How do you feel about the killer changes?

Knight, Nemesis, Dracula, Dredge and Doctor?


  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 973

    At work so only opinion from what I've seen until I can play it myself. For Knight noticed that they reduced the cooldowns for the assassin and jailer by 5 seconds so that's makes him little better. Nemesis Scott did some testing on the hindered and the hindered changes were so small barely makes a difference even with licker tounge and a few inches on his M2 so meh. Dredge and Doc don't play don't really care. Drac idk.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Knight is still bad, no suprise when you pretty much nuke his chase and then give him something small in return.

    Dredge is better, but nothing amazing. Still happy for at least some nice buffs he deserved looooong time ago.

    Nemesis feels bit better to play but he isnt much better in terms of raw power. Still good change. Wish they didnt shadownerf the hindred so thats still pretty useless effect.

    Doctor change is nice, but ultimate the same killer but can get info bit more offten which fits him and its nice.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I am too lazy, but someone should submit the bug report on Nemesis.

    Wiki still claims it to be 20%, so I wonder if the result is simply so small, or it's a bug.

    Well, result of this change should be 1.6 meters (20% less for 2 seconds), which seems about right on the video.

    Players just expected bigger impact....

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    I played each Killer without Add-ons once against bots for now.. have to test it further, but current opinions are:

    Doctor: Practically the same, just a bit less cooldown. Could be a bit oppressive with Impossible Skillcheck on The Game.

    Nemesis: Feels amazing. Less cooldown on successful hits, faster Tier up's and the extra range on Tier 3 allows for some really nasty and unexpected hits.

    Dredge: Feels alot better outside of Nightfall. His slow speed plus his longer cooldown made him feel very sluggish. I personally don't like him more or less than before.

    Knight: Actually alot more fun than his previous live version where the Guards had a shared cooldown. Feels very versatile now and can allow for some nasty combo's. Cooldown on Assasin and Jailer could be reduced to 20 seconds as well.

    Dark Lord: Very fun indeed, Hellfire is quite easy to use, Wolf is quite hard to use but with enough practice could be a strong tool as well. Hitting a Survivor with Hellfire into Wolf Pounce attack feels quite strong too. Bats are okay but could use a speed buff in general as well as a tp range increase.

  • MissiCiv
    MissiCiv Member Posts: 110

    im sure the hindered status effect of nemesis is not working correct

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 371

    Dredge feels a lot smoother to play and locked lockers aren't nearly as frustrating as they used to be. Unfortunately you're still entirely map dependent with lockers with a middle of the road antiloop power.

    I don't think they move in the tier list at all but if you enjoy Dredge they're even more enjoyable now.