Demo Main's Guide To Demogorgon

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,182
edited August 11 in General Discussions

Demogorgon is a character that I really, really love, so I thought it would be a good idea to make a guide for them so new players or even experienced players can hopefully learn about aspects of Demogorgon that are not really talked about or known.

Brief Explanation of Demogorgon's Power:

Demogorgon has the ability to place Portals around the map. Portals act as a mobility tool and can be used to traverse the map to access areas you have already been to previously, via Portal to Portal. Emerging from a Portal grants Undetectable. Portals can be removed by Survivors, but this action takes some time.

Demogorgon has the ability to charge up Shred. Shred lunges the Demgorgon forwards and restricts turning, however the hitbox and distances gained in longer than an M1 which can result in getting hits you otherwise wouldnt, especially through windows. Shred can break Pallets and Breakable Walls, but cannot break Generators.

While charging Shred or holding a fully charged Shred, Demogorgon uses Of The Abyss which allows them to get Killer instinct on near activated Portals. Portals are activated by teleporting to them, and will debuff Survivors close by the Portals.

Application of Demogorgon's Portals:

To start, Portals are a really good tool at your disposal. For some reason a lot of players have this idea that Demogorgon's Portals are "bad" and "are a waste of time" since "Survivors can just destroy them anytime, so what is the point in setting them up?" but in reality, they can be a really good tool.

Demogorgon's Portals provide mobility and slowdown, and knowing WHEN and WHERE to set them up is an important part of his power.

If you want mobility, it is more ideal to try and hide your portals with as much Line of Sight (LOS) breakers as possible, meaning you what direction vision of the portals to be obstructed. Another important part is to considering how Activated Portals will reveal it's location to Survivors, since they are notified via debuffs for getting too close to them. Placement is really important, and poor placement will result in your mobility Portals getting shut down often.

To put it bluntly, mobility Portals are the WHERE.

If you want slowdown, it is more ideal to try and make your portals obvious while also having back up mobility Portals to traverse if needed. Slowdown Portals on their own are pretty weak, and they really rely on having mobility Portals as a backing so you can consistently having Activated Portals by a Generator. Slowdown Portals are also useless if you dont teleport a lot, Survivors need to understand the idea that you are going to actually use the Portals, otherwise they wont cleanse them.

To put it bluntly, slowdown Portals are the WHEN.

Determining WHEN and WHERE to put Portals is borderline impossible to explain in a single thread with the amount of tile sets and maps within the game, it is incredibly nuanced; as a result, I recommend experimenting and just playing the game to get a feel for Portals.

Application of Demogorgon's Shred:

Shred is probably the aspect of Demogorgon that most people are familiar with.

Shred is more ideal to use near Pallets and Windows.

  • Pallets provide a choke point between two objects that you can easily hit Survivors, and even if you dont hit them, you might get a pallet out of the way in the process.
  • Windows can provide easy hits on Survivors since they can get locked into the vault animation, with the extended hitbox of Shred, you can even hit Survivors near the end of the vault animation when most Killer otherwise wouldnt.

Because of this, Id like to introduce you to: A.B.S, also known as, Always Be Shredding.

One of the best ways to learn the basics of Shred is to actually use it. You will make mistakes, you will miss a lot, and you will probably lose games, but the only way to learn is to take risks, experiment, and practice, so always be Shredding.

Shred's hitbox is more of a plus or diamond shape, so crouching Survivors will not be hit by the outer edge of your hitbox. Furthermore, a Survivor on a lower elevation than you cannot be hit with Shred unless you are directly next to them and looking down. If a Survivor keeps crouching to avoid your Shreds, either hold your Shred or aim directly for the Survivor instead of their rough direction.

There are also a few other quarks with Demogorgon's Shred that give some extra utility.

  • Performing Shred while having the edges of your hitbox next to an object messes with the collision detection and allows your Shred to "bounce" off of objects much easier. This can be seen really well with the "Hole Pallet" on Gideon's Meat Plant since you can just Shred across, bounce off the ledge, and land next to or onto the boxes.
  • Hitting a Survivor at the very edge of your Shred hitbox near the end of the Shred animation can still result in a hit but brings your free movement back slightly faster, it is effectively a mini-STBFL (Save The Best For Last) but is insanely difficult to pull off consistently.

Perk Recommendations:

This will be brief and small but here are some perk recommendations that synergize with Demogorgon's power.

  • Spies From The Shadows: Having information to get into chases fast can help a lot since Demogorgon has decent chases. Spies From The Shadows get a special exception compared to other information perks since it works while Portaling and outside of Portaling in a way that is really fluid with gameplay.
  • Enduring: Sometimes when Shredding through Pallets, youll hit (or miss) a Survivor and get stunned on the same side of the Pallet that the Survivor is on. Enduring can result in getting a double hit (or hit) you otherwise wouldnt.
  • Barbecue And Chili/Thrilling Tremors: Get a hook, get information, use Portals. Simple and straight forwards.
  • THWACK!: Similar to Barbecue and Chili/Thrilling Tremors but provides more chase related information, can be used as a sudo Ultimate Weapon on Breakable Walls or dropped Pallets.

Ideally, just use whatever works best for you. Demogorgon is really flexible and there are not really "must-use" perks for him.
