New former reshade user is now worried about getting banned

I'd like to start this off by saying I couldn't use the NVIDIA filters because of a computer issue so I resorted to Reshade. I recently saw on X a very famous streamer, Reudig, saying both Reshade and NVIDIA filters are now flagged by EAC.
Problem is: After updating the game to its latest patch, I played about 5 matches as normal with my filters before seeing the patches. I then got kicked out of one of my games by EAC and decided to take a break and check X, which is when I got informed of the new changes.
Is my account flagged? Will I get banned?
reshade should be a form of cheating
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Curious. Why reshade and not NVIDIA filters which were officially supported by the game until today given they serve the same purpose?
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We do not support any third-party software and we have always advised players that they are "use at your own risk".
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Well I suppose you take your chances, but I use nVidia filters and have been using it since coming back, and that was maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago now. I don't plan on stopping until I get something a little more official. At one point there was some type of promotion between BHVR and nVidia for their filters, so I'll keep using it.
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See directly with EAC.
Reshade is supposed to be white-listed.
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My friend is scared to death from this. Please, someone confirm to me that he won't get banned for using NVIDIA filters!
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Sure. But you'd think such a drastic change in your game's anticheat (so much so that players are kicked out of lobbies by it for using a program that didn't cause any issues for over 3 years) should've been given more attention, no? At least a tweet? There's countless players who don't have NVIDIA graphics cards who use reshade and now just don't know if they're gonna get banned from the game and lose all their progress or not.
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This will be a valid stance to take when the game has any actual display options. Why is there not a gamma slider, or contrast or something? This has been standard in gaming for years. DbD is unplayable during daylight hours without me having to use filters or tweak my monitor's settings.
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Us consolers over here grabbing the popcorn and seeing how this plays out..... 🍿🍿
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We cannot confirm the safety of any third party programs.
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so unfair how they have so many advantages lol
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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't NVIDIA filters provided on an opt-in basis? So game developers are responsible for asking NVIDIA to make them compatible with their game? That's the gist I get when I search online, and DbD is listed as a supported game by NVIDIA themselves (
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That’s gonna be sad if I get banned because I have poor eyesight and have to use Nvidia to help me since DBD has no options.
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Funny joke.
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Ah man he's gonna be so mad if he gets banned.
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It's hilarious seeing the meltdowns in the other forums about his. It reminds me of when Hunt: Showdown banned Reshade. Everyone was raging saying "I'm colorblind", "its too dark it looks bad", and on and on. I will say Reshade was much worse in Hunt as there were ways to use it to explicitly cheat, while in dbd it's more subtle things like making the red stain and scratch marks more noticeable and such. Still I think it is best for the game to have an even playing field as much as possible and I mean we all know most of the people complaining are not colorblind, they just want their slight advantage.
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Listen I'm not getting into "fairness" territory here. I know full well there are (and have to be) many differences across the platforms. Us consolers should know these do-dada and thingamabobs exist in PC land. I imagine our precious Switch cousins feel anything above 30 frames is borderline criminal for DBD.
This recent change is kinda re-setting a precedent here, and I'm curious what happens next.
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It's hilarious seeing the meltdowns in the other forums about his
You're right. Watching people be rightly upset they can no longer play the game because of legitimate accessibility issues is so funny.
we all know most of the people complaining are not colorblind
Do we? Colour blindness is incredibly common. It affects 1/12 men. That's a huge chunk of the population.
Post edited by OnryosTapeRentals on11 -
Stop cheating then?
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The game has color blind modes, even if it doesn't help you, the fact remains that 99.9% of people using reshade are not doing it because "it makes the game look better" they are doing it because it gives them an advantage over players who don't use it.
The proper solution is for you to petition BHVR about their colorblind mode and add more accessibility options if it isn't working for you, not use a 3rd party cheat.
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I doubt that they're gonna ban 70%+ of playerbase
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I'm all about the fairness aspect of this change - what bothers me is the lack of warning and the risk my 8 year old account is under.
Heck, making the game darker by removing my filters makes bright things like the red stain stand out even more and I personally love it, but just updating the game and potentially flagging my account out of nowhere is kinda uncalled for IMO.
I did use filters to have an advantage in darker maps, of course I did. Everyone did. I just don't think I should be banned when I didn't have the option to use the officially supported NVIDIA filters like some people.2 -
What's next? Breathing is gonna be considered cheating? 😂
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Explain to me exactly how using filters is cheating while keeping in mind Dead by Daylight had officially supported NVIDIA filters for years.
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Please keep the post on topic and constructive. Thank you.
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I see both sides of the filter arguments here.
The devs have always spent countless hours and resources on their game's lighting and sound design, and definitely have a "look" they're after. The old moon offerings were retired just for that reason.
Then there's the sparse options that you bring up, and that's valid. So many other titles, many far more graphically demanding that DBD and just as big or bigger, have way more robust options for all of this.
It should surprise no one that the players themselves look for these options, and our PC cousins have much more at their disposal to alter stuff around. Then there's the legitimate accessibility concerns as well.
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The proper solution is for you to petition BHVR about their colorblind mode and add more accessibility options if it isn't working for you, not use a 3rd party cheat.
BYE. It took BHVR seven years to add a search bar. We're not going to get these settings in any reasonable timeframe and you know it. So your interim solution basically boils down to "screw players with vision problems".
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Explain the advantage.
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Most of the playerbase is on the consoles. The PlayStations outnumber those on Steam for instance.
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I wouldn't bother. They'll pull out some obscure clip of a Blight player with all colours muted except for red and then act like 99% of filters users do the same when in reality all most of us do is slightly alter brightness or contrast (within bounds that most modern monitors and TVs can too).
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Highly doubt it, dbd isn't that great to play on controller
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Well lets think about this for a second.
How does one access these filters? Is it an option in the game that i have access to?
Well no, so how do i get them?
I have to download a separate program that runs while i play the game.
Can a person who is playing on console access these filters?
Well no, because console players can't install that 3rd party program.
How do people normally cheat in online games?
Do they download a 3rd party program and modify their game in some way while it is running?
Can you explain to me how that they ARE NOT cheating when:
- Not every player can access them
- They give an advantage while playing the game vs other players who don't have them.
- They are modifying the game while it is running.
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So should people who are deaf be allowed download a cheat as killer to show the aura of survivors because they aren't able to hear where they are? After all, they are doing it for accessibility purposes.
There are plenty of examples you can easily find on youtube of people using filters to modify the red glow for example to be able to see it in situations where they otherwise would not be able to.
You can brighten the game or increase the contrast to reduce the effect of darkness. There are literal killers and perks and even offerings designed to make it harder to find people that can be circumvented with the press of a button.
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There are plenty of examples you can easily find on youtube of people using filters to modify the red glow for example to be able to see it in situations where they otherwise would not be able to
I literally called it 😭
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ngl, if dbd actually offered graphics settings from this millenium anyone who uses Reshade within the norm wouldn't use it anymore.
As someone said: playing the game during the day in a regular room is simply impossible and using Reshade to solve that issue software side instead of going through the trouble of changing your display settings hardware side with the tiny, finnicky buttons on the display every time you want to play the game and then change it back is absolutely reasonable.
Same for sharpness for me; using a simple luma sharpen gives you essentially the same result as turning anti-aliasing off. With the difference that you don't have that almost comic-style half-tone effect on transparencies. I get dizzy looking at the blurry-AA default settings and I also don't like seeing a bunch of haircards instead of actual hair - so Reshade it is.
People have many a times asked for more graphics settings. It took … 6? years for the anti-aliasing slider. If that's the rate at which we're going… then I'm not very optimistic.
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So because SOME people don't use it to cheat, we should allow others to be able to use it to cheat?
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Some key things you’re conveniently omitting are that:
- DbD officially supported NVIDIA filters for years.
- The overwhelming majority of players who use filters do so moderately. The examples on YouTube you’re referring to are just a loud minority.
- You can use so many things to “cheat” if your definition is so lax it includes using officially supported features. We should just delete the whole game and all hardware and software ever invented lest someone use any of it to cheat 🙏
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- Show me any sort of official BHVR source that says they officially support the filters
- Again, you have failed to explain how, just because some people use them "moderately" makes it so we allow others to abuse them
- Again, in my example, a deaf or hard of hearing person downloading some kind of cheat to see survivor auras. Should we suddenly now allow people to use those cheats because a tiny minority are using them for accessibility purposes?
- Again, why are we crying out about accessibility and ignore the majority of the player base that is NOT playing on PC. So forget about those console players right? They don't get the accessibility options.
- A 3rd party program that modifies the game to give an unfair advantage over a player who is not using that 3rd party program is a pretty simple definition of a cheat.
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Look, I'd be 100% with you… if the Dbd devs actually offered a solution to legitimate issues players have. The devs don't, though. And the whole "because one group is suffering because they play on a different platform and can't help themselves everyone has to suffer!" doesn't ring like a very constructive approach.
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What i'm saying is, allowing a tiny minority of people to use a cheat for accessibility purposes is not the proper solution to the problem when it enables others to cheat. The BETTER solution is to offer those accessibility options in the game for everyone, and punish cheaters for cheating.
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To play games on a PC, you need a graphics card. Do you understand that? The "GeForce Experience Filter" is part of the functionality of that graphics card. It is not a cheat tool. However, some people are being denied access to this functionality. The "GeForce Experience Filter" is no different from using the small buttons on a monitor to adjust settings for each game. It doesn’t make the sound louder, nor does it drop anything; it simply makes the visuals easier on the eyes.
Replacing some perk or character icons is an action that involves altering the game client’s data, which can be considered more malicious as it modifies the game. However, when it comes to replacing these icons, many people opposed it, saying, "Don’t take away our enjoyment." This is the same.
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Well, I've got terrible vision on your game (stock, no filters) is unplayable for me in that state. I've got thousands of hours in play, which wouldn't be the case without nvidia shaders (officially supported).
If behavior can't offer something official anymore (nvidia) and want to flag 3rd party software that does exactly the same thing, then I'll sadly take my business elsewhere and say goodbye to a game I've truly loved over the years.
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The "GeForce Experience Filter" is a part of the graphics card's functionality. It is not a cheat tool.
Replacing perk or character icons involves altering the game client’s data, which is essentially modifying the game and can be considered a form of cheating.
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agreed it would be a lot better; I truly wish we had decent graphics settings. - But I also take the tiny chance of someone using something that by some is defined as cheating in the mean time over the vast majority being left in the rain.
While not as life threatening it falls - for me - into the same category as the transportation rules saying you must not eat or drink on the subway and that you will get kicked off if you do. Idk about you - but if someone has something in their throat/has an issue with the AC and is coughing as if they're suffocating I doubt anyone has a problem with them opening their friggin bottle, drinking something and chewing gum or eating a bonbon or whatever to help with the throat.0 -
Actually many high level and comp players say controller is superior for playing survivor.
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I never said it was, as I am one of those using one. As for player numbers, we sadly cannot ever know exact numbers ever. The various UEA's prevent it.
But for DBD it sorta breaks down like this:
The largest portion is on the PlayStations, around of half of which is still on PS4. Say around a third of the whole. Next would be the various Xbox consoles, around a quarter of the whole, and also half still on the prior gen machines. And then Steam is right there at almost a quarter. After that would be Switch, and then much smaller in size is Epic and Windows. Stadia never accounted for many players and is dead now anyways.
It seems otherwise as the PCers are much more vocal here and elsewhere, plus most of the content creators and all of the Fog Whisperers are all on PC.
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- You can check NVIDIA's list of officially supported games.
- A deaf person downloading cheats to have wallhacks on survivors is such an absurd strawman I won't even entertain it.
- How do you know I HAVEN'T asked for better accessibility options in the base game? For the record, I mention this in the feedback surveys they do regularly, have spoke about it on Twitter, and previously spoke about it here.
- The 3rd party program in question being software integrated with my graphics card that came with my PC. You heard it here first folks, if you buy a NVIDIA graphics card you're a cheater.
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The "advantage" you receive for having a brighter game is borderline insignificant to people with good eyesight. It is almost exclusively beneficial for people with vision problems, unless you are using a crazy color reshade. So let's just get rid of all of our poor eyesight players because we will stop 1 out of every 10,000 players that uses it in a negative way. Makes sense.