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General Discussions

Knight still really has no incentive to split chases despite being punished for sandwiching

Member Posts: 1,048
edited August 2024 in General Discussions

With the +300% timer speed near a Hunt, and the added restriction of needing to create longer patrol paths to place a Guard, Knight is now more encouraged than ever to use guards at range and go off and do something else.

Except, it's still the most inefficient thing possible because

  1. Although Hunts are longer, the "window fake" bug has been made a feature, so they are less deadly by design. This is okay but Knight needs more compensation.
  2. Knight has absolutely nothing when he is chasing someone else when far away from an active Hunt. He can't even use Carny to break a pallet - it'll end the Hunt even if it's 700 meters away. This kinda sucks.

For a simple change, I propose that while there is an ongoing Hunt, the Knight benefits from a 5 to 7.5% Haste bonus unless he is near the Hunt. This simply just helps him DO SOMETHING while Jailer sucks at playing tag with Ace for 40 seconds. I'd be more than willing to increase the Hunt proximity penalty range from 8m to 10m (god even 12m), and obviously tie this Haste to that range.

Also Call to Arms basekit, and maybe buff Carnifex's chase cause it feels pointless to ever use him other than breaking pallets. He's got slightly better old Jailer syndrome.

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  • Member Posts: 124

    Anyone else experience some fun stuff with a guard today? I the aura of one touch my pinky toe this evening and that guard, essentially, instantaneously dropped me. I had ZERO time to respond.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited August 2024

    they get a huge speed-up to your location if they detect you while you're very far away from them. that might been what happened and you just got surprise bodied by a carnifex with wings

    orrrrrrrrrr bug, which would suck

  • Member Posts: 124

    I wouldnt say 'surprised' as I saw the grass move in the distance and knew a guard was on the way but he, as I stated, I was a foot shy of not being latched onto and speed — I can understand that — but I had zero time to react even with Dead Hard. When I say instant - I meant instant. I'll send in my clips to BHVR in that case.

  • Member Posts: 5,935

    They should double down on the "chasing another survivor" thing and make the guards actually a threat in chase, then make it so doing tiny paths is really bad, and that you can't sandwich the survivor. So then the "power" is effectively, you can sort of be in 2 places at once by telling the guards what to do.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited August 2024

    hard agree. I'd be in favor of being able to send out multiple guards to complete multiple different tasks, obviously with many layers of changes.

    if jailer truly was multi-utility based, assassin was lethality based, and carny was destruction based, you could have a knight that's constantly thinking about multiple options rather than just "make these two guys chase leon" and "make the big guy break the wood"

    like this is sort of a pipe dream at this point, but a more "split chases, make more choices, have more fun" knight sounds like something worth pursuing

  • Member Posts: 974
    edited August 2024

    Yeah knight needs a little bit more changes before he really shines he's slowly getting there though.

    The fat guard needs something for him to help with chase since the jailer took his only strength that he had for hunts. One change maybe is have the fat guard have a greatly reduced cooldown after a break action a 5-10(?) second cooldown. There's just no reason to ever send him out on a chase when his only strength is breaking stuff and there's a hard limit how many times you can do it in a game.

    One other change can't figure what it would be, but he's the only killer where you are really discouraged using his power in a 1v1 scenario or you just really hurt yourself unless the survivor is a potato and just stays in the area or runs towards you by mistake.

    Edit: just remembered we already got some killers Demo, Blight, Nemesis, Wesker/Legion (with add-on), Hillbilly and Bubba are able to start up their power and instantly destroy a pallet and within seconds use their power again. Yet Knight has a 20 second cooldown in his with this weird gap requirement. If anything I would suggest let the fat guard cooldown be fully refunded or set to just a few seconds only when destroying a pallet or wall so the knight least have something in the 1v1.

    Post edited by BlackRabies on

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