Are there any killers that actually scare you? Mainly visuals and gameplay i'm talking about

I always get nervous if Dredge or Unknown are the killers. I never feel safe around them…
Ghostface and Myers both still get me after 500 hours.
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When I was playing DbD for the first time and my friend was showing me every killer and how to counter them, he chose Michael once and used Scratched Mirror… I have never felt so paranoid playing a game in my entire life…
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I wouldn't say any killers outright scare me, but the few that make me feel slightly tense are:
Michael Myers (Scratched Mirror) - SM Myers definitely keeps you on your toes, especially on indoor maps. You never know when he's standing around a corner and you have to look around like a frantic maniac when you're doing gens.
The Onryō - Maybe an unpopular opinion, but playing against a good Onryō can definitely put you on edge. They can easily sneak up on you and trying to bring a tape to a TV can be downright nerve-wracking, especially when she emerges just as you're about to insert it! Becoming fully condemned isn't exactly pleasurable either.
The Unknown - An Unknown with a stealth build is definitely one of the (if not the most) scariest killers in the game. Walking past one of it's hallucinations can certainly induce anxiety, especially when you know it's using Insidious. Dispelling a hallucination is perhaps the most heart-pounding thing you can do in this game.
The Dredge - The Druanee has little competition for the title of scariest killer in the game. Its design is just as disturbing as its backstory. In the presence of The Dredge, merely walking by lockers becomes dangerous, let alone hiding in them. Attempting to navigate through the total darkness of Nightfall can definitely make your palms sweat. The trepidation caused by the Druanee is set to become even more profuse in the upcoming PTB, where its ambient noises will be reduced, making The Dredge even harder to detect during Nightfall.
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The Unknown is a creeper.
Jumpscare Myers can still give me a heart attack on the odd occasion