Where's Switched Perspectives modifier?

Good. Light's Out is coming back and I'm sure Chaos Shuffle and 2v8 will too at some point.
But what about the Switched Perspectives (killer 3rd person and surv 1st)?
Aside from 2v8 (that I refused to play at all as killer due to the vast pool of choices) the Switched Perspectives was the only one that I really wanted since I hate playing any game in 1st person. Feels like I'm playing as a pair of floating limbs, not a character.
So… is this modifier coming or not?
Probably scrapped because I can't imagine how they'd balance that.
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When did they say Lights Out is coming back? Last I read that one performed poorly and was deeply unpopular.
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I mean I personally don't have any interests for this mode, and Im not seeing too many people ask for it.
So sorry to say but Idk if this ones comin any time soon
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1st person is one of best parts of playing killer in this game.
you feel so immersed.
no way i would trade that for slight comp advantage.
wouldnt mind 1st person survivor modifier.
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One of the points they want to talk about in the castlevania stream is the return of light's out. I also don't understand why they'd bring back that mode when it was pretty unpopular
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it’s not immersed, the game isn’t immersive, you worry more about gems, and you can’t see 10 dollar cosmetics
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Ah. Hadn’t watched the stream. Yeah 2v8 and Chaos Mode were well received but Lights Out and to a lesser extent My Little Oni were not. I wonder how they’d improve Lights Out so survivors want to play it. That was the issue with it before.
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I feel like that would be really difficult to balance and keep interesting for more than a day or two. Chucky is evidence of how much of an advantage 3rd person perspective would be to killers, adding 1st person survivor perspective on top of that I just can't picture that being fun for survivor at all. A lot of loops in the game just wouldn't work very well for it because they weren't designed with that in mind. Maybe it could work with specially designed loops and tiles specifically for the modifier, but that's probably not worth the time investment.
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Doesn't need to be very well balanced.
Just need to be fun. :)Really? Survs didn't wanted to play?
I thought it was decent fun for both sides. Jump scares for survs, laughs for killers. :PFor me it's the worst.
1st person for me is not immersive because, again, I feel like playing as a pair of floating limbs.
I would take a huge nerf for killers if 3rd person was an option. I would learn and adapt to play around this supposed nerf.Agreed.
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Even if you don't think it matters, balance is very important. If a mode is deeply unfun for one side, they'll simply stop queueing up for it. Light's out survivor queues were pretty much dead after 2 days and without survivors there is no game for killers (and vice versa)
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idc, i like my first person perspective and im not giving it away so i can have half of my screen covered with a model i dont care about.
and since lots of killers have FPS mechanics, I especially dont want / dont care about having 3rd person. Cool that some killers have it, keep it to them.
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Makes sense.
What I meant is that it's not needed to be perfectly balanced for a first try.
Now I'm more intrigued about what was so terrible for survs in Light's Out.
I didn't saw anything THAT terrible.1 -
Lights out was rather fine for solo q. It was pretty much just tryhard sweats ruining it by playing killers that had no right being in the mode by violating the spirit and integrity of it(Legion Doc) their powers should have been worthless.
KKillers were not capable of finding survivors who used stealth so unhooked survivors would get tunneled out
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I don't tunnel when playing serious, so would definitely not do it in a "goofy" mode.
Also makes sense about the killers who could "outplay" the dark.1 -
There's literally nothing interesting for survivor gameplay in Lights out, I hope it never comes back. Switched perspective sounds interesting, but so did lights out and that was "so much fun" on survivor.
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I'm so tired of those alternate game modes, all they do is increase the bloody queue times
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If anything… I think Lights out was pretty unpopular…
Switched perspective modifier… Is just going to be a killing fiesta. It might be fun as a survivor to get some spooks\jumpscares here and there, but overall - I don't know how you will survive at all.
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They are probably updating it to try again BECAUSE the mode wasn't popular, maybe they feel it needed some reworking. The idea is solid. The original version just wasn't there.