Potential rework of every bloodpoint offering

We barely see any offerings worth running except anniversary cakes and bloody party streamers because let's be honest the others are just not worth using at all at the moment. I will mention Escape! Cakes, Survivor Puddings and Bloody Party Streamers only at the end.

Here are my suggestions to rework every single bloodpoint offering for both killer and survivors in the game. This section will include numbers and rarity upgrades. I don't follow Devs Q&A too much so apologies in advance if they already planned something similar.

Survivor offerings :

  • Every "Sachet" brown Common flower (currently grants 50% in a single category, personal) = Make it 100% in the same category, personal, change the rarity from brown Common to yellow Uncommon.

  • Every "Fresh" yellow Uncommon flower (currently grants 75% in a single category, personal) = Make it 100% in the same category, also add a 25% bonus in all other categories, personal, change the rarity from yellow Uncommon to green Rare.

  • Every "Fragrant" green Rare flower (currently grants 100% in a single category, personal) = Make it 100% in the same category, also add a 50% bonus in all other categories, personal, keep the green Rare rarity.

  • Bound Envelope (currently grants 25% in all categories to all survivors) = Make it 50% in all categories to all survivors, also keep the green Rare rarity.

  • Sealed Envelope (currently grants 25% in all categories, personal) = Make it 50% in all categories, personal, also keep the yellow Uncommon Rarity.

Killer offerings :

  • Every "Basic" brown Common Wreath (currently grants 50% in a single category, personal) = Make it 100% in the same category, personal, change the rarity from brown Common to yellow Uncommon.

  • Every "Devout" yellow Uncommon Wreath (currently grants 75% in a single category, personal) = Make it 100% in the same category, also add a 25% bonus in all other categories, personal, change the rarity from yellow Uncommon to green Rare.

  • Every "Ardent" green Rare Wreath (currently grants 100% in a single category, personal) = Make it 100% in the same category, also add a 50% bonus in all other categories, personal, keep the green Rare rarity.

  • Hollow Shell (currently grants 25% in all categories to the killer) = Make it 50% in all categories, change the yellow Uncommon rarity to green Rare rarity.

Now with all those changes in mind, the following offerings :

Escape! Cake, Survivor Pudding and Bloody Party Streamers should all have their green Rare rarity set to purple Very Rare.

I'm glad you made it to the end. Tell me what do you think about it in the comments


  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,978

    In my opinion, the flower offerings for survivors and the wreaths for killer should all get their values doubled. So instead of 50, 75 and 100%, they would give you 100, 150 and 200% bonuses.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,672

    This should have been done years ago. I mean, nowadays they are at least worth their BP-Cost, before the reduction of their BP-costs you tend to pay more BPs than you actually get for them, but still they can see some improvement.


    I think the idea from SoGo is the easier and more straight-forward solution. I dont think more needs to be done, especially no Rarity-Changes.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,978

    Also, the Hollow Shell, Bound Envelope and Sealed Envelope should get their rarities lowered by a tier, even if their values were increased to 50%. This is because in all three cases, you have an offering that has the same rarity and is better (Escape Cake, Survivor Pudding, Bloody Party Streamers)

  • MarbleThrone
    MarbleThrone Member Posts: 556

    I like the idea! Personally I'd up the rarity of Fragrants and Ardents to Very Rare, otherwise it might get confusing and you can end up picking the wrong ones, as you're having 8 very similar (and similar-looking) BP offerings all in one rarity.

    Sachet → Brown becomes Yellow
    Fresh → Yellow becomes Green
    Fragrant → Green becomes Purple

    same on the Killer side.

    As to the Escape Cake and Puddings: it's important to note that these two are yellow Uncommon. Only the BPS is Green, and personally I'd keep it that way. Acquiring them especially on a P100 character is a chore enough already, and having a worse spawn RNG due to rarity would only make that worse.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,978

    Why would anyone buy these then? Why even buy them over Escape Cakes, Survivor Puddings or BPS?

    I think all the flower/wreath offerings should get their values doubled to 100, 150 and 200% while keeping their current rarities.

  • MarbleThrone
    MarbleThrone Member Posts: 556

    Why would anyone buy Fragrants and Ardents (green rarity) right now, while stronger alternatives exist on lower tiers (puddings and cakes, yellow rarity)?

    There already exists a discrepancy between bonus granted and rarity tiers. I don't think Escape Cakes and Puddings need to be Purple, make them green and leave it at that. BPS can be purple but I worry that this would diminish their spawn rate even more.

  • Lanz
    Lanz Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2024

    Those offerings have remained untouched since 2016 and the game wasnt in the same state as today when it comes about offerings.

    Keep also in mind that Bloodpoints used to be 32k max instead of the 40k now. Maybe the math was ok'ish back then.

    They removed Bouquets, Splinters and the lower tiers of map offerings. I think they just overlooked the rest because of time/priority issues ?

    Right now unless you as a Survivor or Killer make a full perk build around a single category of Bloodpoints and run a Fragrant/Ardent offering, you don't have a reason to run those unless you main a character from the moment you buy and don't have anything else to use.

    EDIT : Purple Bloody Party Streamers could in fact spawn more often in the late bloodwebs because there would be less Purple offerings/items/addons to choose from (maybe ?).

  • Lanz
    Lanz Member Posts: 61

    I agree somehow but I fear that by doing 200% in a single category, people might be encouraged to stick to that single category only.

    You run an objective 200% offering ? People might stay on gens and not rescue. You run an altruistic offering ? People will not safe unhook and farm people.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    Personally, I think they could just delete every bp offering except bps, pudding and cake and then decrease the rarity of all of them by 1 stage. It would massively reduce the amount of useless stuff we have to buy in the blood web and if bps no longer have to share their rarity with map offerings, we'll also see more of them.