The Inevitable Nerfing of Weave Attunement



  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    That doesn't work. Only one person can be the Obsession at a time.

    And Dying Light counters that, and soon so will Wretched Fate.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    There is this prevailing assumption that any time someone comes to these forums and criticizes anything that effects one side or the other that it must be a "survivor main" or "killer main". I would like to think that I can look at this game objectively and see how something effects both sides. Just for the record though, I do identify as a killer main. I generally only play survivor when competing tomes. But the vast majority of my games are played as a killer. I've used Weave Attunement and Franklins together on a lot of games now. That is why I can say with confidence that the perk combo is a problem.

    I've seen people say that survivors can just pick up the items and drop them off in the corner as if that is a simple solution that always works. There are plenty of killers that can very easily punish survivors trying to do this. Huntress can snipe survivors trying to pick up items. Lots of killers have fast mobility options to catch out survivors trying to pick up items.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Only the active aura read which happens every 30s can be used by the obsession. All other aura reading will still activate the perk even if you are not the obsession.

    I have been playing with this perk for the last 2.5 years now.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 933
    edited August 2024

    i was bored of trying to find the real answer to OP post, but if it's really that difficult for you to drop your item at the edge of the map and make killer waste 2 perks, i don't know what to tell you.

    Weave + Franklins is literally the most overcomplained perk combo in the game

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 421

    Funny how people always say “if they nerf this perk then I’ll run 4 slowdown perks” like, killers being doing that since ever lmao.

    The combo needs some nerfs because how easy is to get value and is strong.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 933
    edited August 2024

    value gets cancelled completely by dropping item at the edge of the map where no survivors will come close to, and killer wastes 2 perk slots that way. The statement "it is strong" is same as if i said Devour Hope is strong while it is literally useless when you cleanse the totem (and countering Weave + Franklins is even easier since your perks give you much more value than items anyway)

  • YamamuraVideoRentals
    YamamuraVideoRentals Member Posts: 222
    edited August 2024

    It's not completely canceling all value, because 1) survivors have to waste time bringing items back and forth to a corner. 2) it's annoying trying to find items when someone else dropped them and you don't know where. 3) Every time you pick up an item you become oblivious. 4) The entire time you are wasting minutes trying to bring items to a corner, the killer also sees your aura. While you are oblivious.

  • aklai
    aklai Member Posts: 11

    please oh my god

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Please omg what? Please nerf Weave attunement or please don't nerf weave attunement?

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    It's useless against stealth killers though so is not a solution in anyway. I think its hilarious that killer mains are still saying Weave doesn't need a nerf or rework when it is now on the roadmap to be nerfed and even Otz has said it needs one.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 776

    No OP, it does not need a nerf. All it needs is an indication of where an item got dropped. Why aren't Killers allowed to have aura read to help track and therefore chase, but Survivors are allowed it? I don't understand. Either we all should have good aura read or nobody should have it, and I feel like the game will become very stale hide and seek if nobody has it.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    An indication of where the item dropped is technically a nerf though.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 776

    But is it really though? I don't see how it's a nerf to notify the player "Hey this item's here" when picking the item up is a hazard and going near it is also a hazard. I guess if it's an issue only show the notification briefly?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I never said that it doesn't need a nerf. And yes, Object is not as useful against stealth killers (except Mirror Myers, or aura Wraith/Pig), but it has more use for me than not. But this is not about Object.

    I also have some ideas on how to nerf WA. And that is just one single change:

    1. The item must be visible once entering the radius.

    This way survivors can find the item and place it somewhere out of the way. The problem at the moment is, that the AOE is huge and you have no idea where the item is. This way survivors get reasonable counterplay but need to waste a bit of time to do so.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 776
    edited August 2024

    I would not get your hopes up and I am not going to argue with you on this, the change will probably just make it not work with Franklin's or moderately reduce its range and KEEP the Franklin's charge. Or, it could be buffed but have the Franklin's interaction removed. The perk is slated "for changes", not for "a nerf" even if it likely is a nerf.

    The perk is mostly fine and doesn't need a time limit, why is it a problem the Killer is using two slots that could simply be filled by one with a much stronger aura perk? I really think the anger at this perk is not about Weave Attunement, but the fact that it works with Franklin's and people find Franklin's annoying.

    Assuming it's a nerf, then the only changes that make any sense is either changing how far the aura reading is, breaking the synergy with Franklin's, or adding more notifications for Survivors. That's very likely all it's going to be. Personally I hope for a 5 second aura read every time someone drops, uses, upgrades, picks up, or recharges an item, but it no longer works with Franklin's - think a BBQ and Chili but for items. That would make it a very good aura read perk while also giving it enough counterplay, as well as making it a deterrent for just always bringing strong items, which seems to be what BHVR was trying to do with it.

  • FalseBanGamer
    FalseBanGamer Member Posts: 9

    oh yeah? what about boil over +flip flop + breakout
    aint that problematic mr killer/main
    literally used it hour ago with random swf i found. killer couldn't hook us but OH NERF WEAVE ATTATTUNEMENT ITS PROBLEMATIC😱

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Don't try to derail the thread. I've never once stated that this game is 100% balanced except for this one thing. If you want to start a thread about another perk combo then go for it. But keep things on topic in this thread.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    This is usually a sign something is broken because killer mains defend it relentlessly haha

    It's not healthy for the game as a whole expecting people to go through 10 hoops and guess where fellow survivors drop items is just unreasonable.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 879

    What's hilarious to me is that no one would give a damn about this perk if it didn't synergize with Franklin's.

    Weave on its own is pretty trash and would likely barely see any use outside of Adepts or meme/challenge builds.

    Franklin's, despite admittedly being a mediocre perk on it's own, is a despised perk since it takes away a limited, albeit farmable, ressource for Survivors. Most of the time I've seen this perk are in petty and vengeful builds that aren't meant to win/have fun so much as piss off the other side as much as possible, usually alongside Knockout & NOED. But it was pretty rare before since it's usefulness was entirely dependant on items (so Survivors could simply immediately empty their toolboxes asap to not care about Franklin's, or simply drop their items before doing a gen etc.). Calls for Franklin's nerf (read: nuke from orbit into uselessness like most nerfs) are very rare due to the perk being mediocre alone and having a mediocre pickrate.

    Weave made Franklin's viable outside of low-key toxic builds and as such it made it more common, automatically putting a massive target on it's back.

    Literally all it needs to be less obnoxious is to show the item's aura, that's it.

  • FalseBanGamer
    FalseBanGamer Member Posts: 9

    wdym.i just said yall trying to nerf every fun thing for killers