We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Generator Location

It makes me sad when I am working on a gen, and I can look over and see the next generator. I am seeing these more and more.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,294

    One of my first games on after a 3 month break: Unknown with a Dead Dawg offering who just sat on high ground and shot at 3 gens

  • halcyondays93
    halcyondays93 Member Posts: 25
    edited August 25

    Swamp is also pretty damn bad about generator placements, especially Grim Pantry. This screenshot is from a match I had during last year's anniversary on that very map, in which 6 out of 7 generators spawned pretty damn close to each other. Luckily for us, the Wesker seemed relatively inexperienced at playing killer, so we managed to get all 5 gens repaired, but it would have meant a swift and inevitable death for all of us if we'd been put against someone else.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    You just can’t have tiny maps and spread out gens. Killers complained (and still do) about map sizes, so they’re reduced. But that has the unexpected consequence of producing natural 3-gens. I think it’s absurd for the devs to rely on some sort of honor system among killers that they won’t exploit these inborn map 3-gens. And even with the anti-3-gen feature, the game is usually over before a killer reaches the limit. Personally, I’ve never understood why survivors are so quiet about these nonsensical changes.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    At a certain point it is on the survivors to recognize the 3 gen and break one out early. Holding a 3 gen is a viable killer strat, the only caveat would be if that’s all they do from the very beginning and nothing else.

    Nobody should ever be accidentally caught by the Dead Dawg 3 gen considering its existed for years now. Learn the 3 gen spots and take care of it, it’s really not that hard honestly.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,882
    edited August 26

    If a map spawns a perfect 3 gen like in those pictures and the killer decides to hold it, it's essentially impossible for a soloq team to break it, as they can't coordinate, which would be necessary.

    This isn't a survivor issue, this is a map issue. Spawns like that simply shouldn't be allowed to happen.

    Post edited by Hex_Ignored on
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268

    Why would that make you sad unless you only have 1 gen to go and you can see both other gens next to you?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117
    edited August 26

    I'm not saying all gen placements and map configurations are perfect, some maps do have egregious 3-gens with no safety to compensate (like Haddonfield rework), however 3-gens are a part of the back and forth tactical elements of the game, where a killer has to decide between committing to a chase or not.

    Survivors have a choice between doing all the safe gens then trying to break the 3 gen at the end with 4 of them, or trying to break the 3 gen early while they still have all their items and pallets still up.

    I don't like this logic of "soloQ can't coordinate effectively to break a 3-gen, therefore 3 gens should be forced out of the game". The fact is soloQ doesn't typically play optimally... but to assume it is impossible for them to do so is to place a natural cap on the skill requirement of soloQ, and balance the game so that anyone who does manage to play optimally completely crushes the killer at every turn.

    This is DBD in a nutshell. When played optimally it is quite difficult for anything short of a handful of killers/builds to realistically compete. However at lower levels its the side who makes the fewest mistakes that wins, and there are 4 times more survivors to make a potential game losing mistake than there are killers.

  • djsoundlimit
    djsoundlimit Member Posts: 97

    I understand your feeling, had that multiple times.

    I also hate that the exit gates sometimes are very close and if the killer (for example huntress) stands on a hill and can see both exits at the same time. Happend to me too

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,882

    I am not saying that all 3 gens are bad, but if 3 generators spawn basically within lunging distance from one another, the amount of coordination it would take to break that 3 gen, given that the killer is dead set on holding it, is unreasonable for the average soloq lobby.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 682

    Maps should not be so huge a Killer can't patrol gens. However they should also not have these tight 3gens, there has to be some way to fix these spawns.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    gens can be close together because of map sizes and whatnot but they shouldn't be in corners of the map and/or in deadzones because what do you do, pre-run to edge map?

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,693

    I think people have given up hope by the time the map leaves the ptb. We've had a long, long track record now of maps that either didn't get touched again, or somehow got worse after feedback.

    RPD reworks addressed almost nothing for survivors (3 gens still base kit here), corn maps are basically just dead zones now in general and the tractor loops got deleted, haddonfield gets worse every time they touch it. Maps like Ormond, shattered square, and eyrie simply got smaller without getting any better.

    The only map that might've had hope was midwich, and they basically just deleted a couple breakable walls and tweaked the exit gates. Thanks, that fixes none of the map's core issues.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,130

    Yeah, it is not really worth the time to give feedback to Maps. The thing is, if we look at Haddonfield - it takes basically every player exactly one game on that map to see that it is not ok how they reworked it. So why have any hope that the Devs would change it? Because I refuse to believe that they did not see that their Map Rework was bad, it was intentionally done in that way. And therefore, there is no chance that it will be changed.

    Same with Coldwinds - the maps were fine after their latest Reworks, with some even too weak for Survivors (Rancid Abattoir, no idea why this was changed. Cowshed obviously needed a change, but Abattoir was fine before and just got worse), but there was no need to change some of the good structures in those awful structures which feature a very weak pallet and a weak Window.

    I just think at some point they make it too easy for Killers.

    And when it comes to Midwich… I am not sure, but I THINK they removed some Pallets in the rooms to add some in the Hallways. Even tho, the ones in the Hallways were weaker than in the rooms. And I also think that the changes they did to the Hallways did not do much for Survivor and only helped Killers, except for Huntress. She is the only one who gets screwed by those, I think that Billy and Blight can go through the corridors with ease (let alone Nurse, it will still be her best Map).

    (The observations for Midwich are not set in stone from my side. I did not test BIlly or Blight on it, because I simply dont want to sit in a long Killer queue on the PTB just to have people DC on me when they see I am not Dracula, lol)

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Honestly the idea of gen defense/breaking is flawed I'd say, it's just impossible for either side and there really is no in between

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    It is not neccessary to coordinate. Against most killer i can break this 3 gens alone if the killer doesnt leave the 3-gen. (takes a lot longer). The only isssue with solo que is that they do stupid plays before im finished like getting slugged next to the gens or even all going down.

    You just need to prerun and always heal. Healing can waste a lot of time if you need to find your teammates and yh thats annoying, but if not even that amount of coordination is possible in solo que its a skill issue.

    Dont get me wrong there are a lot of matches where your solo-team will shatter against a 3 gen, but at this point the solution from the devs is good enough that its on the survivors.

    On the other hand the tunneling and camping mechanics need some changes. Its a lot harder to them correctly than the easy anti-3-gen-solution.