The reason the GeForce filter is not working from version 8.2.0 is due to EAC, but there is no solut
This issue has been affecting certain users and was reported during the PTB, yet it was not fixed in the official 8.2.0 version. The problem is caused by EAC, but how many users are facing this issue?
I have been facing this issue since PTB 8.2.0, but even in the official release, the GF filter remains disabled due to EAC. I would like to hear about your experiences and opinions on this.
On one hand i understand why this is frustrating for people with disabilities, but on the other hand the filters definitely gave an unfair advantage to people on PC who abused the filters
Post edited by TheArbiter on11 -
No, BHVR has not banned the use of this filter. This issue is only affecting some PC users, and there are still many users who continue to enjoy the "unfair advantage" you mention. Also, this thread is not about debating the pros and cons of the filter; it is purely to investigate how many people are experiencing this issue.
13 -
Oh noooo, not the filters.
I swear guys they just make the game look better….
10 -
I have the same problem after this update
5 -
This was part of the reason that I didn't play the PTB. This game looks like a bag of smashed *** without some gentle tweaking + causes eye strain. I'm not talking about the drastic color changes + making red stains more visible kind either. Just subtle tweaks to colors to make it more enjoyable.
I didn't think it would get pushed to live in this state. It's super annoying that they're saying it's "Not a bug" and they don't have an ETA on a fix. It honestly makes me not want to play live.8 -
SOME PEOPLE are colorblind….
SOME PEOPLE have poor eyesight…
Until Bhvr has a slider for people with vision problems it is in fact not fair to certain people. They need to be allowed as they have been for YEARS.
11 -
There is a colorblind mode already in the game to deal with that.
Downloading something that modifies the game to deal with accessibility issues is not a proper solution to the problem.
Let me ask this, as someone who is hard of hearing, and plays killer a lot, should i be allowed to download a cheat that makes it so i can see survivor auras when they make noise? For example? After all, it would be for accessibility purposes.
Additionally, your "solution" is only accessible to a fraction of the player base on PC. Console players don't have access to it.
The better solution is instead to petition the devs to add those accessibility options available to ALL players regardless of platform.
7 -
Trust me, as someone who is colourblind, the colourblind mode in this game simply does not help. Or, it does help, but it doesn't help enough, especially in comparison to what Nvidia + ReShade offer. And I can sob and beg and pray for better accessibility for everyone, but it took seven years for an FOV slider! I'll be in my fourties by the time this gets added.
15 -
The colorblind mode they have is NOT good enough some people don’t have good eyes to begin with. My friends retina is 50% smaller than normal and filters help a lot. So should I just tell him to give up?
“Sorry bro, I know filters have been working for you for years and you put hundreds of dollars in this game but looks like you’re SOL now!”
Revealing auras of survivors for hard of hearing players is such an insane strawman that doesn’t even remotely make sense so I’m just going to ignore that.
But hard of hearing players SHOULD be showed to download things to make hearing easier “which they can on PC”
The best option is to make it a feature for everyone but at the end of the day they aren’t. And the people who bought a PC for that sole reason should NOT have to give everything up now.
13 -
Sure, like i said, maybe it doesn't work for you, that is fine and understandable, but can you understand that the devs should instead add this as something that fixes it for ALL players instead of just expecting players to download a 3rd party program? You should be petitioning the devs to fix this problem for everyone.
Again, explain why the same logic doesn't apply to people who are deaf and hard of hearing and using cheats to see survivor auras for example.
6 -
Again, we got an anti-comsumer move … it seems to becoming more and more common these days…
4 -
To play games on a PC, you need a graphics card. Do you understand that? The "GeForce Experience Filter" is part of the functionality of that graphics card. It is not a cheat tool.
>explain why the same logic doesn't apply to people who are deaf and hard of hearing and using cheats to see survivor auras for example.
Modifying client data to alter the in-game program and determine rendering is cheating. Whether or not someone is disabled is irrelevant to this.
Adjusting the brightness of an iPhone screen is not cheating; it falls within the scope of personal usability adjustments.1 -
Because someone who is hard of HEARING should not SEE auras. They should receive something to boost the sound or something. And I mean survivors got a visual heartbeat indicator that actually has an advantage because the heart pops up just before the terror radius is actually heard. So I guess we should remove that too honestly, since its technically cheating according to you right?
6 -
You should be petitioning the devs to fix this problem for everyone.
We are and always have been. You just wouldn't know that because you don't actually care about the issue.
2 -
how does it give pc players an unfair advantage?????
3 -
Can you please point out anywhere i said the words "i do not care about this issue" i'll be happy to wait and when you do find it i'll provide a written apology and compensation to anyone i offended.
5 -
The filter =/= the graphics card, they are 2 separate things.
3 -
Just use ReShade everyone, end of the problem.
4 -
Fair enough, lets change the example then.
How about a 3rd party program that allows someone to isolate the footsteps that survivors make, to make them louder and turn down things like the chase music. Should that be something that is allowed to be used?
1 -
The reason why it doesn't apply is because filters are not cheats. If there was a program which could do what you said - and was explicitly and repeatedly whitelisted by the developers, including the most recent issues where they say it is not them or Nvidia but EAC - then I would absolutely consider that fair game.
And, yes, I can understand why we should ask BHVR for an option that works for all. Which we have been doing, and it took backlash from the wider gaming community following a certain dev's comments regarding colourblind mode for it to even be added. If the only way our concerns are listened to is to wait 7 years and then have widespread backlack from those far removed from DBD's circle, then at this point I'll just take the filters. At least they're quick.
6 -
Fair enough, but you are the first person in this thread who has countered it by saying "filters are not cheats"
Can you explain to me how filters are not cheats when:
- They can provide an advantage over players who are not using them
- They are only accessible via downloading a 3rd party program that runs while your game runs
- They are not accessible to console players at all, and thus are only available to a fraction the player base
1 -
Have you ever played a game on a PC?
To play games on a PC, you must have a piece of hardware called a graphics card. And to run that hardware, you need software called a driver. Only by installing these two on your PC can you play games on it.
The "GeForce Experience Filter," which you keep insisting is an external tool, is actually a part of this driver software. It is not an external tool. The current issue is that EAC is blocking this feature on its own (and while most people can still use it, a small number of users are unable to use part of the feature due to EAC).
As I’ve said repeatedly, if you want to question the validity of this filter, please refrain from posting in this thread. This thread is for people experiencing the same issue to discuss potential solutions.
If you wish to debate the merits of the GeForce Experience Filter, please start your own thread and discuss it there.
5 -
Oh, yes, because cheating is defined as acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage. BHVR themselves define this as "Using 3rd party software or other tools to gain any kind of unfair advantage that wasn’t intended by the game, except if they have been whitelisted by us. We are not banning for the use of communication apps" in the game rules.
While I cannot speak for ReShade, Nvidia Freestyle requires that the developers of a game specifically opt-in and whitelist the program, or else the current issue appears of "a supported game is required to use this feature". Therefore, as it has been specifically whitelisted by the developers, it falls outside the scope of what they consider to be cheating while using a third party app, and therefore doesn't constitute cheating to me either.
5 -
As I’ve said repeatedly, if you want to question the validity of this filter, please refrain from posting in this thread. This thread is for people experiencing the same issue to discuss potential solutions.
If you wish to debate the merits of the GeForce Experience Filter, please start your own thread and discuss it there.
3 -
Ok, so.
Can you explain, are you absolutely certain that reshade does not fit that category?
- It is a 3rd party software or "other tool"
- i think you would agree with this
- Does it "gain any kind of unfair advantage that wasn't intended by the game and is not whitelisted"
- Give the topic of discussion it would seem that such a program IS NOT whitelisted
- Literally in the next sentence they explain what is whitelisted by saying: "We are not banning the use of communication apps"
- Can you show me any official source other than this post that shows in the next sentence that filters are whitelisted in any capacity?
- Does it or does it not provide some kind of advantage over players not using it?
3 - It is a 3rd party software or "other tool"
It's pretty evident 🤷
People who are concerned over accessibility don't celebrate the removal of a tool that was used by the visually impaired to even the playing field without compensatory measures being added to the base game.
7 -
That is quite the strawman there.
1 -
This is textbook sealioning at this point.
4 -
I don't think so.
1 -
ReShade is not the GeForce Experience Filter.
Please continue that discussion elsewhere. Do not post about the merits of the filter in this thread. -
I must have missed the class where the Socratic method of debate was suddenly a bad thing.
2 -
Just wanted to throw in here. Unless they've changed something recently, GeForce experience is an "optional" part of the driver software. You can even download it separately if I recall. It's not a requirement.
2 -
Reshade, no, because it isn't given the whitelist. I am sure the developers would be fine with it, because it is identical to Nvidia Freestyle, which they have whitelisted, but I cannot say 100% for sure because of that fact.
I would not agree, however, that the whitelisted sentence applies exclusively to communication apps. This was added around 2 years ago - and I do not have proof, so you will sadly just have to trust that I read these rules a lot - when discussions around Discord being cheating were at an all time high, and I would assume reports also were by extension.
As for your point on an official source, that depends on if you're willing to take it as official.
As you can probably guess by the title, this is a list of all games supported by GeForce Experience, and by extension Nvidia Freestyle as it is part of GeForce Experience. Dead By Daylight is one of the officially supported games.
And again, GeForce Experience and the related programs (including Freestyle, which is the filtering program, and therefore ReShade by extension, as it is essentailly Freestyle without requiring a Nvidia graphics card or drivers) are strictly opt-in. Developers have to actively decide they want players to be able to use these settings, including filters, for Nvidia GeForce Experience to work.
I do not have a source directly from BHVR, outside of them confirming multiple times it is not something they are actively banning for (very similarly to changed perk icons, but I sadly do not have a screenshot of this on hand but could probably find one if you give me a day or two to scour reddit).
So, which it definitely can provide an advantage ("it just makes my game look better i swear") it also can be an incredibly useful tool for those of us with disabilities, and when allowing Freestyle ReShade should also be allowed to even the playing field and allow anyone with an AMD (or other) graphics card + drivers to use (what is materially the same) program to access filters.
At the end of the day, this argument hinges on if you believe that, by allowing Nvidia GeForce Experience to be used in their game, the devs are whitelisting this as an okay program to use. I believe they are, because it is a strictly opt-in process, which is more onerous to perform than to not.
7 -
I don't know if anything there can help anyone but this is a apparently not the first time there's been issues. Could just be caused by needing a fix, or a driver and software update
2 -
That's the same argument for macroing mouse & keyboard then.
Yet they are banned from a lot of games and recently Valve has banned a feature of a keyboard for CS2.
4 -
They are not actively banning it but they've always stated this kind of features (speaking of reshade and changing icons etc) is done at the risk of the user.
If they get banned for it, that's on them.
4 -
Correct. Which is identical to the stance taken to custom perk icons which if anything helps my stance more because I don't think anyone is calling custom perk icons cheating.
4 -
i only use filters on brighter maps like eyrie of crows for example gives me headaches from the sky and the sand. if filters go Ill just use moniter settings as quick as possible when I get it or ormund.
I've seen some people use filters where everything is so bright I don't know how their eyes can handle that.
1 -
no but the devs should tone down chase music a bit for the sake of everyone. they can even reduce the sound of footsteps to compensate. I'm not hearing impaired, and I do not want to be.
1 -
Indeed. But the point is that their stance is any modification that flags with EAC is not their problem.
They put the weight on EAC.
1 -
I am short-sighted and astigmatic so being able to play with the filters helped me enormously. But since yesterday, it's become difficult to play without them. NGL
1 -
I definitely can't play this game like this. This problem needs to be fixed urgently.
filter filter filter filter filter filter filter filter filter
0 -
I use the filters, and can't anymore. I use it because, I can't see ANYTHING without straining my eyes too much, unless it's completely dark outside. Also, I turn up the colors, because I have trouble telling apart what is dark [insert color] vs. black. So red drops on the ground - can't see them
0 -
Mouse and keyboard are cheats by that definition.
- Can potentially provide an advantage over players with certain killers that require precise inputs
- Only accessible via using 3rd party program that runs while your game runs (Drivers, which are not developed by BHVR)
- Not accessible to console players at all, as console has no M&K support
1 -
I've had this same issue. They need to fix it. I have eyesight issues so I need the image to be brighter so I can actually see. It's frustrating that they haven't fixed it.
1 -
It's selected by default and could be used for other games besides DBD.
1 -
It can be used, yes, but is still not a requirement. I have no issues with any of the filters to be honest. I also kind of believe this may just be a temporary bug. But none of the software is a requirement to install.
It even says this on the driver download.
*This download includes the NVIDIA graphics driver and an option to additionally install the GeForce Experience application.
1 -
Its optional because it's not needed to run your graphics card but is still selected during a clean install by default. The application is more than just a filter and has other usage. Just because someone has a legit application installed and running shouldn't cause concerns about being banned.
1 -
Oh I'm not saying I don't agree with you. I'm just stating that behavior has stated over and over that using third party software is at your own risk. GeForce Experience is not required for your graphics driver or the game to run. Just because it's pre-selected doesn't mean it has to be installed.
I have no way of testing it right now but is it the full overlay causing the issue or just when using the filters section? I can't remember but I thought the overlay could be disabled if needed? Without uninstalling GeForce experience.
0 -
Hey, hello.
I am actually surprised that more people don’t talk about the fact that filters aren’t cheats, and I’ll go into a few details as to why that is so.
The most important part about cheats is that they always interact with the game’s data to gain advantage. You remember GTA cheat codes? Yep, that’s exactly what they did: you typed in a code, which was, in fact, a command to change a set of your character’s values, or spawn a tank, or stuff like that.
That is something that official NVIDIA filters or ReShade do not do. They don’t touch the game, but modify the output on your monitor. Fun fact: some monitors (for example, several AOC models) also have in-built filters of similar quality. Hence, not cheats, and that’s why they are whitelisted by most developers.
————That said, does it mean that filters don’t provide advantage? Nah, they do. That’s why some developers blacklisted them with EAC (see Hunt: Showdown) or disallowed in the first place (see Destiny 2).
But that is the same advantage that better hardware, 32-inch monitor and a 12-button mouse give me against any low-end PC or any console player, for that matter. Should different hardware be banned as well then?
And do keep in mind that NVIDIA Freestyle is something all 20-series+ NVIDIA cards support.