Looks like people have discovered the power of Deliverance

I was playing killer this week and I noticed something, the amount of Deliveance, this perk was very rare and not to common, but now is more common than lithe and windows of opportunity.
Havent noticed that much, but yeah, deli is very strong if people know it's in play. Luckily, that's usually not the case and they either go to unhook deli user or dont let them unhook themselves to charge the perk and it makes it rarely useable.
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I saw 2 deliverance in the last 3 months I think, so it seems more to be on your matches for some reason xD
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At least on SA servers there is a bunch of deliverance now.
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I think everybody always knew it can be a very strong perk. Emphasis on the "can" as the reason for the perk's low usage rate is its inconsistency in solo queue. More often than not, you'll get no value from it either because you got hooked before activating it or because a teammate was next to your hook anyway.
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If I run Deliverance I can assure you the killer will do everything in their power to hook me first :(
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Ahh I'm playing on europe, I think that could be the difference xD