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Why was the anti-camp feature not adjusted?

Member Posts: 2,207

With the 70s hook stages, this gives more time for the anti camp to kick in. Sounds good on paper but in reality this negatively effects killers who arent camping and rewards survivors who greed gens over teammates.

70s hook stages seems like a change done with no hindsight of how it'll effect other game mechanics. Reassurance did not get a 10s nerf (its been overdue a nerf since its release xdd), anti camp indirectly buffed to effect killers who arent camping, no camaraderie adjustment, etc.

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  • Member Posts: 2,207

    If its purely for anti face camp why is the range 16m and not smaller? 8m is enough distance to guarantee an unhook, whats the extra 8m doing on there?

    Me thinks the range should be reduced to 8-10m.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    If the basekit break speed was buffed by 20%, and then brutal strength was left unchanged, would that be okay? Personally I think changing something and indirectly buffing 5 other things is a bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Reassurance has always needed a nerf since it's release. It should only work during the first 30s of a hook stage so survivors cant greed gens and ass-insurance the survivor when the killer camps to punish the greed.

    Damn Ig survivors should never have to think about anything they do tho and its them nasty meanie killers who camp that are the bad ones.

  • Member Posts: 2,207
    edited August 2024

    16m away from the hook doesnt sound like im "face" camping?

    Also point to where I said that, quickly I need to see where I said it !!!!!!

  • Member Posts: 63

    I can swf, I can gen rush , I can tbag and bm, but you can't camp, sheesh!

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited August 2024

    The amount of times I even see a survivor bring reassurance, much less get value out of it, lets just say the perk showing up in a lobby at this point.

    …I wanna say I see Twins more often that I see a single survivor even run reassurance. I think I have seen twins probably twice in several weeks.

    I think I see people bring fn throw pebble more than reassurance lol.

    Im not saying its not a good perk, but its only a good perk in the right hands. And those hands are extremely limited in this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,207
    edited August 2024

    EDIT: yh usage rate dont indicate strength. BHVR should still balance around good players tho.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Because that wasnt the area of camping they wanted to nerf. They adjusted the AC system on its PTB to fine tune its balance. Now that 70s hook stages exist, the AC is stronger than they intended.

    If they wanted killers to "chew through pallets faster" by reducing pallet break time by 20%, but forgot about brutal strength so you could guarantee easy zoning with that perk, would that be fine? This is the same situation.

  • Member Posts: 2,207
    edited August 2024

    Quick my hook timer is depleting quick quick point at it!!!!!!!

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 2,070

    The range is 11m and then it disables. It was 16m when tested on the ptb and they nerfed it before going live to be even more useless.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Thats because maps were then adjusted to have wider distribution of unsafe pallets (edgemap azarovs for example), making it harder to zone.

    Looking at an unupdated map like swamp, zoning is absurdly easy on them maps. I would say brutal and the pallet distribution are an issue when it comes to them.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    i think it is just better to revert hook back to 60 seconds and stop designing random freebies changes for survivors. if proxy camping need a nerf, than make the anti-camp feature more aggressive.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited August 2024

    The thing is, adjusting the hook timer to 70s is addressing exactly the same issue that the AC does. They're already trying to make camping less effective, it makes total sense to then make the anti-camp mechanics more effective.

    They could well have factored this in when deciding on 70s. They would know that increasing the hook timer has a multiplicative effect with the existence of AC, so decided that 80s or 75s would be too much, and compromised on 70s.

    I personally have no issues with either of these mechanics as a killer, because I don't camp.

    I play in a way in which I presume a save is going to be made, I leave the hook and go straight for my next target. The only time I'm ever back at the hook is if I've done a full lap of the map, found no one and still no one has made a rescue play. It happens far more often that you'd think. It also happens that survivors go to and stage even when I'm nowhere near the hook, leading to me being caught off guard when I hook someone for a second time and they straight up die.

    Change your attitudes as killers, stop relying on camping, and ypu won't be bothered by these healthy balance changes.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    IMO they should increase the initial immunity timer and also increase the speed at which the bar fills after the immunity wears off, particularly at mid ranges. Too many of yall are too comfortable treating the AFC as "I'm allowed to do this amount of face camping" and asking for an increase in the self unhook bar capacity is reflective of that mindset.

    The feature is ANTI face camp, not Rationed face camp. Increase the time before it kicks in to avoid punishing killers for reloading or placing traps, but also increase the speed the unhook bar fills at so it's even more abundantly clear that AFC bar is not supposed to be a resource that the killer manages

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    My understanding is that 16 meters was chosen so killers couldn’t face camp / block the basement stairs. But I think you can technically still do it.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Thats just not true tbh. I had a game yesterday on Thompson House where I hooked someone in House basement and afterwards went to check upstairs to break the wall and gen on the upper floor and anticamp kicked in and made the survivor in the basement unhook themselves. I even asked in endgame chat if they got unhooked or the anti camp unhooked them and it was the latter.

    Just checking the gen on upper floor apparently was enough for the anti camp to be sure that I am camping. Just another feature that was implemented without making adjustments to maps etc. to make sure you dont accidentally get punished for not camping.

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited August 2024

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it meant only to stop killers from face camping??? Survivors only wanted a mechanic to stop it at the time if I remember correctly.

    Post edited by LadyOwO on
  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I don't believe increasing the effectiveness of gens-before-friends is a good thing either.

    However the right answer against that is to learn to tunnel efficiently to compensate and add pressure with more slugging.

    And when tunneling and slugging will also get some artificial deterrent, well, there are other games.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    thing is with 6.1.0 they did buff breaking speed and didnt touch Brutal. STBFL also took quite a bit to get changed despite having a hit cool-down reduction in the same patch

    The increase hook timer with anti face camping is fine, 99% of the time you shouldn't be stickin around the hook that long anyway.

  • Member Posts: 451

    This is such a non issue, and anyone that plays survivor - hell, anyone that plays killer normally and without facecamping will know this as well.

    Anti-facecamp is more useful as a tool for friendly killers to unhook a survivor that others left to die than a tool to counter campers at all.

    People who want to win by standing still, still manage to win. It's only marginally more difficult because you have to stand a few steps away from the hook. That's about it. There's no need to give campers an equal attention cake.

  • Member Posts: 898

    but hook timer increase literally has nothing to do with your-average-case of camping because average player can't get use of it due to lack of general game knowledge pr just simply giving up on hook instantly, while severely impacting gameplay at higher skill level.

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