We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Chucky’s scamper

theonryo123 Member Posts: 53
edited August 20 in Feedback and Suggestions

I do miss Chucky’s scamper where he could crawl under pallets. I’m still disappointed about that he can only do that if he’s doing slice and dice it’s kinda stupid tbh because the slice and dice under the pallet you would have to angle it a certain way to hit survivors and most of the time it doesn’t connect at all. I wish the devs do something about his scamper a bit more not just to do free hit and all but it’s like the other way around survivors love to camp pallets and I’m a survivor main I hardly see a lot of Chucky mains out there plus he’s not that hard to loop even if he was to crawl under pallets it was never a issue with me. Even if he got his buff on the decrease cool down for hidey ho mode it still isn’t enough Chucky can no longer vault over windows as wuick as he use to. And he’s easy to mind game he’s not hard at all I think he needs his scamper back

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 980

    I do miss using old scamper, but I do agree with you 100%, I do find getting dash hits more satisfying, especially since the cooldown is quite short!

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,376

    Honestly I wish they'd bring back Window Scampers, at the current speed it's slower than a T3 Myers vault. It'd also allow him to move around more stealthily since vaulting a window regularly makes a loud noise.

    On demand Pallet Scampers were kind of busted though. Plus the fact that removing them allowed for the lower cooldown which is honestly really fun.

    Add back Window Scampers, rework some of the addons that only really worked in the context of on-demand Scampers being a thing (mainly Hard Hat, Running Shoes and Yardstick) and he'd be basically perfect.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    i think that chucky needs a curving window after scampering for 0.5 seconds where he regains full control of his character while dashing. I don't understand why i am breaking pallets as chucky when i have pallet vaulting. before the change, i never broke a single pallet as chucky.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,376
    edited August 19

    I'm kind of on the fence about that one, since Slice and Dice is already very good as a chase ability.

    You don't want to get to a point where he never needs to break pallets because he can outplay them just by existing, that's why Scamper was changed in the first place.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466
    edited August 19

    So explain why I should have no counter-play towards pallets that block my way where you cannot get around them in any capacity? What makes Ormond's top floor main building pallet fair? If i have skills to outplay said pallet, why am i not allowed to use them?

    Shack and Jungle gyms are the same problem. The survivor can drop the pallet and if you try to vault this pallet with his S&D, the survivor can angle themselves in such a way that i cannot hit them. When i miss, the survivor slides over. bad design.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    Right? It's so hard to land. He's just a worse Wesker. 110% trash, has more room for movement with his dash attack but survivors can dodge it all the easier, half-measure stealth, and even in the best case scenarios his time to down is abysmal. He makes Freddy look good.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    But the alternative is so much worse. Now he just has to break pallet at every loop, and catch up with his power, which he won't be able to get a hit out of, making him a worse Blight. Before his Scamper change, survivors were actually stronger against him at shorter pallet loops because he was 110% trash and his pallet slide-under, while "fast" in DBD terms, was little faster than killer's vaulting speed through a window which is borderline coming to a stop. The time you spent to get to the other side of the pallet, the survivors were spending to go around the loop again. You barley gained distance.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,129

    There is a trick with God Pallets. Most Killers can use this trick.

    Break them.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    palllet breaks waste your time and time is precious on killer.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,376

    Pallets are supposed to block your way, that's why you can break them. You're not supposed to be able to ignore every single pallet in the game.

    It's not all that hard to get hits with Slice and Dice as long as you know the range on it. Perhaps you should stop using it as a catchup tool unless the Survivor you're chasing is within the actual range of the power.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,129

    This does not mean that Chuckys Scamper should make Pallets useless and guarantee a hit every time. Saving his power until the Survivor has to drop a Pallet to just scamper under it for the hit is a really unhealthy way to use a power. And I dont even think there is any discussion, lose-lose situations are always bad, because they remove any skill component.

  • theonryo123
    theonryo123 Member Posts: 53

    then what’s the point of one of his addons hard hat when can’t even use scamper to vault under pallets really without using slice and dice. His slice and dice is hard to hit because the angle is so narrow and you can’t angle it the way you want to

  • I_mean_yeah
    I_mean_yeah Member Posts: 43

    His addons regarding scamper need to be changed, they are borderline useless now.

    I mean scamper overall is so useless that it doesn't even deserve a name, it's basically just a minor tech at this point

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021
    edited August 20

    The dash is so boring. They could have just nerfed the numbers for scamper since it was the only cool and unique ability he had. Slice and dice is just another copy of any other killer and quite uninteractive. It‘s as free of a hit as scamper, I would even say more of a free it as scamper.

    Scamper is not as strong as you say it was. It only gave a free hit at good pallets and they are quite rare, everywhere else you could loop him just fine and if someone camped pallets you got a free hit, but there the survivors did misplay.

    He was fine before the changes, you could loop him just fine and since he is very slow he is not very good.

  • JonahofArk
    JonahofArk Member Posts: 35

    Tbf, I never saw how a scamper under a pallet was a free hit. Most of the time, if the surv knew how to loop and track, when I scampered under the pallet, they'd be at the other end of the loop by then, practically on the other side, ready for another loop when the scamper animation ended. Because he's 110. Mind you, there are some add ons that were made obsolete cause of the change. *cough iri hat*

    There were occasions where the surv lost track of me, and I'd scamper and m1 them because they'd be in front of me after the scamper. But they misplayed the pallet, and it got me the hit. It wasn't a free hit. It was the surv being outplayed by my power. Scamper was chuckys identity and one of his major selling points. Heck, his intro video even shows him scampering a pallet. And bhvr gutted that to appease survs who cried cause they didn't want to learn proper counterplay.

    Overall, the changes are good cause he's in his power alot faster. But his gameplay feels kinda bland imo. Just a dash killer with no uniqueness to him. The S&D feels so clunky, and the turn rate is abysmal, after scampering under pallets or vaults. It's kinda sad cause he was once my main, but there are better dash killers such as wesker or blight. Both who have their own signatures as dash killers. Just my two cents. Good day players.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited August 20

    I will never not consider the removal of manual Scamper to be a mistake, they could have nerfed it in any way and it would have been a much better decision.

    Now Chucky is just incomplete without manual Scamper.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    right.. i cannot decide the angle of loops or what loops survivors decide to pre-run towards. I am 4.4 m/s like…. I will always be behind the survivor. Not using Slice & Dice as movement ability does not make any sense. In the situation i am describing, I am in range to hit the survivor, I just can't angle ability to hit them.

    but i am not talking about saving scamper to manually vault, i am talking about using my S&D vault to get the hit…. aka the ability. it is not guaranteed hit, i still have to hit the ability. my skill for how well i play determines the abilities effectiveness. How much skill i need to land the ability is based off survivor movement skill.

    I dont even think there is any discussion, lose-lose situations are always bad, because they remove any skill component.

    what about lose-lose situations for killer? i can't hit the ability of the survivor plays correctly, 0% chance, no angle. Don't tell me that i shouldn't use my ability on the most problematic loops in the game. if it is not good vs strongest loops than when i am suppose to use Scamper? Never?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,448

    You can't curve with the power at all so its really not even skill based.

  • theonryo123
    theonryo123 Member Posts: 53

    exactly because it’s times it’s hard to curve his slice and dice with using scamper under a pallet or a window like to doesn’t curve the way you want it to survivorss can easily dodge left or right to prevent getting hit yet they camp pallets which should be addressed

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Are you actually saying this, breaking pallet is pretty much equivalent of losing a chase

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 684
    edited August 20

    I don't understand why they didn't just give a brief delay when you can start Slice and Dicing after a manual scamper. It could've been like a second or a second and a half and would've killed the strat whilst leaving both abilities basically untouched. After the changes half his add-ons got gutted beyond useability, and even worse, they stopped being fun.

    Window Scamper being removed is still extremely annoying to me. It's whole point is that it doesn't play a vault noise like his regular vault does, implying it's meant to be used for stealth. If that's the case, why is it that it can now only be activated while Chucky/Tiff are screaming their lungs out? It just doesn't make sense. That combined with the circumstances surrounding its removal just feel like this whole aspect of his character got overlooked post rework. Scamper and Chucky's deception based tactics as a whole were disincentivised from use.

    The changes, though eliminating an annoying strat, made Chucky a lot less fun and much more one note imo. He feels like he's designed to basically always be using Slice and Dice, which is a far cry from his original deception based concept. Yes, Scamper into Slice and Dice needed to go, but Chucky's unique gameplay identity didn't need to go with it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    There's no reason to play him at all. I already get bullied with the "strong" killers like Nemesis or Singularity the moment I go against opponents my own caliber. So why would why I even humor a garbage-tier killer? To kill my love for the game even more?