We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Is DBD still fun for you?



  • RenoPro
    RenoPro Member Posts: 69
    edited August 11

    Punishing people who are actually exploit the game by doing things that are not possible to do it on the game itself, aka talking to eachother. What's the point of visual perk if the dev put discord squad in their equations? None.

    Squad stack need to have penalities or the game will never be "balanced"

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    weird take, but alright.

    people dont have to have open chat to be able to benefit from it. and even having just one or two people doing basic coordination would be enough to mitigate most of the unfair disadvantage solo q players have.

  • RenoPro
    RenoPro Member Posts: 69

    But is not guaranteed how can you balance it?

    My problem with stack is that the devs balance the game around them, just look at the last adrenaline nerf.

    Instead the game should be balanced around solo Q and stack of survivor should have penalities.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 372

    It would be near impossible to balance around solo queue without forcing survivors to play a certain way. That couldn't really be done without harsh in game penalties or making things bannable.

    That would remove the fun of the game for a lot of people. They can try and take samples of games where all 4 solo queue players are actively trying to win and balance around that. But if even one survivor decides to do something that isn't progressing the game, that sample would have to be thrown out.

    I'm also looking at this as someone who doesn't really enjoy playing survivor anymore. Playing solo queue just ends up with me being frustrated within a couple of matches. I either switch to killer or stop playing afterward. I do wish there was an easy fix to make it feel more fun again but I can't think of one.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    guarantee and balance what?

    you're playing the team based game with random matchmaking. i dont understand how do you expect this inherent flaw of random matchmaking to ever disappear.

    you'll always have bad teammates, people who dont play to win, people who're bad at the game. that's normal, that's the nature of any team based game.

    balancing the game around the idea that survivors are severely underperforming while killer is not is a ludicrous mindset to have because you're essentially asking to kill the game for any decently skilled people.

    and punishing people for playing with friends is just as dumb and insane. you know what would happen if you'll penalize survivors for playing premades? they'll play solo q matchmaking and will try to get in the same lobby to bypass the unnecessary penalty.

  • RenoPro
    RenoPro Member Posts: 69
    edited August 11

    I was saying that the introduction to voice chat to solo Q will not solve anything bc is not a rule, some match you will have 1 with mic some other maybe 3. It dosen't solve the problem of balancing  between solo Q and stacks.

    Balancing the game around solo Q and killers!….killer eat solo Q rn bc the game is balanced around stacks of survivor vs killer. i don't see how a "skilled" player is touched by that.

    Is not a punishiment lol ( punishiment is the nerf of adrenaline for solo Q) is just a feature to make the game right. The game is not build with 4 friend squad in mind but they take stacks as ruler to balance the game. This need to stop.

    And lore wise sorry but made sense in a way, why the Entity should not give a penalities to 4 friends who affront the trial together? They are less scary then he eat less.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I play both and killer is definitely the easiest it's ever been. I'm an okay killer and I do lose once in a while, but most of my games are 3 or 4 games by a large percentage.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    it removes the only actual difference between solo and swf gamemodes - ability to play with VC due to being in premade.

    the rest is on players - they're free to coordinate to take strong items just like SWF, they're free to get good like SWF players eventually do.

    i genuinely see no point in continuing this dialogue bc it's going in circles. if you play solo - deal with the fact you'll had bad teammates and anti team players. no amount of stupid balancing will aid that.

  • RenoPro
    RenoPro Member Posts: 69
  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    no, i see your point perfectly and im telling you it's a bad take.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,759

    You're point is clear, I generally agree with you, but it's a conversation that has come up on the forums a lot.

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308

    I do have fun, but I play way less. Other than balance and new content, the only thing I would like to see in this game to make it more enjoyable is:

    • Survivor: Bleed out faster option, since I'm tired of slugging for 4k
    • Killer: Allow killers to leave the match once the exit gates are powered (not DC) I don't want to camp or wait till survivors want to leave.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    No. Tunneling once you realize you're already losing, it's way too late at that point. You just lose anyway. Bad survivors can throw just about anything if they choose to though.

    And I'm assuming that's the caliber you're basing all this off of. Like they never have the thought to punish camping by doing gens. Or are you suggesting that because 1 survivor gets guaranteed camped to death in certain hyper specific situations (just Myers and Leatherface), all camping is OP unfair? Idk at this point. But I'm tired of seeing this; there's no diversity of thought on these topics at all. You either have the right opinion, or "Wrong cuz killah biased."

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    That's mostly what he's saying, yeah. But SWF getting a debuff is the definitive solution to this issue.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    im not sure what's the point of you saying that, but I really hope you don't think this is a good idea or approach to solving the disbalance, let alone an actual working solution to this issue one way or the other.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I have seen enough matches where tunneling was able to secure a killer a win where they would have most likely lost otherwise. It's not too late if you tunnel out a survivor who is already on the second hook stage.

    Camping is very effective against a lot of survivor teams. Even good survivor teams, if you get a down early enough. But it's especially problematic for solo queue because they can't communicate to others that the killer is camping. Most importantly though, it's just awful design. It's insanely unfun to go against, even if it isn't always an op strategy. Unfun strategies shouldn't be as effective as tunneling and camping currently are.

    Also, there are quite a few killers that can be pretty damn effective at camping, not just Leatherface and Myers.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Killers have their struggles, but the primary one nobody wants to address is skill. Skilled killers always have, and always will be, successful. BHVR making nerfs to survivor because of a lack of skill from killers was the issue. At first it was adding perks like Lethal Pursuer and Pain Res to give killers huge objective rewards for very little effort (Pain Res) or none at all (Lethal pursuer). Slowly after that it was bloating the game with killers with insane powers to make even the worst of killer players feel like they're top tier. At least Nurse and Blight require some skill to be even remotely decent.

    Looking at killers like Vecna and Dracula, they have so many abilities with so little punishment for bad plays. And in the case of Dracula, is basically 3 different killers in one with zero drawbacks. Pyramid Head, Sadako/Freddy (teleporting), and Wesker. Why is this necessary? And every killer is anti-loop nowadays, but the devs dont want to remove or severely nerf other abilities or perks to compensate.

    Vecna has map traversal, anti-loop, and detection abilities. Vecna can add gen regression and aura perks to make a killer with almost zero flaws.

    Every new killer is just remake Freddy over and over again and its so boring. The trial is supposed to be a trial for both the survivors and the killer. Doesnt seem to mean much on the killer side when you're spoonfed wins.

    This is why I enjoyed 2v8. It was great to go back to a time in DBD before all of this. When skill and efficiency mattered. In the main game? Its $$$. Just buy the newest killer with its perks and with all the map changes and adjustments that favored killer over the years you're almost guaranteed a 4k every round.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    The verbal abuse that I witnessed from other players in TCM is why I would never, ever want DBD to have it. Its clear that unless the people in your match are your friends, they cant handle themselves. No thanks. Just pre-fab messages we can send out would be better.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    Chatwheel with preset messages would be optimal, but voice chat is simply more flexible.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    Yeah dude its totally only the survivor side thats got it rough (writing this while in my 4th game in a row vs a bully squad that took my game hostage)

  • coolgue1
    coolgue1 Member Posts: 126

    Thay laughable u call a perk a counter of someing a killer can do base kit on anyone perk shouldnever need to be a counter for BK straps perk should be used to counter perks not brain dead game play on killer

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117
    edited September 28

    I think tbh a lot of players reap what they sow.

    I love playing survivor, it is naturally suited to my normal coop video game preferences, and I can happily queue up for survivor any day of the week. I like to challenge myself, I don't run meta perks; I ban myself from exhaustion perks, Commodius Toolboxes and Iri add-ons, and try to avoid OTR and DS unless necessary... but I still play to win and I have plenty of fun and wins would you believe, and usually with the idea of trying to make a particular silly erk work. I do my tome challenges and try to make builds around those, and I have plenty of enjoyment in this game.

    I genuinely feel like the DBD community doesn't actually want to have fun, they actually just want to dunk hard on the other side.

    The number of Boil Over Sabos, DS Unbreakables, Commodius BNPs I see trying to mess with the killer is insane, and the hardcore gen slowdown into tunnel hard for killers is just so bland. Both sides are being lame sweats themselves, then get upset when their games are sweaty and unfun... and its all in the name of pushing an invisible number you can't even see or brag about... a negative feedback loop where the prize is to get thrown in with all the other boring sweats playing the same 3 builds.

    To me that's just insane... I don't want to have to sweat every game just to function, which is where I genuinely believe most players who complain are. They play uber sweaty and now they can't not play that way cause their MMR is up with all the other sweats... there is no way to have fun anymore. The only thing they can do is play super optimal and lame or they themselves get optimised and lamed out... no wonder noone has any fun.

    If you want to have fun, stop trying to dunk on the other side. Take all your busted stuff off and try to make an actual game of the Game.

    Will you lose? Sure you will, but no more often than you do now when your MMR settles, and you won't be tilted and stressed out of your mind anymore.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    Both sides are fun for me, and I play Pig and soloq.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,132
    edited September 28

    They likely mean in casual games, the game is pretty unforgiving for both sides, but it's rare you actually get a SWF who is playing really try hard unless you play during peak time, which is when it's unforgiving for killer.

    But as it stands if you play optimally at killer, it is killer sided rn, the stats even prove the point lol…

    And no Nightlight etc is not a reliable resource as only select games get uploaded, it's part of the data, BHVR has all of it

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,716

    The game goes from frustrating to fun, but overall it's fun.

    1. Pallets and perks aren't your only tools. Your mind, as in mind-game, is an important part of your tool-set. You seldom stand a chance against some killers if you only count on pallets and a few good perks. Granted, it appears many players are so used to the plethora of second-chance perks they never learn how to actually play.
    2. I disagree. I've almost never used "meta" perks and my builds are still as efficient and fun (unless the killer has a counter perk, but they mostly don't). I still get a lot of fun when I manage to escape a killer mid-chase, hiding in plain sight.
    3. Unless you've missed it, killers also have cool-downs on their better perks and powers. Apparently, you also fail to realize you are a team of four. That's sixteen perks against the killer. This is not 1vs1: it's 1vs4. (And, 3 times faster that survs? What do you even mean?)
    4. There are plenty of decent anti-tunneling perks. Earlier today a killer was complaining about it because he did want to tunnel and never could. Both complaints are wrong.
    5. My teams have long stopped playing the game, the first one because their favorite killer was nerfed (first Billy nerf), the second one because they got tired of the game. Being the only one left, I mostly play survivor in solo-Q. It's not as fun but it's not nearly as bad as may state. I never DC nor give-up though: that'd be a sure way to be in MMR hell.
    6. When I play survivor, I do my best to get as many survivors out: with, or without me. DS is still decent (but many don't realize they have to carefully chose where to go down) DH is still good (especially against killers like Nurse). Right now I'm more on Overcome.

    If you think killer is more fun, just play that side. Let's see how far you can go before complaining about survivors.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 315
    edited September 28

    They have simultaneously reduced and raised the skill ceiling of the game over the years, 360s used to be far more effective, you could spin noticeably faster, flashlight saves actually used to take skill, messing with these was a horrible decision imo. But looping is way harder now because the tiles are far less safe, and there's way less pallets and/or windows, maps are also smaller. I wish they wouldn't have messed with 360s and flashlight saves, but the game is still extremely fun for me, there's nothing like it.

  • skylustv
    skylustv Member Posts: 222

    I quit the game. I'm done of every match: Nurse / Billy / Wesker, with my mmr i'm only getting these 3 boring killers. BHVR should nerf Billy AGAIN and REWORK Nurse entirely. M1 killers needs to be buffed, there's months I dont face a Pig or another M1

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793


    It isn't as fun the DBD I fell in love with in 2018, of course, but it can be fun.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,645

    If matchmaking is working well then yes but if not no. Overall every day I play dbd it's a coin flip either or not I'm going to have a good time. I removed that whole see it has competitive aspects but with the fact toxic players love pushing my buttons every single match or matchmaking being really weird it's hard for me to enjoy it would I have uninstalled the game? Sure if all the money I spent on it went back to me but overall I see dbd just has the game you hate but you still go back to it. Heck I've started playing other games some even multi-player and noticed I have way more fun with that because I'm less mad. Played COD not to long ago and even then you got some toxic players but I still had a fun time.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630

    Maybe hot take… But I enjoy soloq as much as I enjoy playing the killer…

    If the game wasn't fun… I wouldn't be playing it and coming back to it.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 283

    Been playing since 2017 and having more fun than ever on both sides.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,268

    I personally haven't played survivor since knight released. The game has just moved away from the 1v1 and is more about the 1v4. Killer is still pretty fun tho