We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Why doesnt trapper spawn with all his traps

It makes no sense to me, The trapper is the only weak killer singled out and forced to go collect his power(8 disarmed traps) Hag spawns with hers, so does freddy, and even SM. Just imagine pig having to collect her reversal bear traps.

“area-controlled killer” stated in description - The trapper doesnt have enough traps,or time to go around the whole map and set up traps, hes area control so of course its more optional for him to settle for a halve of the map to trap rather than the full thing. Him having traps spread out for that reason is contradictory,

I dont know, i like to main trapper for funny moments but i hate how rng his traps are itself, and even more rng it is for their spawn. Trapper bag(+1 trap) and fastening tools(fast trap setting + harder escape) feel like a mudt if i ever wanna get at least a 2k


  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    Because there's a risk that players will just go straight to the three gen and layer the area with traps. It would be crap to play against, and would reward Trapper for using zero skill expression.

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    in 1v4 the issue comes. you have 8 traps. realistically the first survivor you find has no option and dies because you have 8 traps to kill every loop or escape option. given the killers we have maybe it would be fine.

    If I'm not mistaken we have the trapper sack that gives you all traps but you cant move them.

    I've always thought give him a bunch of traps at the beginning, like you said 8 or w/e. he gets that first oppressive down, but then he can only carry up to 4 or w/e the default is.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 114

    I have a different proposed minor buff for the Trapper - he still starts with the current number of traps but the ones he needs to collect are already set. Granted it's more RNG but it's still positive because there is the possibility an extra outcome or or two by either a survivor getting caught in one or setting one of, giving away their location.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368

    At least let him start with and carry 4-5, right now it blows that he have to go and collect his power all over them map, and potentially be "powerless" in a chase, if he have no traps on hes hands.

    Another option is that when a trap is set, another one will spawn in hes hands after a charge time. for example like Freddys dream snares. (the timer could be longer as the traps are better, even tho its bad to balance on weak killer around an even weaker killer)

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    He doesn't need to spawn with all his Traps. There is an add-on for that. However, I agree he should be spawning with at least (4) of his traps considering he is bigger than Pig and she starts with (4). I also think the remaining traps should be hanging in lockers and gathered there rather than spread out across the map. Just like Trickster and Huntress, the Trapper should have to go to a locker to get more traps, with only one per Locker until all are out on the field.

    *An add-on could be updated to say that traps start on the map rather than in the lockers, and already set randomly.

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 268

    Three genning will always exist, but it is much weaker now; Saying 3 genning is the reason is more of the games fault rather than the trapper. Also other killers can three gen so what exactly is the issue with a weaker trap killer with a weaker power doing the same thing?
    Also im not justifying 3 genning but literally the trapper is barely as good at 3 genning compared to other trap killers, if you disable the traps they wont randomly become active again (without addons) and they physically have to be picked up or activated again which takes a lot of time, Compare this to other killers and youll see its barrely as opprressively

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 268

    Even with 8 traps theres no way it would cover every loop, and surviviors with common gamesense know if they initiate a chase where the trapper began chasing them, it would probably be trapped so they should go to other way

    And the problem with trapper sack is the fact because you cant move them, if a survivior calls them out then its practicially useless, so its only value is to trap 8 pallets or vaults, which is boring

    I wouldnt have a problem with holding 4 traps but the nature of rng spawns with how big maps are now is really annoying, Ive grown to hate any map with platforms or a second story

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    Just because a character is weak, doesn't mean you give them something that will make matches against them insufferable. If Trapper started with ten traps, you would see a flood of players just setting up camp around the three gen. It would be miserable for survivors, especially solo queue players that can't coordinate. There's just no reality where it would be healthy for the game.