We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Making Tier 3 perks immediately unlock is the only way to fix the grind

adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
edited August 19 in Feedback and Suggestions

When a character is purchased, the Tier 3 perks should immediately be unlocked for all killers. This is the only way to fix the grind. There are currently 44 survivors and 37 killers for a total of 77 characters. Prestiging all of these characters to Prestige 3 would take years. The grind would only worsen over time as more characters are added. The grind is the worst and most boring part about the game. Spam clicking the Bloodweb and slowing waiting for it to fill out is not fun. People have limited time. Stop thinking people like to waste time on the Bloodweb.


  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    I mean "years" is a little bit dramtic especially because you won't prestige every single one of them to p3 because most of them don't have anything that useful. I'd rather have a quicker bloodweb but still to level than instantly getting the perks, that would make the game outside of matches a little bit numb because you wouldn't have anything you'd farm for.

    That being said they could make the bloodweb much quicker as excampel by letting me choose how many levels I want him to level for. They also have to skip or make the animation faster.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
    edited August 19

    8 characters are added per year. I can see the grind getting very out of hand after a few more years.

    Bloodweb would still exist for items , addons, and prestige. You still do the bloodweb for characters over prestige 3, so I don't think it would make it boring. Also, queue times are around 1 minute, so there isn't much downtime to begin with. I see the Bloodweb as a chore rather than something I get excited over.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    I leveled sable to prestige 75 and have hundreds of any item, do you really see that as anything exiting to get for your bloodpoints? I personally don't and I could probably play for it feels a year straight without ever buying something new, it's really not that interessting xD

    That's why I said perks are more interesting, they are also usable for ages, but at least it really changes something to get them.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    I don't think there really is that much of a grind anymore, though?

    Don't get me wrong, there's progression. If you want someone's perks unlocked across all characters, you're gonna have to play a few matches to get enough BP to do it, but that's how it should work- there should be something you're working towards in games like this, to keep it more engaging. It used to be a grind because you had to level everyone every time a new character came out, now you only need to level one.

    Even if you actually want to level everyone to prestige 3 (which, most players don't, I would imagine), it doesn't take that long. I'm basically at that point myself - I'm missing a couple characters here and there so it's not literally everyone, but it's everyone I own that is now at a minimum of P3 with some being higher - and it only took me a couple months after I decided I wanted to do it. That's even counting the time I wasn't actively playing, too, I took a break in the middle.

    The grind that exists in the game right now is pretty mild and appropriate for a live service game, in my opinion.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
    edited August 20

    I think that having to work to unlock perks is bs and it doesn't make the game more engaging. There are many PVP games far more popular than DBD that have 0 grind, as in everything that affects gameplay (non-cosmetics) is unlocked from the start, e.g. Dota 2, CSGO, TF2, Fall Guys, Fortnite, and Overwatch. These games are literally the most popular PVP games currently, which shows that the grind is unnecessary to attract players. The grind is mostly just a barrier to entry and chore for players. By removing the grind, the game becomes accessible to far more people, which helps it become more popular.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 114

    Instant autospend of BP as people have suggested in the past could dramatically negate the grind

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    That's what I'm saying, though, I don't think what DBD has is a grind. I think it's a fairly neutral progression system that'll give you significant progress per day of playing matches.

    I'm not saying a grind is necessary, I'm saying a progression system is necessary, and DBD has that for perks and for items/addons/offerings. I don't think it's appreciably hard to get what you want in any of those categories, unless you're hunting for an excess of specific addons (which I'm guilty of lol), I think you get those things at a fast enough rate that you don't really have to grind for them.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I don't think there really is that much of a grind anymore, though?

    Depends if you talk about survivor, or killers. Even more if you want to play both...

    There is huge grind on killers. Killers need different perks and most players don't want to play 1 build for tens of hours.

    DBD with all content is very expensive game, with huge grind on top of it, which is impossible to skip. There is not many games with "double" grind. Usually it's one or the other.

    I don't think tier 3 perks should unlock, but definitely tier 1, so I am not forced to spend currency (BP) on characters I don't even want to play.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    I was considering both sides. Even on killer, which is the side I play most, it doesn't really take that long to unlock absolutely everything, and most players don't really want everything. They just want a specific set of perks.

    The way bloodpoint gain is, you get enough BP to prestige a character pretty damn frequently. It does require actively playing the game, but it's not really that much of a grind, it's relatively quick.

    Getting tier 1 perks would be fine too, I'm not necessarily against it, but DBD really doesn't have that much of a grind outside of normal progression these days.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    New players don't have cakes, so that's around 30k per game. In reality probably less for beginner survivors...

    You need around 1,2 M per prestige. So you need around 120 games for 1 character to prestige 3. You can have bonus so I would guess around 90, but depends on the role. Survivors get way less, especially new players...

    That's a lot, when you also have to pay 5-8 euro per DLC.

    This is definitely not a day, not even a week thing for most players. We are talking in months range.

    And you want to tell me, there is not bigger grind than other games?

    Basically only game I see worse than DBD is WoW...

    If I lost my account, I would never start playing DBD again, nor recommend it to any new player.

    Players who have time, don't have money for all those DLCs and players who have money don't have enough time to even unlock the content.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    Why are we concerning ourselves with new players and beginners? Those players don't need to be concerned with unlocking everything. They'll be putting their attention on the character they're actually playing, and maybe one or two others if they came in with a recommendation from a friend to unlock specific perks. If we're talking about unlocking everything, or even unlocking a majority of things, we are inherently not talking about new players because that isn't a new player concern.

    On top of that, the only BP booster you're considering is cakes, which is a little silly. Daily rituals, archive challenges, the free spots in the rift, consistent boosters to both BP gain directly or XP gain (which leads into the free spots in the rift), and a consistent amount of BP codes being shared around on a regular basis all contribute to the grind. Even if we were to concern ourselves with just what's in the game itself and that every player has access to, that only disqualifies the BP codes, everything else still counts.

    Unlocking everything takes a couple months. That's about how long it took me after I started attempting it. Getting one character to prestige 3 doesn't really take all that long these days, unless you only play a single match on weekends or something, at which point any progression system is going to take you forever.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Why are we concerning ourselves with new players and beginners?

    So there is better chance to get new players to DBD? My main group dropped DBD purely because of grind and I don't believe it was fixed.

     Those players don't need to be concerned with unlocking everything

    It's not just everything. Even unlock 1 full build is in hundreds of games. That's a lot…

    They'll be putting their attention on the character they're actually playing

    That's not possible now. You need to spend BP on characters even if you want only a perk from them. You can't only focus on what you want. That's why tier 1 should be unlocked as soon you unlock the character.

    On top of that, the only BP booster you're considering is cakes, which is a little silly. Daily rituals, archive challenges, the free spots in the rift

    That's why I reduced it to 90, which is still a lot.

    Also you can't expect new players to get even close to higher end of BP limit.

    consistent amount of BP codes being shared around

    Oh right, because new players are going to find out about codes…

    Unlocking everything takes a couple months

    Unlocking everything is 300 euro and more than thousand hours of gameplay. Don't say couple months, that means nothing, everyone plays different amount of time per day.

    Overall playtime is what matters and that is insanely high.

    You need 291 600 000 BP to unlock every character on prestige 3, which is increasing with each chapter.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    If you're just gonna hop around dissecting sentence fragments out of order and out of context, there's no meaningful conversation that can be had here.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    It's not just all the content. Even 1 full build on single killer is hundreds of games. Generic killer perks suck, so you will need several DLCs to get actually good build, which is also the issue.

    And I need all the content, because I am a collector and I am unhappy, when I miss something in my collection. Yeah, it's not healthy…

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Oh right, because writing paragraph without any context is so much better…

    I never talked about unlocking everything. Even just beginner level (6-7 characters) is way higher than most games.

    You can try to back up your argument for once. What games except on mobile (that's some next level grinds there) have higher money cost and grind than DBD?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    I do back up my arguments, that's why I'm asking you not to dissect sentence fragments.

    But, since you asked: I'm not concerning myself with money cost here, that's not related to this conversation. For the record, I do consider DBD's monetisation pretty questionable, but it's not related to whether or not there's a grind associated with progression in-game.

    If we're talking about beginner players, let's recalibrate to the beginner headspace. Someone who is new to the game and only has base stuff (+ maybe one or two DLCs they were interested in) unlocked is not going to be concerned with actually getting a substantial amount unlocked, because they don't even know what's good yet. What they'll do is they'll focus on the one character they play, and then after a little while, start looking at other characters to see if their perks are worthwhile.

    At this point, we also have to recalibrate to what the relevant action is here: Getting that second character to prestige 1.

    Getting a character to prestige 1 does represent a timesink, but not a huge one. If you're actually trying and using the available tools like daily rituals and archive challenges, you've got plenty of BP available to spend on characters to try stuff out. This is obviously an opinion, but I truly don't think this game has an appreciable grind unless you really do want to unlock everything on every character, and even that is manageable.

    I think part of the problem here is something you alluded to in your other response where you talk about getting a "good build", but that's only going to be a new player's motivation if someone else gives them horrendously bad advice by telling them they need meta perks. A new player without that bad advice is just going to play with what they have available and that will be good enough for a newbie playing against other newbies. The actual progression for new players, done organically, isn't that bad: There's a fair amount of new player BP bonuses for things like finishing the tutorials, and the bloodweb is a fair bit cheaper and speedier than it used to be,

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I'm not concerning myself with money cost here,

    It's part of the grind imo. In most games money is something to skip grind, that's not really true for DBD. Unless you want to unlock all characters with shards (original at least), that would be some insane numbers…

    that's only going to be a new player's motivation if someone else gives them horrendously bad advice by telling them they need meta perks

    I did research on builds basically after first day, but I think I am far from standard…

    I do back up my arguments

    Yeah, I don't see any games listed.

    Dota, Counter Strike, Fortnite don't have any grind (unless something changed since I played). It all comes to skill and learning in those.

    League of legends has high grind, but it can be mostly skipped with money, so that's good example where it is one or the other.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    Money to skip grind is a horrendous system so we shouldn't want it for DBD. Thankfully, we don't need it, because there's not much need to skip levelling in this game; you can do it at a reasonable pace yourself.

    As to the last part: Yeah, I didn't list any games because my argument has absolutely nothing to do with other games. I don't really care to list games with worse grind than DBD because that's irrelevant, I'm making my argument based on the game we're actually concerned with.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Money to skip grind is a horrendous system so we shouldn't want it for DBD

    I really don't think paid game, with tons of DLCs and huge grind on top of it is any better. I will rather pick F2P game with skippable grind and better skins…

    there's not much need to skip levelling in this game; you can do it at a reasonable pace yourself.

    There is no need for such a grind tho… and it just a valid reason why to avoid DBD. You could reduce it to third and it would more than enough to keep players engaged.

    I didn't list any games because my argument has absolutely nothing to do with other games

    You said

    The grind that exists in the game right now is pretty mild and appropriate for a live service game

    So I would like to know what is your live service games reference.

    Because there are live service games with no grind and yet players keep playing…

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    To be clear, THIS game doesn't have grind either, it just has a progression system. I used the word grind in that message because that's how it's being talked about, and perhaps I shouldn't have, but if we're defining grind as the need to sink tons of time into basic progression, this game doesn't have it.

    I will provide an example here, but I want to be clear: My argument does not hinge on this example. My argument stands on its own without the need to compare to other games. This could be a helpful point of reference, though.

    What this game has is mostly comparable to the other live service game I play the most of, Fortnite. Now, there is a key difference in that nothing you unlock in Fortnite has an impact on gameplay, but there's still a progression system in the form of the battle pass cosmetics. In that game, you do have to spend time playing to unlock those things, but it's extremely manageable for anyone that plays more than a single game once a week. I don't play hours and hours of either game every day, but I still manage to finish Fortnite's battle pass and I still managed to get every character I own to prestige 3 in a pretty reasonable timeframe.

    Neither of these games are ones I would consider as having "a grind", because you can achieve basic progression in a very reasonable amount of time. Even the hypothetical longest goal - unlocking every perk on every character in DBD and finishing out the bonus rewards in Fortnite - can be done in the span of a couple months without extreme investment.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    THIS game doesn't have grind either, it just has a progression system

    It's both... You need to do same thing over and over again to unlock new things. Fact is you don't have access to it from start, it's locked behind time and money investment.

    progression system in the form of the battle pass cosmetics

    Which is also thing in DBD… with many things on top of it

    Unlike Fortnite, DBD has grind towards something affecting gameplay, it completely changes the gameplay. Some things are almost necessary to unlock, when you get enough hours.

    I couldn't care less if DBD focused purely on skins to earn money. It's optional, you don't get any disadvantage for not going for this. I don't think that's true for DBD, not even close.

     Even the hypothetical longest goal - unlocking every perk on every character in DBD and finishing out the bonus rewards in Fortnite

    You need 300 euro and 1k+ hours of playtime for it?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    See, this is why I didn't want to start giving examples, the conversation would just become about those examples instead of the overall point.

    DBD's basic progression and Fortnite's battle pass share a similarity: They're both very lenient and accessible, without requiring any meaningful grinding to progress in. That is the point of comparison and the only reason to even consider the other game to begin with.

    You're also bringing up cost again, despite it being irrelevant.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited August 20

    why I didn't want to start giving examples,

    If it's hard to give examples, then the claim may be false…
    It was very easy for me to give some examples.

    without requiring any meaningful grinding to progress in

    That's simply not true for DBD…

    DBD's basic progression and Fortnite's battle pass share a similarity

    Both need you to play games, but in Fortnite your chance to win doesn't change with content you have unlocked.

    DBD grind is mandatory. You can't go around it and you have to pay for it.

    I can create new account in Fortnite and only thing different is going to be visual of my character. My chance to win is going to be exactly same as main account. You see the difference? I can also do it for free…

    You're also bringing up cost again, despite it being irrelevant.

    And I will keep doing it, because it's not irrelevant. It just highlights how ridiculous current system is.

  • BubblegumDot
    BubblegumDot Member Posts: 7

    I kinda agree, Ive been focusing entirely on leveling up my killers to all p3. Im a little over halfway there but I started around the stranger things dlc and played a few times a week for a while. I'm playing every day now but the game wasn't fun until I got to the point where I can have variety with perks and killers. I'd just like a way to make it faster but not just give all the perks upon purchase.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    It's not hard, it's just an easy way to stop paying attention to the argument and start nitpicking apart the example, so I didn't think it would be productive to do it.

    A good example of that is how much you're focusing on the fact that Fortnite's progression system is cosmetic only. That obviously wasn't my point - I acknowledged the difference myself - but because I gave the example, it starts to look like you can weaken my argument by also pointing out that difference.

    Fact of the matter is, DBD gives out enough BP that levelling characters isn't that hard, on top of the bloodweb itself being noticeably cheaper than it used to be, on top of you having to go through way fewer levels to get relevant perks unlocked on relevant characters. You have to play games to do it, but you can progress in the game pretty significantly over the course of just a couple days if you go for long play sessions.

    The only way it would be otherwise is either if you're trying to unlock everything (which is fine in my opinion, it's still not that bad and "unlocking everything" is a long term kind of goal anyway), or if you're somehow both starting from absolutely nothing and trying to unlock multiple meta perks from the word go (which now that cross progression exists, nobody should ever need to do and, frankly, still isn't that bad, it's just the least organic and most time consuming way of doing things).

    Or, I guess, if you wanted to just have everything with no progression system at all, but I'm assuming that's not the case here.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited August 20

    it's just an easy way to stop paying attention to the argument and start nitpicking apart the example,

    Yeah, that sounds like me…

    you're focusing on the fact that Fortnite's progression system is cosmetic only.

    Because that's quite a big difference in how it affects the player's experience.

    it starts to look like you can weaken my argument by also pointing out that difference

    Your argument was weak since start. Trying to say DBD doesn't have high grind… Definetly not your best statement.

    Or, I guess, if you wanted to just have everything with no progression system at all, but I'm assuming that's not the case here.

    I have every character on prestige 3 at least, currently climbing for prestige 100. I am not doing this for myself...

    I simply have friends who hate grind and DBD right now is terrible for this. So they won't play it.
    I would like to suggest this to some coworkers, or siblings, but I think DBD is simply terrible for new players.

    What I would do overall in DBD.

    • include some old original DLCs (at least Clown+Kate chapter)
    • unlock first tier of perks when you buy character
    • increase monetization if it would allow more original DLCs in base game

    I would definetly prefer them focusing on other things to get money from like selling charms, mori, skins for hooks/gens/basement, loading banners, some basic emotes etc.

    Even increase base game cost, that would actually help with cheaters too… Just don't hoard all those DLCs.

    Definetly better than just creating more and more DLCs. I get it for licenced chapters, that makes sense. Not really Original chapters.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,896

    Since they made the change to the way prestige works, I think the grind is actually reasonable. I took a break for about 18 months to 2 years and when I came back it took me around 4-6 months to get completely caught up so all killers and all survivors had all perks at tier 3. Which I felt was pretty fair. And I wasn't playing like crazy or anything either. New players don't need everything unlocked and maxed out to enjoy the game. Having that feeling of steady progress while unlocking stuff is part of the drive to keep people playing. I know that I personally have less motivation to play when I feel like there isn't anything to earn. These days the main thing that keeps me playing is tomes, events, and new game modes plus new killers.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
    edited August 21

    You can replace grind with progression system in my comment and it's still true. The games I mentioned have no progression system for non-cosmetics. As I said, everything is unlocked from the start.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,496

    It would probably take 5-6 months of average play tbh especially with tome, events, ect

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited August 21

    The grind is WAY better now compared to what it was years ago. They have really improved it. I spent 16 MILLION Bloodpoints just to get Stridor on Spirit with the old system. 16 million! And that's not even counting the BP I spent unlocking it from Nurse.

    I was so frustrated that I haven’t played Spirit since.

    If you are playing survivor, my advice is to main 1 survivor, and then get everyone else to prestige 1.

    And then when a new character release, get them to prestige 1 and go back to your main and run the bloodweb a few times, you will have T3 perks in no time when you do it like that.

    Its a bit harder on killers, i still try do it the same way, but for killers with perks that i know i want as tier 3 on a lot, i try to get them to prestige 3

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    If you play around 8 hours each day. Constantly for 5 months.

    How is that not insane grind? You also have to pay quite a lot...