Texas Chainsaw masscre is way better than dbd

RickSanchez Member Posts: 56
edited August 2024 in Off-topic

That game deserved to overtake dbd in player numbers, the gameplay is more fun, theres no holding m1 gens, the game feels really thematic and scary and the graphics are way better


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    it won't take over dbd because dbd has better killer gameplay and better survivor gameplay but there is a little bit more depth in texas massacre for survivor stealth gameplay, something that dbd could easily put into the game but chooses not to do that.

  • RickSanchez
    RickSanchez Member Posts: 56
    edited August 2024

    I've had more fun playing killer in TCM, it just feels more fair too because you arent getting tunneled or camped supposedly, if you die you just die, it removes that human nature of people playing like a holes because they can

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 702

    Personally I prefer playing killer in dbd but survivor in tcm. Reason being, more variety of killers, I prefer to play solo and not worry if my team mates are pulling their weight. Survivor on tcm is better imo, more variety of tasks, more escape options, survivors actually have differences in skills, relies more on stealth instead of someone looping a killer like scooby doo and it actually feels like a horror game where there is suspense, the feeling of dread. When playing dbd as survivor I don't get that feeling. If the killer sees me I don't think "oh ****!" I think "oh ok, it's cool there's a few pallets here to loop for a while and if I get caught I'm still in the game"

    If TCM had a way to get killers and survivors for free with in-game currency like dbd has then I would have played TCM a lot more. But the crazy prices and the forcing people to buy the new killers, no new missions or goals like dbd tomes oh and the cosmetics for survivors were a flat out scam... Charging crazy prices for the same outfit but in a different colour. That's the stuff that made me stop playing it and instead stuck with dbd.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,950

    The fact you have to buy almost everything for real money is what's dragging the game down.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    TCM has said before that they don’t want to be compared to DBD

    They aren’t competing and don’t want to be.

    Let them be separate.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,869

    Just you wait until you see a Choose Fight Leland bodyguarding a 50 proficiency Connie. LOL

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 488

    TCM is how I would see dbd 2 but it's just builded around one dlc, so.

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 352

    Expensive DLCs killed this game imo

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092

    Good for you.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    Even though they are both assym horror TCM is a very different game from DBD. Unless you're someone that likes hopping around different assym horror games odds are you're going to prefer one over the other. I love that we have multiple assym horror to choose from right now, I don't want any to "over take" another. I want them to all co-exist, push eachother to be better games.

    I love TCM, think it can be wicked fun to play BUT it is not in a good state right now and they wicked dropped the ball for first anniversary. This game had a huge amount of hype and promise but the devs keep making poor decisions and move at a snails pace to fix anything broken in the game.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    TCM is literally buns compared to DBD. The first two weeks TCM came out and I was calling it was gonna fall off.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    So what’s the point of making this thread on a DBD forum? You go into stores you don’t think are better than the one you go to as well? Good for you, m8.

  • BurnedHusk
    BurnedHusk Member Posts: 5

    i played TCM 3 weeks now, they broke the game during this last anniversary update, hotfix fixed nothing. Game is extremely low population, with long wait times, and no new maps or content is hardly ever released. The remaining players have maxed out every aspect of the game, and will cheese you. It isn’t even worth the 10$ during sales. Unless you enjoy sitting in a lobby for 30 minutes to play with some of the biggest dbags you ever meet, and good luck dodging them, since only 10 people play the game.

  • BurnedHusk
    BurnedHusk Member Posts: 5

    can’t they broke grappling, leland has to run grapple perk to stand a chance, and choose not in that spec line

  • BurnedHusk
    BurnedHusk Member Posts: 5

    TCM has no stealth vs competent Family. Using Family Sense and headphones u can easily pinpoint victim location, because they talk to themselves all the time while crouched in bushes and family hears them with sense on and sound is directional. Screaming “OH HERE HE COMES!” while crouching lmao so easy to spot as the bushes are way too low and the entire head of victim pops out.

    On top of that, if one family has blood spec, grandpa will be level 5 in about 4 minutes flat. Blood is extremely OP right now, just extremely boring too.

  • RickSanchez
    RickSanchez Member Posts: 56

    The graphics are way better, there are more survivor escape options, instead of holding m1 on gen like boring

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,869

    I mean yeah the game is super cooked right now, but before that…