My nonexsistent flashlight saves LOL

Do I point at their forehead? Their neck? Lol. I get different answers. My attempted flashlight saves looks like the killer is at the eye doctor and I am checking their pupils back and forth LOL
I once accidently flashlight blinded Nemesis' crotch. He then ran off in a different direction.
Does that count as a save?
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I think so LOL
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You usually wanna aim for their neck/jaw.
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I too need to get better at this. I have been playing for the majority of DBDs life but avoided using flashlights up until recently and even though I think I have the flashlight save timing correct, sometimes the the beam doesn't start to narrow (if at all) until it's too late. Same with trying it during a killers breaking animation.
Looks like it's right in their eyes but the game seems to disagree ☹️
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Point it at the walls, the reflection will blind them XD
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Got it!
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on the few occasions I have attempted flashlight, I can say I have successfully established myself as dbd’s number one ankle burner
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Honestly some killers are really impossible to blind without vid tutorials, at least the window is really easy to pull off nowadays
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🤣 I’ll spook their shadows away