We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

How many more chest perks do we need?

Chests are (usualy) not worth side quest that just wastes time for Survivors.

Then we do we have X perks for both sides oriented about this outdated side quest?

Why every new paid content we get new chest theme perks. How about to change how chests works (and make them more worth it)?


  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Just slap whatever chests perks as basekit and rework chest perks

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    The perks is what makes chests worth it, duh.

    Dracula's new perk, for example, turns chests into a secondary objective survivors have to do in order to prevent killer from gaining info.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 114

    I know it's kinda throwing buy I like to have a chest/looting build every now and again as it keeps things a little fresh.. until the killer has Weave Attunement and it completely counters the whole thing ☹️

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Classic DbD way of balance things
    "Just make it a perk(s)".

    Nice. Instead of redefine or improve base mechanics that are outdated or they are not good, lets just slam 10 perks and hope some of them will make it worth it.

    Next time we should make 10 new perks around luck mechanic since that is even more worthless.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268

    Chests are only 'not worth it' if you treat the game like a straight sprint.

    The game might be able to be boiled down to a race against the clock, but that doesn't mean time costs are linearly comparable.

    If option A takes 30 seconds and option B takes 40 seconds, it doesn't necessarily mean option A is the best way if it's also the riskiest.

    E.g. opening a chest to get a medkit to heal up can be the better play to avoid goung down in one hit.

    Similarly a toolbox isn't going to refund the time it cost to open the chest, but like Potential Energy, the benefit of repairing a gen a few seconds faster could be all the difference between winning or losing the game.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    I was careful to say you'd ideally see both, not just make it a perk and call it a day.

    New perks come out on a regular schedule, it's not entirely absurd to imagine that perks would come out while larger changes are still in the pipline. Not to say that the devs are currently working on a chest overhaul, just that you'd kinda expect to see the perks be finished first if they were.

    Anyway, I kinda like these new perks. They're a new thing to play with and aim to craft good builds with.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    What about totems? They have feelings too. Just trow some bones back!

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117

    If Appraisal had an 80% chest opening speed as well as its rummage speed... that'd be pretty sick in conjuction with Lara's new perk...

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    But the game is like that. It's what separates the men from the boys on this game. If you're spending 30 seconds running to/opening a chest, you could have spent that much time on a gen. The game already gives you an option to bring in items, which you should be doing every time. And, if so, that means you shouldn't be opening a chest for a "new" item. You can only leave the trial with one, so what's the point? The whole mechanic is just a dumb noob trap, which we especially saw in 2v8. 2 gens less than necessary to do, and instead of taking advantage of that, people were searching chests and totems which doesn't advance their objective at all. At least in that mode though, you couldn't bring in items, so there was a sliver of an argument made that you'd go for chests. But it's still casual-tier misplay. Dracula's new perks only work to noob crush, and deny that new instaheal perk which won't see play outside the first week anyway.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 19

    i've been running an item farming build since i started playing and there wasn't a 4th perk to even complete the build, so i'd say we don't really have that many chest related perks considering there are hundreds of perks now. i was so happy with lara's perk and now i get to swap it for the second wind one.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    I would like chests to have a chance to give you unique items and add-ons.

    Also, I would like the odds of getting high quality items increased. As for Plunderers, it would change to increase the chance to get a unique item.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,693

    Except you may not know you're in a straight sprint game until it's too late.

    There aren't comeback mechanics for survivors. So if you spent any time at the start of the game doing "not gens" then all it takes is a bit of momentum by the killer to make you regret that decision.

    Killer decides to tunnel at 5 gens? Well, guess you're just out of luck using your broken key from your chest, and you get to die with it.

    Killers can always resort to camping or tunneling to try and turn the game around.

    Survivors can't just decide 5 minutes into the match that they should've spent those 5 minutes pushing gens as hard as possible. The advantage is only early game, and it never comes back if survivors squander it.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    all of them

  • Deffjay
    Deffjay Member Posts: 5

    1 token of appraisal could be basekit, but only work for the survivors that didn't initially open that chest in particular, this way every survivor could make use of chests if they all happen to have any chest related perks(which is very unlikely).

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 449

    almost as if such mechanics should be optional and not part of the basekit making whichever side they would therefore benefit even more to be even more oppressive / powerful.

    it's like asking for hexes to be basekit instead of perks. the point of chest perks, especially recent killer chest perk is that it's an optional mechanic that you have to dedicate a perk slot for.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 156

    Opening chests is basically just a time input requirement, same as totem perks (i.e. Inner strenght). The problem is, that neither chests are rewarding nor are the perks effectively usable. Just doing math on those perks shows how bad they are. Literally just another kind of noobtraps. Not that survivors needed even more noobtraps.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    100% yes, chests need a buff but they are just a symptom of a larger issue. Survivor items in general need a major overhaul. After years of major nerfs and no buffs survivor items are in desperate need of some buffs and just total reworks.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    I'm so sick of brown medkits.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Survivor items itself is pretty strong and basically none needs buffs, maybe keys or maps but that's it

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,503
    edited August 20

    It seems like they're trying to get survivors off of gens and onto other stuff. Chests being the only real option they have since directing attention to totems would probably see a fall in Hex perk usage. I guess it's not working (not surprised since survivor chest perks aren't that great value for the time investment) since Dracula has a perk to try and force chest searching. I prefer the killer perks forcing chest searching tbh, since the survivor ones just come off like killer perks in disguise they're so bad. If they want us to search chests then improve items.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Mhm yes, spoken like someone whose never played survivor. Let's look at flashlights, several years ago the devs removed the effects of brightness which reduced the time it took to blind the killer. Several add-ons including the only iridescent one are based on this ability. They have not been touched for years despite the fact they do practically nothing now. Or how about the handles which… why do they even exist?

    How about medkits and the fact that the only difference between a brown and purple medkit is that if you full heal another survivor you shave off about a second of time. Or the fact that much like the flashlight half the add-ons are practically worthless. Seriously no one's going to use the add-ons that increase skill check zones, anyone with more than ten minutes in the game can get a regular skill check and does not need it to be 20% bigger. Or let's just point out the fact the skill check add-ons which could have been usable don't stack with autodidact and are hot garbage and let's not even mention the fact that all of the healing speed ones save less than a second.

    Lets not forget toolboxes and some of the great things like the fact that mechanics toolbox has no reason to exist since commodious and the basic yellow toolbox are better. And some of the great add-ons like spring clamp which does not reduce the sound of the generator actually running making it worthless. Or instructions? Something that once again is only used by people with less than ten minutes in the game and is an active hindrance to learning the most basic skill for survivors.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    None of that makes those things "weak" in slightest, needs a specialization or outright simplification to make them unique/remove redundant aspect, yes, but a "buff"? definitely none is needed

    addons being weird or uniqueness being nonexistent doesn't makes them weak at all, just makes them redundant, and no, playing survivor doesn't makes this opinion any different

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    … I literally pointed out how several add-ons objectively do nothing. Get out of here you basic killer main, can't even pretend to be here in good faith.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    I was tempted to respond to the first one because it seemed off to me, and I think it's worth pointing out overall here now.

    Medkit addons are pretty good across the board, I'm not sure how you're concluding they're pointless. Maybe you could argue the speed addons aren't worth running, but there's only three of those, and the rest are perfectly useful. The skill check increase ones are extremely strong + the ones for making skill checks bigger synergise nicely with them, extra charges are always useful, and both the syringes are very good.

    If all you're hinging your assertion that medkits need buffs on is that their addons aren't very good, I think it's worth pointing out that the medkit addons are in fact pretty good across the board.

    It's also worth pointing out here that while flashlight addons might be a tad underwhelming, the item itself is already very fair and balanced, so flashlights don't need buffs here either.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021

    The brown medkits are the best medkits type. You should rather complain about the other variants which are exactly the same

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021

    I hope they do buffs chests, make luck affect them in the future, buff the survivor items since most are just bad and they should remove the 5 different rarities of items as longe as they have no real aspect in which they are better. We definitely do not need item variants just so that we have bad itmes.

  • smokinggosling
    smokinggosling Member Posts: 61

    remove that god forsaken green key and chests will immediately be 1000000000% better

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Me: Points out that an add-on literally does nothing
    You: It does not need a buff it's fine

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 933

    Really liked the idea that Otz had in one of his videos. Make it so you no longer spawn in game with your selected item in hand. It instead appears in a chest and you have to go claim it. Basic thoughts he had I like to extend it little more. Items are no longer shown on survivors in pre game lobby. Open any chest to claim your item. The item is not lost if you happen to not open any chest, maybe yes idk? If you don't bring an item from pre lobby then it'll be like it is on live.

    Make it so survivors will have to spend a little time to get that item. Might be able to buff items a little, make chest perks little more valuable and give bit more time not on gens. Just sucks that why should survivors waste time getting a brown toolbox or a broken key from a chest when they can just bring in a purple item with the best add-ons at the start.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    I know you said that, I'm disagreeing with you.

    I'll meet you halfway on the speed addons, I think they're okay-ish for altruistic heals but I'll buy that they're not worth running for self heals. Fair enough.

    The only other addons you mention are the two different skill check related ones. One you say nobody needs because they can hit skill checks, and I counter that by saying they help less skilled players hit their Great skill checks, especially in the context of the other skill check addons. The other, you say is bad because they don't work with Autodidact…? Which is just kind of a weird thing to say because they're obviously pretty darn strong on their own if you can hit Greats (hence me bringing up the size increase addons), and also because obviously they don't work with Autodidact, that perk doesn't work with medkits at all.

    Unless you're referring to flashlight addons, which I didn't fight you on at all. It's just worth pointing out that flashlights are themselves balanced and useful, so they wouldn't need buffs in the context of making chests worthwhile since you already don't get addons from chests by default.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    His suggestion was that the items survivors buy with bloodpoints should proc in a random chest during a trial..? So they may not find their items, another survivor can, and they have to waste time (which obviously makes the game much easier for killer) to potentially encounter one of those two outcomes. Otzdarva has awful takes on survivor issues. My god.

  • smokinggosling
    smokinggosling Member Posts: 61

    yeah when i read that, i was so surprised it actually came from Otzdarva, and not just your average forum killer main...such a ridiculous suggestion that only serves to waste time, just so the killer has an easier time winning.

    if you've bought an item with bloodpoints, you've already earned that item and shouldn't have to waste time looking for it. its like a killer having to go find their add ons somewhere in the map before they can use them…makes absolutely no sense. imo Otz often has pretty weird takes, and many people seem to just eat it up without question.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    You literally said "items needs buffs" and didn't said "addons needs a rework" but somehow moving the goalpost by pretending you were always talking about addons, "get out of here you basic survivor main, can't even pretend to be here in good faith" as you say

    Better look at the mirror before cursing other peoples like that, I guess

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    The changes to chests I would want to see:

    • Higher quality items (no brown toolboxes) = plunderers basekit

    • A chance to get special items which you can't get in a different way. The unused Spectral rarity could be used here.

    • A chance to get an add-on along with the item. Not 100%, but a chance.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Also mentioned several issues with items and like you said keys and maps need a buff. If you are going to try and argue against me at least be consistent. Right now it looks like your just a sweaty killer main who can't keep his story straight.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 433

    I dunno I really like Hoarder and Dracula's new perk mixes with it pretty well. I just wish they'd go back to looking at the loot tables again because I'd absolutely love to see the 'intended' version of Hoarder come back where it just gives low quality brown items. Lich's chests pretty much can do that so it's a matter of figuring that out with hoarder.