" when the killer was camping, which is now just used when people are impatient or they're worried no one is coming to get them. Which, fair lol
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if you see a survivor attempting to get a glyph mid chase, let them get it then resume the chase
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Offering items to the killer = free escape
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Join the crew: If you play survivor and your teammates play the same character, you must play this character too. Same goes for when your teammates play a Resident Evil character, you have to play as a RE character as well.
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This one might be bit controversial because it could be seen as survivors working with the killer. I'm not encouraging it in anyway but im sure we all have done it before.
If someone been hiding the whole entire match everyone cease normal gameplay to go find/kill this individual.
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there's only one rule: play how you want to play
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Unless they're abusing bugs and broken stuff
Post edited by Triplehoo on2 -
I’ve never done this, and it seems like a rule violation for sure.
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Free items don't cut it for me anymore a lot of the time.
BUT… if they pull out a lute, they're good to go.
True! I always let them get a glyph if I see them do it mid-chase.
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Yeah it quite the evil thing to do but it happens sometimes. poor immersive gamers 🤣
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Rule number 1# Throw the rulebooks away!
There is only 2 things needed for a sucsessfull DBD experience.
1) Make sure you enjoy the game. Play by your measurment of fun, not by others.
2) Mind your own buisness. If there is something you really really dislike as long as its not against the rules, go and complain about it to the devs, not harassing the player in egc, it will just lead to nonesense arguments otherwise.0 -
Do i get a free hook then aswell for waiting and wasting my own precious time?
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this is weird. the killer cant even use the items why would they trade this with an escape?
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A hook state isn’t equivalent to a glyph, although it’s pretty unlikely the chase would last much longer anyway. And it takes maybe 2 seconds for the survivor to finish the glyph. That’s hardly any time at all to waste…
Also to answer your question for @not_Queef you get extra BPs if survivors leave their items in trials
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Not swinging when you could swing can pretty much make a HUGE diffrence, dont be disniginious. But its just like i thought, you want something but im not getting anything in return.
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you could also do the glyph when i dont see it btw. So you dont put yourself in danger when doing a glyph and the killer is around close to you.
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I only see two kinds of survivors doing this: one, babies, and I want them to keep that innocence & suspense that I had when I started playing so if it’s down to two of us & I catch ‘em hiding I will let them do that and draw aggro so they have a chance at hatch (this game is not friendly to beginner survivors at all). Another kind of survivor I see doing it usually has a key or plays one of those hatch offerings, which signals to me they’re probably trying to complete a challenge. Given how difficult I know those can be I will also help them with that challenge by distracting the killer until I die. A third type I guess would be survivors who maybe don’t fit either category I’ve described but maybe see the match is fruitless and just hide then. And in that case I mean may the best survivor win.
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It depends on the specific glyph. It can be hard to keep track of where they were seen during chase, several requirement a survivor to be close to spawn them, and at least two for survivors have drawbacks (pink exposes you, blue makes you oblivious and I think blind?). Technically yes you should try to activate them when safe to do so but glyphs are kind of unpredictable
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If you, as a Killer, witness a Claudette Urban Evade into a Bush, you didn’t see anything and move on.
Also, if you, as a Killer, have a Leon or Carlos beckon you to a mattress, you are obligated to oblige them their desire.
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Ive done a ton of glyph challenges during the 4 years i play this game. You'll find one in the next round or in the next 2 rounds if you didnt have a chance in the first one. And pink only exposes you if you dont act fast enough, you have plenty of time to approach it before that happens. Blue glyph oblivious or blindness has a set duration which is rather short, its not that big of a deal. The orange glyph for killer has debuffs that stay there until you have completet it while also requiring you to do alot of hook stages while being debuffed.
Im not saying its unfair, but since you want to go the "they are hard" route in this argument.. They are not that hard.
Yellow glyph requires just training with skillchecks, used to avoid these when i was new, can do em with no problem now. White one should get a description update as its very confusing for new players but that one can easyly be done any time in the trial when the killer is occupied. Green and red ones are litteraly not neccessary to stress over as you have more than one spot to get them. And you hear them aswell.
So yeah. Why should i not take the opportunity for the hit if you had more than enough chances to complete the glyph outside of chase? unlike they implement a glyph that specificly only shows up when you are being chased, i find that "rule" rather ridicilous sorry.
And even if so, the killer still doesnt get a trade off from letting you have your glyph, there is no benefit in that, only self handicapping.0 -
Always say GG and Boop the Snoot are the ones i follow
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my personal rule is that if you bring a map offering i will make you miserable. Yeah hate me if you want .
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Tbag after every pallet drop or stun to lighten the mood.