Make the *Grade* Rank System more harder and require more skill to rank up (LIKE OLD DBD RANK)

zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20
edited August 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

you cant go lower then your rank and its hard to lose a pip as a survivor and killer if you lose and it feels too easy to rank up these days. What im suggesting is to work on the (Grade) rank System to make it harder to get a higher rank. and i want to be able to show my rank to players at the end of the game *like you could a while back* . and i want to be able to see the MMR Number Points. I WANT THE OLD RANK System Now i verse noobs at high rank too its too ez to hit irisesent 1 as killer and survivor!.

Post edited by zLoqzx on


  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20


  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Also you didnt lose iri one even before, losing iri 1 was never a thing once youve reached it.

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    because its to easy to pip up to iri 1 and time when purple,red,green,andmore rank colours use to take still to get red ranks (NOW its too ez to get to red ranks

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20


  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    not untill at least when pinhead came out and the rank system changed into gold silver and iridesent then they made it so u couldent depip and lose rank

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2024

    what? its eazzzyyyyy

    wdym after years i havent played the game in years and i ez reached iri 1 on suevivor and on progress to get iri 1 on killer

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    why do you care if it is easy or not? its just bloodpoint rewards, you dont even see other peoples ranks. Litteraly noone is going to agree with you, you dont have a good argument why they should change it.

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    the rank is a thing u earn from playing matches and playing good in them

    there is no punishment when u lose a game EVEN DC,ing U DONT DEPIP even when u disconnect and thats crazy

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    i played dbd at a time where getting high rank took skill thats my point

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    they should make it so u can flex ur rank like older dbd and what aguement? it should require skill at least a bit of skill to reach high rank thats all

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Sorry for that? or not? idk man this seems like a no issiue. But i dont see why it should be "hard" to get bloodpoint rewards in the first place. The players are comitting alot of time to the game if they reach iri 1, that should be rewarded.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 813

    Grade isn't rank, though. MMR is more like the ranking system we used to have, that's what takes skill to raise. We just don't get to see what it is so we don't have to fret about raising or lowering it.

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2024

    i agree! if u went to silver IV from iridesent 1 lets say *at the end of the month dosent matter if u go silver from iridesent u still get the reward from the max rank u got even if u derank thats what i think. and it isnt about bloodpoints i just want the ranking system to mean something a bit more

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    Not anymore it isnt much of a rank but they should show the MMR so i know what im coming up against

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    it is totally about bloodpoints. if you want ranking up to be harder and want get back to de-pipping then ALOT of people are gonna be mad. If you want to make it harder for me to reach my iri 1 so i can get 1 mio bloodpoints for both classes then we are going to have an issiue.

    The developers alredy made their decision anyway and the overwhelming majority of the playerbase likes it that way. You are not gonna disrupt people from getting their bloodpoints, what ever reason you have to try to do so. Again, its not even affecting you at all.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Let alone de-ranking even. This was even worse than only loosing pips, however both was utterly unneccessary i dont understand how anyone would want that back.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504
    edited August 2024

    This is a highly RNG-based game. The old rank system with de-pipping punished people heavily for a single bad match in which skill may or may not have been a factor. As survivor, your teammates affect whether you live or die more than your own abilities. According to BHVR, MMR is not overly affected by a single match, whereas we saw the old rank system with de-pipping was hugely affected by a single match.

    The average player just wants to enjoy the game and earn Bloodpoints. It's not fun when a bad match has a larger impact than just being miserable while it's happening, most people don't want extra punishment on top of that. Region and matchmaking and RNG are all huge factors in how matches go, and most of us understand that and don't feel a need to "flex" a number at the cost of everyone else's enjoyment.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    Very well said.

    I do not want to have five good to great to OK games, only to end up with one crappy game tanking my hard-earned progress. That's bad. That feels bad. That punishes me for something I may or may not even have been in control of. I may have had hackers I genuinely could do nothing against, I may have had an MMR mismatch, I may have brought the wrong perks, I may be playing a Killer or build I normally don't. Why should I be heavily punished for losing for any of that being the case?

    Depipping is, was, and always will be a trash idea in a game of tag like this one with this many characters you need to prestige to unlock the full game. DBD isn't meant to be a comp e-sport just because it's a competitive game.

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    the whole point why ranks (grades) were added in the first place is like every other game like rainbow six siege siege or valorant they added it to show skill till they realised its a broken system (now its easier to rank) - ik dbd is a horror game is depipping could be bs in times becuase u run the wrong perks on or have A BAD GAME 1 but what punishment does it give you?? if u still get the BLOODPOINTS FROM hitting iri 1?

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    and they shoud make it way less punishable like using mmr to derank like other games instead of pips (or make it like half depip or sometihng) and ur ALL CORRECT BTW I AGREE but i want grades to mean sometihng and have an option to show the grade to ther players

  • zLoqzx
    zLoqzx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    and ONE CRAPPY GAME use to double depip u like hell in old dbd!!! BUT IF they made it more better like u get half pip gone instead or harder to derank/depip or lets say u got tunneled at 5 gens u dont depip thats a good idea instead of a full 2 depip . what im saying is the max rank u reach no MATTER what of you lose the max rank you STILL get the bloodpoints for reaching the rank and make it A LITTLE BIT LIKE OLD DBD WHERE U CAN flex u grade because u earned the grade

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    Yes it did… and it was trash then, too. It would be trash now.

    Punishing the player for things that were out of their control, having a singular bad round, or otherwise not streaking win after win after win (which isn't even POSSIBLE fully without serious luck in this game) is terrible game design, and only encourages extreme sweat. It wasn't okay and wasn't fair.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    Grade is just meant to be a little progression thing you can work towards and get some BP. I'm happy they removed depips and losing grades.

    The real question is, should we let people people see their MMR, and their percentile? Should we add official DBD ranks based on the percentile of your MMR compared to other players? I don't know.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,594
    edited August 2024

    With MMR in the game, there's really no need to make the Grade system something that heavily punishes you, hence we removed depipping.

    Ranks/Grades are not connected to skill, and really never have been. We are fully aware that these are basically hours played, which is the same as the old ranking system - if you played enough you would be iri 1 regardless. That's why there were so many complaints back then about matchmaking not doing it's job because the skill could be so totally random. So you'd have a Rank 10 survivor against a Rank 10 killer for example, but the skill disparity would be huge.

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 122

    I agree with you about grades Mandy, but I'm also wondering if it would be possible to tighten matchmaking or give players the option to play with tighter matchmaking at the exchange of (possibly) longer queue times? I think there are a number of players that want more experienced teammates and/or opponents.