We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Is DBD still fun for you?

I’m sure if you play only as killer you are. Survivors not so much. Here are some reasons why the game is not fun anymore for survivors.

  1. The only way for survivors to escape from the killers are pallets and perks. Survs gets hit through pallets and windows, if the killer is lagged, wow, getting hit from miles way is a laughter situation. There are not enough pallets in maps and maps are currently filled and filled with dead zones. So, if survs don’t have pallets or perks we go down. Going through windows we get hit or down, no matter how far we are on the other side. We get hit or down through pallets while stunning the killer and being on the other side. Hitbox is just horrible, it doesn’t exist 99% of times.
  2. We don’t have good perks anymore. There’ no metas because there are no perks that are good anymore. The ones that were good were nerfed and are now dead. If we play without perks is the same thing as playing with them. Killers on the other hand have perks for EVERTHING! Gens, auras, noeds, whatever, they have everything. We can’t even hide anymore because they see auras 95% of the time. The fun is basically a game of hide and seek, which it was when the game began 8 years ago. It’s not that anymore. You can stand still on the far corner of the map and the killer will still find you. Good luck, right?
  3. So, when survs don’t have speed, perks, pallets, hitbox, killers have perks with instadowns, bloodlust, teleportations, long distance itens or powers while being 3 times faster than survs. While survs have what? Exhaustation for minutes on end if we use an exhaustion perk. I don’t even use it anymore, I’m going down either way. The killer will catch up in a matter of seconds.
  4. Toxic killers that tunnels til death while having 5 gens. Survs don’t have perks good enough for anti-tunneling anymore because the game is pro tunneling, it must be. Killers leaving survs to die of bleeding out while humping their bodies. There is no option to just “give up” while being on the ground. We are obligaded to watch and wait for MINUTES! All of this because toxic people want to show how good they are, while having extra speed, perks, add-ons and instadowns.
  5. If you have any fun on this game is when playing killer or sometimes surv with friends. Solo queues are just unplayeable, which most surv players play. I don’t have friends that can play with me for hours on end, which leaves me to solo queues most of the time. After I die an anough amount of times I just give up. Behaviour it seems doesn’t care about survs anymore, everything is killer sided. The only good perks we had got nerfed and killers are only getting buffed in all updates I see. It’s a shame really, because I like the characters, the mechanics of the game, but I don’t see Behaviour doing much.
  6. If I’m a survivor I will do everything I can to survive, so why deadhard, DS and other perks got nerfed? We have more than 50 survivors, triple the perks and only 1% are usable right now. It’s really sad indeed.

Now, name one thing, one thing at all that benefit survs? You’ll get a prize! :)



  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 467

    The team mates are worse than ever so many dc, or give up on hook or hide all game or delibrarly sabotage the game
    you can swf with good players and ive done that but it gets to the point were your all out every single game an that gets boring
    so its ethier boring guaranteed wins or pain of your terrible team mates.

    killer you get death threats an told any way you play si wrong win your a try hard an told to comit sucicde you lose your a loser who should die an that you have no friends.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    No not really.

    Its just an easy game to boot up for a few matches at the end of the night. No real comp scene, nothing to strive towards, 1 default game mode w/ some temporary variety sprinkled in.

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 151
    edited August 9

    i dont find the game fun bc ppl take the game too seriously. I only really see it as a buggy party game that is one update from breaking. It feels like I have to play in a robotic way to win, which is quite boring. The repetitiveness of dbd is another thing i find boring. Every match feels the same, even with the variety of maps It feels like im playing on the same map except recolored with 20 million different plants and objects in the way. I can only play for like an hour at a time before i get bored

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,973

    I still have fun although 2v8 is absolutely boring in my opinion from the survivor side beside 2v8 I haven’t played killer since unknown releases can’t be bothered

  • MarbleThrone
    MarbleThrone Member Posts: 436

    "Is DBD still fun for you?"


  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 225
    • It's true that some maps have no-sense dead zones, it's true Devs love unsafe pallets, but there are some perks for survivors that are really strong (OG perks)

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,534

    Solo survivor feels pretty painful when you're up against competent killers, SWF is just fine, as always. Killer is pretty good, but unless you've got very strong pressure, chase or lots of slowdown, gens are flying if you're playing in high MMR pool. I still find the game kind of fun though, but not been playing too much of it recently.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 337

    No, but it's cheap dopamine.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I'm having fun with 2v8 right now, I'm glad they extended it. I'm worried about some of the killer combos they could add in the future that could kill that fun though.

    1v4 I don't find fun anymore. I stopped playing last summer because I wasn't having fun - only popped in for couple previous game modes and anniversary. When 2v8 is over I'll be going back on my break until it comes back or if another game mode looks interesting. I'm done with the base game mode, I don't think there's anything they can do there to make it fun for me again.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Yes. Killer is alot of fun these days.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,825

    If the game wasn’t fun, I wouldn’t play it

  • Bravobro
    Bravobro Member Posts: 167

    I know Times where survivor are so hard to play against that i gave Up and Play other Things. (Start of mmr )With the mmr system they Game is realy hard you have No Times where IT IS easy you are constand in Stress. For both Sides.

    In really old Times you pip realy fast Up and have from time to time a good and fair match.but Now IT IS a Nightmare If you kill one time 4 survivor. As survivor, escape 5 time and you have the try hard Killer. The Problem is mmr

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,294

    As for deadzones: when I spawn into e.g. Coldwin with WoO and Open Handed and can count the pallets I can see on one hand… most of the map is a deadzone right off the bat - and after one decent-ish chase the entire map is a deadzone. - That being said: there is a good amount of confirmatin bias since you'll remember that awful Coldwind farm match much longer than, say, a Garden of Joy match (which is perfectly normal and also shouldn't be disregarded; if a few maps can spoil an entire game mode [survivor] for a player than that's an issue, even if it's statistically only occurring in 5% of the matches that player is engaged in.)

    On the hit boxes: varied. Sometimes more annoying than other times but there are ridiculous things happening sometimes.

    On the perks I'd be very interested in the "and more" part. Cause naming a handful of perks - even all exhaustion perks included not enough to give four survivors buids without duplicate perks - really doesn't sound like good balance. At least not when it comes to variety. (And one of the greatest complaints about surv perks is that it's always the same handful of perks.)


    To answer OPs original question: In 2v8 I usually have fun. - Sometimes the sweats get in and then it's ridiculous but overall prettyy fun (recently had a Billy essentially doing an endless tight loop around main on the Coldwin map and Nurse just one blinking everyone cause pretty much everyone was exposed all the time. Fun times. - Unironically if it's the odd match. But once it becomes matches like that back to back… nah fam, that's not it). Played a handful of matches with some friends in normal mod and o gawd was that awful. - It felt so… undynamic, empty and scripted.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 114

    I still have fun most of the time as a survivor, although it can be a little difficult at times when I'm playing with my lesser experienced friends and a lot of tiles now are absolute rubbish

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627
    edited August 9

    I still like solo survivor. Survivors still have plenty of good perks, running out of pallets/into a deadzone is a skill issue, getting hit through vaults is on your wifi not the killers (not p2p).

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited August 9

    "only play killers" is such a broad terms and basically means nothing, if you play weaker sides of killers consistently, there is no way you can have fun

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    Really? I play Myers and Trapper mostly, and those are considered to be two of the weakest Killers in the game. I have a blast. Of course, I'm the competitive sort, and enjoy the challenge of overcoming adversity to achieve triumph. What is interested to me is that you seem to feel or imply that "fun" is somehow only possible with having the biggest or the strongest.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited August 9

    Then there is no reason survivors can't have fun, I'm just staying on the line with this post

    Everyone preach "you can't play the game without anti tunneling perks" or "you can't play the game when survivors genrush in 3 minutes", so it is quite common and if anything pretty "normal" for majority of players, of course some people can have fun even in those situations

    But like, you should know I'm talking about common sense, and not about extreme outliers who feel fun in literally everything of the any games

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 667

    1. Newer map designs are much better than older ones. They are not perfect but better. They messed up with Haddonfield of cause but their other reworks are good/decent - Red Forst is a fair map and they even buffed Ormond for survivors. Now they try to make Midwich better for survivors. Lagging killers/ killers with high ping is not the fault of the game. Other games have the same/a similar issue.

    2. Survivors have good Perks too and Perks for everything: Aurareading with Troubleshooter, Wire Trap, Gens with Hyerfocus, Deja Vu, Chase with WoO, Iron Will, Exhaustion perks. General strong; Unbreakable, DH, DS, OtR, Adrenalin and much more. So saying survivors have nothing and killers have everything is just wrong. But I guess saying this fits your drama more.

    3. Inatadown Perks are not even good while the developers remove slowly all the instadown Addons. Killers also need map mobility to be more reliable. Many killers that don't have any type of map control are just weaker (Ghost Face, Myers, Trapper, Clown). Killers also not 3 times faster than

    4. We have DS, OTR, BT, DH and now Babysitter and Resurgence to make tunnling more difficult. The developers care about this part and to make it better for survivors. Year, the 4man bleed out is annoying and I wish we had options to end a game quicker but maybe this will come with the finisher mori. Also toxic players are toxic because they are toxic and not because the game or the developers encourage them. those players exist on both sides. It is not a killer only thing.

    5. My teammates are bad = this game is killersided = the developers don't care about survivors. Year, seems legit. Killers get QoL changes to feel better to play. If a killer feels miserable to play no one plays them which means more players play the same killers which are Nurse, Blight, Billy, and Wesker. I think the survivors benefit from QoL changes for weaker Killers so we can see more different killers and not always the same ones. Besides that, the developers also nerf killers to make it better for survivors like Wesker to reduce the tunneling or Chucky to remove the lose lose pallet situation. They also nerfed regression perks and buff the hook timer to 70. The developers introduced the Anti-facecamp mechanic, HUD, and DC Bots. They care about survivors.

    6. These Perks are still strong and have a high usage. They got nerfed but not to the ground - the developers made them fair and fair is not useless.


    You complain about survivors get nothing besides nerfs while killers get or have everything. This is not true and a simple look at the patch notes or at the game over the last month proofs it. Instadown is not even strong in the current metagame. Many other points are not a game but rather a player/humanity or technical issue.

    Usually I don't reply to this but there was so much unbelievable fake and misinformation. Oh and I want a prize:

    The developers makes camping and tunnling over the years much harder, survivors still have really strong Perks and some Addons are even stronger than some killer ones or even stronger than Trappers Trap.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 876
    edited August 10

    Sure I do. But I won't say it doesn't make me grumpy at times.

    I still enjoy the variety that playing Killer brings. Plus, I'm not so bad at Killer and I like to win, so it can be a little rough on the old ego to play too much Survivor. I tend to hop over to the Killer side if the Survivor games are not going so well.

    If I played Survivor with the hope of escaping regularly, I'd have quit the role a long time ago. But those rare wins do feel special and I guess that's still enough to keep me coming back.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580
    edited August 10

    I have plenty of fun derping around in SWF with my friends, and still enjoy many Killers. The game occasionally is frustrating but that's part of the experience, no different from a hard game like Dark Souls or something.

    Maybe you just need a break, dawg. Nothing wrong with taking a break to deal with Burnout.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    People will say you are wrong but let's be honest, dbd is not really fun outside of 2v8 if you are a survivor in 2024. Sure there's still SWF and that will be fun since it's with friends but really just the survivor experience is ass. Like how hard would it be to make sure hits are validated by the server instead of a laggy killer?

  • RenoPro
    RenoPro Member Posts: 69

    I only play survivor and only in solo and i like it, btw every like 2-3 months i quit for like 1 month for boredom.

  • RenoPro
    RenoPro Member Posts: 69


    I agree, the problem of 1vs 4 is mmr and sbmm. They make all matches repetitive.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,504

    Killer is fun for me but survivor has became less fun. It's compination of many things and I can agree with many points of your post.

    In 2vs8 I say buffing killers to be stronger when they're together is mistake.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I see it often enough, or have in my last survivor matches, which have been a while. And it seems like a lot of other people also see tunneling and camping often enough to be a serious problem, or there wouldn't be as much complaints.

    Those strategies surely are not dead in any way. Tunneling is still one of the, if not the strongest strategy for killers. Even just in videos of content creators I sometimes see how they resort to tunneling if they are losing, and then end up winning because of the tunnel. Tunneling is incredibly effective.

    Camping is also effective. Against some killers you can try and hook trade, but against killers like Leatherface or Huntress not even that is possible. Also, if all 3 survivors have to come and swarm the hook to get a rescue against a camping killer, then that's no one on gens at all, which will just lead to a 100% loss for survivors. Them losing has nothing to do with being bad in that case. In the contrary, it's bad killers that have to resort to camping in order to win matches.

    At least camping is being nerfed a bit in the next patch, but it surely won't be enough.

    DS is good against tunneling, but not everyone runs it. And no, you can't just easily take a killer on a chase after being unhooked. 10 seconds of BT aren't enough for that, against strong killers with good anti-loop it's very possible to not last long at all, given you are already injured when coming off the hook.

    Kindred, Camaraderie and Reassurance can be helpful, but often enough only in a swf. Not sure why you would even mention the "anti-camp" mechanic, it isn't an anti-camp mechanic, but an anti-facecamp mechanic. It does nothing against regular camping.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    I’m sure if you play only as killer you are. Survivors not so much.

    Funny, because I had been a killer main since I started playing, and the last few months I had been playing almost exclusively survivor, as with the latest changes in perks and such, playing killer had become extremely stressful to play again.

    Now, name one thing, one thing at all that benefit survs? You’ll get a prize! :)

    You are 4. The moment survivors start playing as a team and coordinate a little so they benefit from the numeric advantage, there is little the killer can do unless he has a good build with the "correct" perks for him to gain some more time to do what he must.

    What have I won?

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    I actually agree, hit validation and auto aim both need fixing, and i say this considering myself more of a Killer player (though I tend to play more Survivor than Killer because my friends do).

  • RenoPro
    RenoPro Member Posts: 69

    The problem is that the dev balance the game around stack of surivor, but this is just wrong bc the solo q experience should be their focus to balance the game.

    3-4 stack should have penalities like 30 sec more to complete generators and such.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 672
    edited August 11

    Yes SWF balancing is a problem. If you balance the game around solo q it makes SWF godlike. If you balance the game around SWF it makes solo q horrendous. It's virtually impossible to balance the game properly around 3 different types of player.

    Until BHVR acknowledges the problem and put some restrictions in the game for team players on comms then solo q will unfortunately just stay in the same broken state. I can honestly say that I only get around 1-2 out of 10 games that I actually enjoy in solo queue. The rest are just an all round frustrating & miserable experience these days.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    nerfing SWF won't achieve anything.

    solo q just needs functional voice chat or a gameplay where there is a functional voice chat and the game should then be balanced / designed around the assumption solo q / swfs are the same.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,923

    It has it's moments.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 672

    Solo queue with voice chat won't really do much for the solo queue experience. Most SWF teams are groups of players who play together on a regular basis and coordinate perks and are practiced in some form of teamplay. Over time they become better and more coordinated. This can never happen with random solo players. In fact voice chat for solo q would probably just make it more of a toxic cess pit with players abusing each other over comms which would be significantly harder to monitor.

    More in-game options would be better for things like going for the save, stay on gens etc etc. At this stage I still don't understand why these basic functions aren't in game. Not like it's difficult to do.

    Regardless if all of this happens it still doesn't do much because the game is balanced around SWF v Killer, when it should in fact be balanced around solo q v killer. That can never happen unless killers are willing to accept the fact that they become playthings for SWF teams.

    As I said before it's impossible to cater to all 3 sets of players so they either buff solo q and put some restrictions in place for SWF or they just continue down the SWF v Killer balancing and let the solo queue players rot. The 3rd option of buffing solo queue at the expense of Killer fun v SWF is never going to happen. Killer is probably the most important role in the game with regards to keeping queue times at a reasonable level.

    The easiest way imo is to apply some kind of handicap to SWF teams and buff solo queue. This would allow them to some extent to make changes that won't directly effect the opposing groups. If SWF become too weak then just change the handicap with little to no direct effect to solo queue balance. Solo queue becomes too strong strong then just apply some nerfs with tweaks to the SWF handicap to compensate etc etc. It's not perfect, but at least it's a move in the right direction to accommodate Killer, Solo q & SWF balancing.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    in other words - punish skilled players on both sides in favour of low skilled casuals.

    no thanks.

  • RenoPro
    RenoPro Member Posts: 69

    You will never have a full 4 people with open mic, is not 2009. They are probably in discord with their friend or they just don't want to socialize.