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BHVR Please republish NVIDIA freestyle with EAC

Member Posts: 342

As many of us have already noticed, NVIDIA Freestyle no longer works. This means that there are no more filters to make the game brighter (sorry, but DBD is just too dark) and features like Nvidia Shadowplay no longer work.

I was always able to collect video evidence to report cheaters, for example. I can no longer do any of that. I know from the bug forum that it has to do with the latest update of EAC.

Please finally release NVIDIA Freestyle again and talk to EAC. I sincerely ask you

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  • Member Posts: 1,280

    I was always able to collect video evidence to report cheaters

    Wait this is what I use to record matches too. So I guess I can't report cheaters now either.

  • Member Posts: 895

    Im glad I stopped using the brightness filter a while ago.

    It made the game easier on my eyes but I just felt I shouldnt get used to it.

    I hoping they resolve the issue tho, the game is well past the point where visibility should be a balancing factor.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Look, we'll release broken perk combos every other patch cycle, leave broken add ons and items untouched for years, and leave other busted stuff alone, but we're drawing the line at being able to see (but only for some players with accessibility issues or 4k TVs that tend to be dark).

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    I hoping they resolve the issue tho, the game is well past the point where visibility should be a balancing factor.

    Serious question: how do you have a game where stealth is a major component without visibility being a balancing factor?

  • Member Posts: 895

    You dont and dbd isn't mainly focused on stealth.

    We're well past the point where sitting in a bush and killer walking past you because you blend in.

    Stealth in this game is expressed by not being on the killer's screen / in their line of sight in the first place, meaning you dont need to care about killers being in endless darkness.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Anyone know how to turn off filters? I never manually enabled them but I think they're on automatically so I can't play at all…

  • Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2024

    Sorry to interrupt😭
    But I have a question related to the discussion in the above thread. Is this issue currently affecting everyone using GeForce graphics cards? Are there still people who can continue using the GeForce Experience freestyle filter in version 8.2.0 without any issues? I couldn’t gather this information from BHVR's response, so I would like to hear your reports.

  • Member Posts: 473

    BHVR coming through with very poor decisions again, you can still alter the gamma through your control panel luckily. The original gamma of the game is so ridiculously dark, you barely see anything in the shadows, it's black crush everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 473

    Dbd is a very casual game… Pc players will have an advantage without any filters anyways.

  • Member Posts: 767

    How about supporting those with visibility issues on all platforms by advocating for in game solutions and better accessibility options for everyone, not just those on selected platforms.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Have you tried turning up the brightness on your monitor? That's the only option all console users have.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    In a stealth game where your ability to hide in shadows can make the difference between winning or losing? Crazy.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2024

    If only the filters were only be used to see more that what's originally intended, it would be a minor issue.

    But who really believes there isn't a lot of people abusing the feature to get an edge?

  • Member Posts: 33

    i use 4 filters color, sharpen, sharpen+ and details i would like to know how that gives me an advantage over other players who don't have access to filters???????

  • Member Posts: 206

    Already have done, I've provided feedback via some streamers that advocate for raising awareness around colour coordination related issues and provided input into videos that were released to highlight specific issues around colour-blindness. Unfortunately BHVR does not have a good track record and we're only a small number of voices. But hey, if you want to lend a hand as well then I'm sure there shouldn't be an issue with that, right?

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Can you see details with filters that you couldn't see without them?

    If yes: You can see survivors hiding who otherwise you wouldn't see, or who console killers wouldn't see, giving you an advantage finding stealthy survivors. Or you can make out the shape of the redstain easier, giving you an advantage when it comes to mindgames at loops.

    If no: Then you can play just fine without filters.

  • Member Posts: 767

    I have been talking about it on these official forums for years as well as other console issues, as I’m both colourblind and only this year moved from PS4 to PS5 so am literally struggling myself.
    But as you say they don’t have the best track record of listening to certain feedback about some issues.

    What’s made it more difficult to be heard is that a good portion of the playerbase was using things like filters so they were able to work around the issue themselves and so a lot of voices that would have spoke up about these issues were lost as they no longer had to struggle with them.
    The more people who speak up the sooner things might have to change for everyone.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    I miss the nvidia RTX settings, the game looks way better with RTX HDR

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    DBD stopped being a stealth game when people realised how effective looping was

    Try actually playing the game and learning how to use resources and play tiles instead of crouching in a bush in a corner the entire match, it ain't that hard

  • Member Posts: 158

    welcome to console dbd join the verry dark map and when playing vs dredge you fully blind in some of em lmfao sidenote they really need to brighten some of the darker map

  • Member Posts: 473

    If you're able to hide in an actual shadow, I mean no obstacle between you and your enemy, just in a shadow, that alone would be way too dark. I mean for general gameplay, you mentioned increasing brightness, sure for SDR this does raise shadow detail, but not all displays can reach brightness high enough to counter incorrect gamma. You're supposed to see details in shadows, not just pitch black.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited August 2024

    To be fair if they wanted brightness to be a component of the game I feel like they'd have added it by now. So some of the dark and the fog is obviously there for something to make it harder to see stuff at a range or the like. It's why they made the FOV locked for so long as well.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    The game needs an actual gamma/brightness/contrast setting. Some games have a calibration system that helps all players be on the same page in terms of visuals. DbD needs that. The game's darkness is nowhere near the same across different screens. The game looks one way on my PC and a different way on Switch handheld and a different way on Switch docked to my TV and a still different way on PS4. It's not the same at all, and the people who act like I'm asking for in-game cheats drive me nuts. For some reason my laptop screen is just too damn dark, even with brightness turned up to max, and I have to connect it via HDMI to my TV so I have a better chance of seeing things and it's still too dark but at least it's not quite as dark.

    If the brightness/darkness in the game is so important, as everyone says, and it's used for balancing, then why isn't their a calibration system in the game so it's actually consistent? Does BHVR want those dark corners to be pitch black voids where survivors disappear in plain view? Am I supposed to be completely blind in the basement so I can't even find the chest? Are these the intended visuals or not? How am I supposed to know?

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited August 2024

    The game is a lot more besides running around a safe pallet 50 times.

    Stealth has always been part of this game, we have perks and entire killers built around it.

    Even the players who click their flashlight to bait the killer into perpetual chases will utilise stealth by crouching around a corner to dupe the killer. Which is much easier to do when the killer is on console and can't see them crouching in the bush.

    It's ok to admit that filters give an advantage. We all know PC is an advatange, that SWF is an advantage. Just like everyone refused to admit that stretched res gave an advantage, brightness filters also give an advantage. Just own it.

  • Member Posts: 342
  • Member Posts: 372

    Devs added Fog to stop seeing survs and killers across the map its very much a balance thing

  • Member Posts: 4,183
    edited August 2024

    My favorite example of this, that I have seen, was a collab stream of Monto and 3 others that I don't remember.

    The pov switched between all 4 in that video and 3 had the normal atmospheric dark look, it was on a dark map, and the when it switched to the 4th it was suddenly daylight in the game.

    The stark contrast and willingness to make the game look ugly to get an edge was so cringe to me. Especially in the direct comparison.

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