We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Time to look at MMR, SWf also time to chamge Prove Thy Self and We'll Make It.

I have had issues on both side where I'm having problems with MMR. As survivors I get the selfish survivors who DC, kill themselves on hook, just do gens unless they have no choice, farm off hook and let them get killed but as killer I get the total opposite. I get the bidy blockers and sabo players and the gen rushers. We need to make it that if are below a certain MMR you shouldn't have any form of SWF as killer unless ypu consistently being the key word stay above a certain MMR. I'd rather be in a lower MMR but with solo q players that have more skill then anyone swfing if thatcis my only option in queues of they are slow. Alao Prove Thyself ahould force the perk user to be on the gen not standing near them to get benefit and with only another person. If there is 3 or 4 it should.make Prove loose the benefit. We'll Make it should be 30 seconds to basically heal the person off hook not 90 were a swf can abuse the crap out of it. This just happened to me they were all clustered around the last gen abusing the fact you can get Prove value by standing there and heal with We'll Make It way after the fact. We need to address SWFing and MMR now.


  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402
    1. The state of MMR in this game is similar as if it doesn't exist at all. Losing as either side within current MMR system is a skill issue.
    2. Sabo in general serves no purpose in this game, it's plain unhealthy and idk why has whole mechanic been buffed at all.
    3. Genrushing in general doesn't exist, it just looks like gens are flying fast in most matches, that means you need to work on generating better map pressure, also bring gen related perks to help you.
    4. Prove Thyself is awful perk because 2+ survivors being on a same gen = less pressure applied to killer.

  • KeonLennedy
    KeonLennedy Member Posts: 23

    Not every SWF is a highly coordinated super squad, they're just friends grouping up, no need to penalize their queue times like that. You have to accept that not every game is going to be winnable or fair. Just see going against the sweat squads as an opportunity to learn and experiment, take the loss and move on to the next game. You have far more control over how you react to the match as a Killer than you do as a Survivor, so just make the most of it. Playing Survivor in an unfair situation feels a million times worse than dealing with it as Killer.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    I think SWF is fine, just stacking meta perks or certain team synergies perks like Streetwise and Prove Thyself is problematic as it is.

    Sure, Streetwise is not that overall useful on its own, but with a coordinate team with the best toolboxes addon combinations, as well as stacking the same Streetwise perk together with other generator fixing perks. It can make those toolboxes never run out of charges and be able to speed run Genrushing significantly in the worse case scenario for any killer to play against that playstyle.

    It would be nice if the devs implement some changes to meta perks or rework certain team support perks to be not just decent but doesn't run the risk of stacking with its own.. like what they did with Open Handed from Ace

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 166

    We'll make it is probably the fairest and most balanced perk in the game

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    People complain about everything. I bet you could find people who think Sable's Invocation is op.