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More and detailed informations about reverb audio issues.

poinepp Member Posts: 222

This is not a new post about the bug I am just going to provide more and new informations about it since It started to occur on different levels.

  • Fırst Occurence:

During the 7.0.0 End Transmission chapter, in open places where there are no long walls etc, the audio coming from survivors and killers did not have any reverb effect based on the enviroment around Them. This bug randomly happened in some trials and kept on happening randomly up until 7.4.0 Chucky Chapter came out. Since then, this bug is still present and not random meaning It happens in every match with an open map on any platform.

  • Exceptions:

The bug only occures on open places meaning if you are in the cornfield on Coldwind farm or in the middle of autoheaven wreckers, you don't hear the reverb on global audio such as survivor screams and sounds. So buildings are not affected by this bug as a result. And the only open maps that are not affected by the bug are Nostromo Wreckers and Toba Landing maps.

  • New Occurences:

During the 8.0.0 Dungeons and Dragons Update the bug also has spreaded into gideon meat plant map's first floor. For some reason the audio started playing as if it is not an indoor map and had no reverb effect either (excluding the second floor of the map)

  • Video evidences:

Since 8.0.0 patch It also started happening on the first floor of gideon meat plant map.

8 votes

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