Huntress feels too strong right now

LadyOwO Member Posts: 390
edited August 2024 in General Discussions

I usually don't complain about killers but the huntress feels really awful to go against imo. Her hatchet wind up and the speed she moves at feels quite fast to me. Not sure what everyone else's opinions on her are ( Besides her planet size hatche hitboxes..) but just want to see if anyone else has had issue with her lately.



  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    I wish people would stop saying that.

    You ask them as if these are their real beliefs based on the experience of playing Huntress on both sides, and not a popular mantra that they repeat one after each other in every single post.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785

    You have to press the quote button on their post so they get notified when you respond to them

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785
    edited August 2024

    I went through a list of maps and when accounting for massive locker deadzones, indoor maps, and maps with massive amounts of rocks / trees / los blockers its like 1:1 bad maps to good maps

    She def needed the buffs to account for all that jank

    Also scott iirc mostly stopped playing huntress less because of the amount of stuff on all the maps and more because he played it for 4 years straight

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 390

    My apologies. I've been away from the forums for a year and I already forgot lol

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771

    The stupid thing about it is: Behavior puts all those stuff on maps to block line of sight to nerf her and then they buff her to compensate all those stuff they put on maps against her.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    To be generous I count 30 out of 53 maps being garbage for her between indoor maps and clutter. I would argue more like 37 to be accurate but those maps are kinda iffy.

    And Scott also exactly explained why he switched to maining Wraith and it’s because “The Devs are obsessed with adding random garbage to every map that makes playing her exhausting”

    Which after they added the variations to Ormond, Yamaoka and cold wind. AND the rework for Midwhich that ruined the one indoor map she was alright on. I definitely understand why he gave up on her.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 460

    Cant really make her healthier because that's literally deathslinger's job, the best you can do is nerf her camping and buff her chase agency, but she is unfortunately broken to the core, doomed to be left in deathslinger's shadow.

    I mean, all the fancy shots and snipes don't work against good players, so you are left with a iffy 4.4 with insanely good cooldowns.

    Why do you think every game at high levels ends up with huntress camping a survivor to death? Anything more skill expressive is actively detterred…

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 295

    Umbra another huge ex-huntress streamer also quit playing her for similar reasons.

    She said that nowadays huntress gameplay mostly boils down to pallet showdowns since most new or reworked maps hardly allow for long or even cross map shots. Just having each match be multiple pallet showdons is boring and frustrating for both sides according to her.

    From my own experience as a semi-huntress main I can see where she is coming from. Even though I don't really see how these buff help her with these issues since it seems to be more of a map Design problem than a killer problem. The new map Designs feel a lot like aestetics over playability for many killers imo

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785

    They put all that stuff there to nerf everyone but then buff her because it disproportionately affected her more than they wanted. Los affects mostly ranged killers and long range powers and limited turning powers, so it also hurts, trickster, nurse, myers, clown*, plague, deathslinger, cenobite, artist, singularity, ghostface, wesker, blight, chucky, oni, billy, unknown

    Mostly a bunch of killers who need to to keep them somewhat harder blight / nurse

    Keep their potential In check, oni, deathslinger, ghostface, wesker, chucky, singularity

    Annoy them a bit, artist, plague, clown, trickster, cenobite

    Or keep a bad killer down, myers

    Los has drastic affects across the board and since it varies from map to map killers will get changes depending on how much it affects them vs how much the devs want it to affect them. Clearly they wanted it to affect huntress less and keep it the same for other killers

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771

    Yeah that is probably more accurate than what I said and a better way to view it.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    LoS blockers don’t harm anti-loop killers and they’re in fact better for killers whose powers involve stalking survivors. I enjoy both Myers and Ghostface and LoS is incredibly important for building up their powers. Have you ever tried marking someone as Ghostface in the hallways of Midwich? How about building up the Evil Within as Myers on Coldwind? It’s hard as hell when survivors see you coming from a mile away. And antiloop killers aren’t affected by LoS blockers because their powers exist to shut down loops, which are essentially big LoS blockers.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    No, it didn't break her. Most people wouldn't put Huntress into top 5 killers anyway. You could have allready 7+ hatches before and increased wind up and nobody was saying "its broken" addons.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785

    Ranged killers are anti-loop killers at low walls so half right, and it does harm certain effects that then enable them to use their powers like how singularity requires an infection from the biopods which can't work without LoS. Stalking powers its more of a two way thing

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369

    huntress strong but overrated. Even with the buffs she isn't oppressive at all in my opinion.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    my suspect opinion is that Huntress is like pre-nerfed deathslinger. pre-nerfed deathslinger wasn't overwhelming killer but survivors complained that he was unfun to face, oppressive in chase. As a result, deathslinger got nerfed. He was also bottom of kill-rates.

    Huntress might get same treatment where she get nerfed for being unfun to face rather then strong. I don't think they will weaken her but it is not out of question for BVHR. If they nerf her, they'll probably buff deathslinger or further buff trickster.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 345

    I think a lot of people are sick of Huntress from playing against her every single match in 2v8. Did see a lot of people instantly dc when going against her in the normal mode at first but that seems to have settled down now.

    I haven't played as her in months but there does seem to be a build where she can fire off hatchets extremely quickly with very little cool down. I think they recently changed a few of her add ons so probably one of them?

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 390
    edited August 2024

    The Huntress


    Increased Hatchet count to 7 (was 5).

    Decreased The Huntress' Hatchet wind up speed to 0.9 seconds (was 1).

    This was the 7.6.0 update. They made this base kit for her and that's what is the issue. Like I said when I started this post I rarely complain about killers at all but this change feels completely uncalled for.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    huntress 100% has no problem with 7 hatchet at all, just dodge a little more, this isn't even much of a buff in term of lethality

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    It all started with Ghostface being added unfortunately. They added a bunch of garbage for his lean stalking ability. That’s also speculated to be why Sverkeran who was one of the greatest of all time at her gave up on her and quit playing the game, that and dedicated servers.

    The buffs don’t help her at all with the map issue, that’s what the movement speed when holding hatchets was for. They were trying to make Shiny Pin basekit to help her on awful maps but survivor backlash got that reverted. No watching the kill rates or anything just straight reverted because complaints made by people who didn’t play against her buffed PTB version at all.

    People say it wasn’t needed and it’s a map issue but that’s why I say it was needed. They aren’t going to rework all maps. They aren’t going to change the indoor maps that gut her power either. So speeding her up was the simple solution and the most needed part and it didn’t make it past the PTB because people didn’t even want to try and see how it felt to go against. But oh well, what can you do?

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 299

    I would have just given her that addon basekit that lets her be 4.6 when out of hatchets. Helps her reload faster or be a normal killer when her power is out. Then rework that iri to do something more interesting than just be qol buff. I'd like an iri that affects her lullaby

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    This is blatantly incorrect, she does NOT have increased speed when holding a hatchet. It never made it past the PTB, even though it should have.

    She is still 77% when holding a hatchet, MEANWHILE. Billy and Cannibal move at 92% when charging. Trickster moves at 96% when holding knives (99% when using two add ons together), Slinger moves at 92% when Add and PP head moves at 110% when using PoTD.

    A survivor moves 23% faster when she holds a hatchet, not to mention of all the killers listed besides Trickster (who they made 115% while she is 110%) She is the only one who has to drop chase and find a poorly placed locker to reload. 7 hatchets is beyond reasonable, at a certain point you have to accept some responsibility and learn how to loop her. She is one of the easiest to loop in the game, watch any survivor mains video on countering her, it’s abysmally easy.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    It was a dumb change but it didn't really affect much and doesn't need to be undone, there's enough loopable objects on maps that she isn't as bad as she used to be.

    The biggest problem is her camping ability aka oak haft/flower babushka that need to be nerfed, I would be okay with her having chase buffs if it meant she couldn't prevent unhooks so easily.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 556
    edited August 2024

    To be fair, I believe they reverted the change where she could have faster movement when moving with a readied up hatchet.

    That was due to no counterplay as she's supposed to lose speed when drawing her hatchet, but I do think she need a speed boost for hatchet wind-up speed as I played her prior to her nerf.

    The hatchets amount was added due to Infantry Belt being a popular add-on, which Behavior believed she needed as an add-on built in.

    I think the only thing I could think of changing about her is her hatchet hitbox - I would argue that Deathslinger and Trickster are harder to master due to how precision based their hits need to be, whereas Huntress has more leeway to hit her shots in otherwise due to the bad hitbox size or latency related.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 422

    ? Huntress mains did, maybe. Plenty of people pointed out how illogical it was to not only give her her best addons for free but also not make any tweaks to her hatchets' hitboxes.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,073

    Ive never seen anyone on these forums for 6 years asking for buffs like these, and you dont need to play a killer religiously to know what kind of changes are good/bad.

    Huntress being at the bottom in terms of killrates make sense considering you actually need to be sentient to play her properly, and using comp as an example really aint a good one considering some times they dont play for the 4k since its all about points. Huntress is good at camping, which makes her very good at safely securing points.

    Also Huntress being "one of the easiest killers to loop in the game" hasnt been the case in years, (could even argue her chase ability was just as good back when she was first released thanks to there only being 1 indoor map and maps being a lot more open than they are now) saying otherwise is just a skill issue.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,395

    I agree with this as well.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,914

    Yes, I do. I play a good amount of Survivor, and go against a lot of Huntresses (she is the most played killer after all). Her counterplay is largely the same, she's just a bit quicker winding up Hatchets and has 2 more.

    I'm still looping her just fine. The only difference is it's a lot harder to make her run out of Hatchets, but I wouldn't say that's overpowered.

    I'm not sure why you mentioned movement speed in the post either, that wasn't touched at all in her recent buffs.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    I don't believe she's overpowered - maybe overtuned but at the same time her buffs were not warranted and anyone struggling with her I'll just say skill issue.

    That being said I guess she is kind of fine now it only really helped people struggling with her I guess as people who are decent with her while they'll feel the changes it largely won't affect their games aside from possibly a few less trips to a locker.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Well I’m definitely a much better Huntress than you are and have much more time on her so my opinion is definitely more valid than yours on this regard. Not to mention CoCo, True, Ohtofu and Spooky agree the changes were needed.

    Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean they are asked for as I have seen countless people ask for them. Usually coming from people who actually play her and actually know what they are talking about.

    She has low kill rates in Low MMR and High MMR so your point about being required to be “sentient” is invalid. Also she is without a doubt one of the easiest to loop and if you struggle against her it’s just a skill issue honestly with how much is stacked against her and favoring the survivor in almost every interaction besides dead zones.

    I can genuinely tell you barely play her just by the comment you left.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    You made the assumption first by claiming “skill issue” I simply made my assumption off of your comment you made that tells me that you dont have much experience on her compared to people who play her more.

    Bringing up MMR is not pointless at all and can not be written off as such as it does matter if good players who have thousands of hours still struggle to kill with her. She is a well balanced killer in some regards but lacking very heavily in others.

    People who have thousands of hours on her alone are disagreeing with you so maybe you should think about what they say instead of dismissing it instantly as a “skill issue”

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,914
    edited August 2024

    Eh, double windup is nowhere near as fast as it was back in the days of machine gun huntress.

    It's roughly the same as old double windup, they were nerfed to compensate for the basekit changes. Maybe like a couple of percent more?

    Like babushka/braid + tink back in the day was legitimately comparable to current Slinger, it was that fast.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 529

    For some reason they thought it was a good idea to give her an entire 4 peoples worth of hatchets.

    The windup and speed changes I dont care but why does she need 7 basekit hatchets… its silly as hell. You can afford to be the worst aim in the world now.

    This is on par with billy changes, we just wanted overheat gone, now we have the blue I win overdrive button. Skill expression is being taken away constantly on the killer side. I dont want them screwing with my plague, or legion like this.

    Whats next, I can just get stunned and have my power still up and both powers doubling in duration?

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,073

    Bringing up High MMR is pointless as we have no idea what constitutes "High MMR". Even streamers who play this game daily for several hours who are more than likely in top MMR go against questionable players all the time. It has the exact same weight as saying you were Rank 1 back in the day

    Also 2 of the people you listed (the 2 huntress mains mind you) initial reactions were that the buffs left her a bit overtuned, which is where I stand as well. I dont think shes overpowered, but having 7 hatchets has the Trickster effect where you she has so much room for error that its just frustrating to go against at times.

    Im also experienced enough to make my own opinions and have invested my fare share of time into Huntress. And on average I find she performed just fine prior to her buffs. She does have her fare share of rough maps, but its nothing exclusive to Huntress.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,073

    Im not talking about double wind up, Im talking about green charge and yellow recovery.

    At a short distance if you hit back to back hatchets, you can down almost as fast as double charge + tink

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,914

    That also isn't anywhere near the same, either. It requires them to be in the open, you can still break LOS easily.

    Machine gun was problematic because it allowed you to get guaranteed hits at most loops. This is not the case with Babushka + Haft.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    A bit overturned but changes were still needed. Them being Huntress mains is irrelevant if you are implying bias, many people can set their bias aside. And honestly you should be going to a main of said character if you want to know how they feel and if any changes should happen.

    37 of 53 maps are awful for her. Even worse if you aren’t using Shiny Pin which is borderline a must run against good survivors. She has the most amount of maps that are bad for her on top of being 1 of 2 killers who have to go reload at a poorly placed locker.

    Look why people gave up on her, Scott Jund did, Sverkeran did and they were some of the best. And it’s because her kit and poorly designed maps. 7 hatchets is beyond fine as it helps new people more when it comes to learning her. Hatchets are not hard to dodge. Watch Coco and spooky play matches they miss a decent amount and Otzdarava misses even more than them.

    I’m digressing at this point but my point still stands, the buffs were absolutely needed and anybody who plays her a lot realized this. Maybe those CCs felt it was overturned but they never said they were unneeded. The buff she needed the most didn’t even make it through.

    The real problem is that against people who are bad at the game she is S Tier but against people who are good she is B Tier. Ohtofu said that best in his most recent tier list video and it’s undeniable how accurate he is about that.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,073

    Thats true, but it has a massive impact on camping which was also an issue with Machine Gun.

    I am not implying bias, you yourself said to listen to those who poured thousands of hours into her and I did, both of them came to the conclusion it was a bit too much.

    Saying she has the most amount of maps that are bad to her is just straight up wrong, off the top of my head I can already tell you Trapper and Dredge are much worst.

    Scott Jund gave up on her because of boredom and Oni, the guy goes through phases. (which isnt a bad thing) Also to quote him on reading the initial patch notes: "I mean.. sure..?" Content creators may not have said they were unneeded but they also didnt say they were needed either (which again, she was and still is fine)

    And finally, a content creator missing a hatchet or 2 every once in a while doesnt mean shes bad, its just them making a small mistake which isnt nearly as impactful now that she has more hatchets

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,311

    People crying about her buffs again, and clearly exaggerating her hatchet hitboxes and her power level. If her opponents are smart enough to breath, they can probably beat her. That's especially true at the higher levels matches where you can down pretty much constantly and still draw or lose. Lots of maps in the game straight-up aren't designed for her, because you can't see over, or you can but your hatchets just blow up into black smoke when you try to throw over. Or there's no lockers for miles. Don't you think that's why they gave her a bigger hatchet count?