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Do not try to bribe the killer if you aren't the last survivor standing.

drsoontm Member Posts: 4,580

It's not fair for the others who are still trying.

As far as I'm concerned, a survivor who doesn't give up, good or bad, is getting priority for the hatch.


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,397

    I use Empathy so see it every now and then when I'm hitting a gen while the other is engaged with the killer. They'll try give an item in exchange for escape in a last ditch effort. Like, my guy, I'm still here πŸ˜‘ try run him for a bit longer

  • I_mean_yeah
    I_mean_yeah Member Posts: 43

    No one gets hatch priority. EVERYONE DIES

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,266

    Nah, if I see that I have useless teammates ima give the killer an offering. I also give them an offering if we have some kind of moment, usually where they catch me in a stupid situation or doing something dumb.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 875

    I don't bribe the killer. I just act cute and hope for the best.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,090

    that just sounds like a new player. I also don't think the survivors would have given you the same mercy if your teammates was afk or getting looped.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,366

    I am a Pig main. Some games, the first survivor to boop will get the hatch, the rest die. But you have to "give up" to some extent to TRY a boop.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,580

    Probably the kind of players who don't realize he's playing for a team. As far as I'm concerned he would go down and I'd go check the gens. If I see you were busy (instead of hiding) then you'd get hatch and he'd get a hook.

    To each his own. I almost always give the hatch. Sometimes, if a team loses a player early (or two) by foul play I'll let them finish and leave.

    The stronger the team, the most competitive I am.

    It happens. But too often I see a survivor standing there not even trying to flee while two teammates are still fighting for their life (doing gens, saving, healing)

    Lambs are cute. (Almost as much as that puppy.)

    I still eat skewers. 😌

    That's a different situation. If survivors are faced with insurmountable odds, I let everyone live. I don't need incentives to do it.

    That's not the point. There are plenty merciless killer out there too. I've seen it in 2vs8 when I was trying to spare the last survivor or when I'm on the survivor side.

    And to be honest I don't like pity sacrifices (nor being given the hatch for that matter).

    When I get a win, it has to be deserved.

    Killing a survivor or a team that doesn't stand a chance brings me no satisfaction.

    Escaping thanks to a nice killer when I've made mistakes doesn't bring me any satisfaction either.

    That's just how I'm wired.

    That's why I spare survivors. I don't expect them to reciprocate.

    And there are actually plenty survivors who have "offered" to get sacrificed over the years. Way less that killers being nice but I believe it's because "survivors are the good guys" and we like the good guys to win.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,719

    it's a scummy act on the survivor's part sure, but an aware killer will still see who deserves the chance for hatch. if both survivors were okay, i for example just kill the briber because it would be unfair for the other survivor if i insistently went after them instead for no reason.

    that's 8 people that have to agree to give mercy, some won't even realize there is an afk killer lol

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,164

    I don't try to give up my item if there are others but if my teammate is being a useless rock hiding in the corner when it's 2v1, I just hop on a gen and wait for the killer to come kill me. I don't get off the gen, I just let them hit me.

    Sometimes the killer will realize I'm the only one doing something, sometimes they won't. I'm not mad at them if they decide to just kill me and get this game moving along but I certainly appreciate when the killer realizes I'm the only one doing stuff…

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 584

    I'm lenient. If you're silly, kind, or friendly, bribe me, etc. I am likely to let you go or get hatch. IF you are the last man standing, or IF you are clearly struggling, or IF I already have at least two kills or so under my belt. I do not consider ever showing mercy until we at least tie. I also just usually let last guy play hatch game with me, if they get hatch they get hatch. If they get gate they get gate. If I find them they may or may not go on hook.

    There are rare occasions I load in intending to let you all go. For example it's tradition for me every Masquerade to go in as 3rd Year Anniversary Wraith and spam my Bell and be a silly party farming Bing-Bong Boi. But it's only for events, if I am super chilling, if I know Surv rounds have been nasty and I wanna be nice, or if I'm just doing dailies or something. VERY VERY rare.

    I am tamable as basically any Killer I play, but you need to either all be silly from the get go, or one of the last couple standing, or SUPER cute. Otherwise I assume you want a normal round and so do I, and I can and will attempt to murder you. My favorite thing is boops especially as Ghostface. I also like to crouch around with Survs.

    As Survivor, me giving an item or wiggling on the ground is either a very last ditch effort of "mercy please I beg", or it's a thank you for kindness usually coupled with two longer crouches so you know it's not a teabag. Otherwise I assume normal game. I never really go in intending to tame a Killer, but if my friends all want to I'll act silly with them. That usually gets folks to chill out in my experience.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,266

    I love it when players have empathy and respect for the other side. Moments like that has what kept me into Dbd for all these years.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 584

    "But farming isn't in the spirit of the game!" - some people

    OK. Neither is being a hyper sweatlord. Being nice and respectful, even farming, has a place in DBD. Let people play how they want.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 653
    edited August 14

    I tend to kill survivors who try that unless their teammate is intentionally dragging the team down. It just isn't in the spirit of the game for survs to betray each other imo, even if it sometimes happens in lore.