

Which killer has the highest chance of beating The Entity?

Member Posts: 194
edited August 2024 in Polls

Although most likely all of them would fail, which of these killers do you think has the highest chance of beating The Entity? In this example, all killers are completely unrestrained and at their maximum potential.

Which killer has the highest chance of beating The Entity? 35 votes

Vecna (D&D)
20 votes
Pinhead (He could use the help of The Leviathan)
7 votes
The Demogorgon (Not just a Demogorgon, but also the entirety of the Upside Down, including Vecna and The Mind Flayer)
2 votes
The Dredge
2 votes
The Onryō
4 votes
Post edited by Tyler3 on

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  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited August 2024

    Realistically none of them because plot armor.

  • Member Posts: 1,245
    Pinhead (He could use the help of The Leviathan)

    People clearly don’t know the power of the Leviathan. It is far greater than the entity is. It existed before the concept of life itself ever did. Not to mention it has mastery over all the dark arts. Pinhead himself couldn’t beat the entity but from how I understand the entity currently, it wouldn’t stand a chance against the leviathan.

  • Member Posts: 4,092
    The Dredge

    Dredge seems to have a noticeable amount of similarity with the entity, almost like it's a little baby one. And if it grew, I'm imagining it could possibly defeat the entity. I'm fairly certain the only thing capable of beating the entity is another entity

  • Member Posts: 897
    The Onryō

    i heard one day that Oreo is the most powerful entity, basically like a god... idk if it's true

  • Member Posts: 5,347
    Vecna (D&D)

    Vecna is the only Killer looking at actively study it for control, and The Entity clearly understands the threat level, otherwise it wouldn't use the Seal Of The Entity on The Lich.

    Vecna is wise enough to understand why the Seal is there. Vecna knows therefore that he has powers even The Entity knows is dangerous, but most of all Vecna has time. All the time in the multiverse.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Yeah, The Entity is definitely cautious of Vecna. I imagine it would feel the same way about the Deadlights (Pennywise).

  • Member Posts: 357
    Pinhead (He could use the help of The Leviathan)

    Vecna or Pinhead.

    However Vecna is actually restricted by the Entity, so that would discard him.

    Pinhead, however, seems more like it. Cenobites that enter the realm are allowed to take survivors with them which means one of these two things: the entity is frightened of them and/or the Leviathan, or they are equal in power and did trike a deal that benefits them all.

    About Demogorgon, the Mind Flayer and Henry are not that strong, they aren´t gods, just the commanding beings of a hivemind that posess psychic powers. That's it.

    Sadako also isn't a god, she is the manifestation of a curse. A memory and an echo of a girl with psychic powers that died.

    And dredge…well, we don't know what it is exactly but it is for certain it is nowhere near the Entity's power level, and that seems to be quite clear from what we know about it. It is a manifestation af bad thoughts that posesses a realm of its own as well, but it isn't as big as the Entity's realm.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited August 2024

    Pinhead, however, seems more like it. Cenobites that enter the realm are allowed to take survivors with them which means one of these two things: the entity is frightened of them and/or the Leviathan, or they are equal in power and did trike a deal that benefits them all.

    Except we don't know if they can actually take Survivors or not, let alone leave The Entity's realm at will.

    It's very likely that The Cenobites are being tricked into thinking that they can, but in actuality can't actually send anyone outside the realm and back to hell, as we never actually see Survivors end up there during Pinhead's mori, however we do always see them return to the campfire right after Pinhead's mori finishes. I even less believe that neither Pinhead nor any of the other Cenobites can actually leave the realm and is actually stuck indefinitely like everyone else who's been abducted, as The Lament Configuration in DBD doesn't function like it normally would in the movies, as it has clearly been tampered with by The Entity itself to disappear whenever anyone interacts with it.

  • Member Posts: 138
    edited August 2024

    Definitely Myers. I say that because the force that animates the body of Michael Myers is NOT the boy. It is something else, ancient callous and evil. It "is" the boogeyman. It isn't driven by trivial matters and suddenly becomes active over long periods of time, if/when it feels like it. In that respect it is not unlike Pennywise which might be active for awhile and then go dormant for decades. The motivations and victims chosen are at random, perhaps or perhaps not.

    My point is Myers chose to enter the Entity's domain. The door was open, Myers recognized what it was, and didn't care. it walked in willingly and one would presume if/when it wants it could leave too. You have to be careful about what you invite inside your front door. The force that animates Michael Myer's body, like Pennywise, might very well be a cosmically powerful, alien entity itself. Like several other such potentates, Myers kills whenever he wants to do so and is not reliant on the Entity's permission.

    I say Myers because we still, to this very day, don't know what is behind the eyes of Michael Myers and in that "not knowing" there is an iceberg of which we can only see the tip.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Myers is at the very least superhuman. Seemingly possessing incredible strength and the ability to teleport. This is why I don't like some slasher films, because the killers always have INSANE plot armour (Jason "cough" "cough"), but your theory would justify it.

    Still, even if a weaker killer, such as a Demogorgon, encountered Myers, it would probably rip him to shreds without any trouble, unless he is actually some immortal entity.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    blight since he uses something that the entity itself excreets so if he overloaded the entity with blight serum it might die releasing the horrors it created into the world or destroying them entirely

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    is that sarcasm or you being genuine? i seriously cant tell

  • Member Posts: 12
    The Dredge

    The Dredge is an Elder God if I'm not mistaken, so I think he's the most powerful killer out of all of them at this point. And full potential I would assume mean it got bigger from absorbing more people. I'm not super well read yet into the lore though if I'm honest!

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    the dredge is the physical form of fear and dread made from pretty much cultists who worship happiness

  • Member Posts: 12
    The Dredge

    Would The Dredge be able to get bigger and bigger? In the bio is it to be interpreted that The Dredge is at the point of being ready to hunt without cultist help? I wasn't sure how to take it if I'm honest. If it can grow I think the Dredge would be able to at least go toe to toe with The Entity!

  • Member Posts: 194
  • Member Posts: 1,259
    Vecna (D&D)

    Vecna is the only Killer that the Entity has placed an actual seal on in order to contain. The only reason he's even here is to study the Entity and learn how to harness its power for himself. Since he's still only an archlich and not the literal god of death, it's still a bit questionable if he COULD, but he's definitely the closest.

    Pinhead's powerful, but I'm pretty sure he's not a cosmic level powerhouse even with the Leviathan, and that's assuming the Leviathan can even reach Pinhead in the Realms, which is highly doubtful.

    There is nothing any of the Stranger Things cast could do against the Entity to even get its attention. They get beaten by normal teenagers with only a moderate amount of effort, a cosmic nightmare is nothing for them.

    Most of what people claim as fact about the Dredge is little more than speculation. All we know about it is that it is a manifestation of negative emotions that formed when Otto Stamper caused his cult to spiral into hatred and violence. That's it. There's nothing to imply that it even CAN get stronger than it currently is.

    Every time people say Sadako is a being that could actually threaten the Entity, I go a little more insane. In the novels, Sadako is ridiculously powerful, and if that was who we were talking about here, then maybe. But, despite popular belief, I can PROVE our Sadako comes from the MOVIE rendition with a SINGLE WORD. Yoichi. He doesn't exist in the novels (and neither does Reiko, whose watch is one of Sadako's add-ons). Movie Sadako is NOWHERE NEAR the power of the Entity.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited August 2024

    It's legit refreshing to see someone who actually gets it for once, because it drives me nuts every time i see someone on reddit spread the same inaccurate nonsense about any of the licensed characters.

    Also just to add to your points regarding Pinhead and Sadako.

    • None of the content from Sadako's chapter ties back to the Ringu novels, like at all. Every Add-on is a call back to the first and second Ringu movie, Yoichi like you said is exclusively from the first 2 Ringu movies, both Sadako & Yoichi's backstories are not only solely connected to, but also specifically about the events that occured in the first and second Ringu movie from the Hideo Nakata Timeline. The only thing that said anything about the novels is the initial marketing page bhvr posted that briefly stated ''inspired by the novels and the movies'' however even that only says ''inspired by'' and not ''based on'', so that too already doesn't mean anything.

    • Pinhead is absolutely below The Entity, in fact he's not even the strongest Cenobite in hell as he and his original gash was killed with ease by Dr. Channard in Hellraiser 2. Also the people who loves to claim that Pinhead can come and go from the realm as he pleases or that he can send Survivors back to the labyrinth have legit never watched Hellraiser. The Lament Configuration as we can see in-game has clearly been tampered with by The Entity to not work as it normally would, as it disappears whenever someone interacts with it in any way, meaning Pinhead is essentially stuck indefinitely like everyone else. Which also means that, it is also highly likely that his mori doesn't actually send Survivors back to hell since we never actually see them end up in hell and the Survivors ends up back at the campfire instead every time and the only reasons he would think so given his mori voice line, is because he's being tricked by The Entity.
  • Member Posts: 1,060


    In Tome 4306, we will find out that The Entity is lactose intolerant. This explains why there is no ice cream killer in the realm. The Entity fears dairy products.

    So my guess is that only a killer with the correct power could take on The Entity. Maybe a demonic pug with a cream pie launcher as a weapon?

  • Member Posts: 194

    Wow, yes! Maybe the demonic pug could give the Entity a cream pie, the Entity fills up with gas and eventually explodes and everyone can go home! 😍

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    The cream pies cause The Entity's IBS to flare up and everyone escapes whilst it's in the toilet.

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