I'm so sick and tired of toxic SoloQ teammates (Rant)

I have a few thousand hours and played both sides 50/50 the whole time, but I seriously can't stand SoloQ Survivor anymore. I don't even care if the Killer camps, tunnels or slugs anymore, 90% of the time that happens it's because terrible SoloQ teammates enable it anyway, most of the time seemingly intentionally.
I haven't been able to play a single Survivor match in the last two weeks without some of these things happening:
- Teammates teaming up with the Killer to sandbag me or other teammates for absolutely no reason, then meme'ing around with the Killer and getting hatch/gates as a reward after the rest of the team went through effort to try to win/save them etc.
- Teammates immediately DC'ing or giving up on hook upon being the first one downed despite the rest of the team going for saves and making good gen progress
- Teammates immediately running at the Killer, going afk, or farming unhooks and letting themselves be downed after another teammate is hooked or just for no reason at all
- Teammates crouching in corners, refusing to do gens or heal or go for unhooks, they're literally doing nothing at all
- Teammates spamming loud noise notifications at me or other teammates locations to get the Killer's attention and sandbag
- Teammates running up to me or someone else on hook and just shaking their head "no" at them and refusing to unhook them, or spamming the unhook animation
- Teammates meme'ing as soon as the match starts and not even trying to play remotely normally
I seriously can't take it anymore. What does it take to get a single normal game anymore? I hate going against this as Killer also but it doesn't seem to happen as often as when I play SoloQ Survivor. When I play Killer most often the teams that seem more coordinated or likely a SWF don't seem to throw or ragequit in the same way and I actually get to play the game. I've tried to find people to group up with but I don't have any friends that play DBD and I can't find enough people to have consistent 4-man squads because anything less is just susceptible to the 1 SoloQ ragequitter ruining the match.
I know there's no real solution to this but this makes me really miss 2v8 Survivor. That mode had it's share of toxic teammates but it was so much less noticeable and mattered much less overall because the mode was more chaotic and fun. I enjoyed Survivor a lot more in 2v8 and I'm starting to consider just dropping 1v4 Survivor altogether and only playing it once 2v8 is back.
I'd rather go against Skull Merchant 10 games in a row every day if it meant I got to have competent teammates that didn't throw, ragequit or sandbag and ruin the match over and over again like this. And there's only so much I can "focus on my own gameplay" before it starts feeling like a waste of time to be trying to get good in a team-based game when my teammates are just toxic trolls. Rant over.
yea I have no clue why Solo q is so bad rn. For me it's been a bunch of throwers, people on first hook immediately killing themselves and trolling.
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I hate to be the one to say it but that's survivors for you. Not saying all survivors are like it but a huge proportion of survivors are toxic from my experience. Not sure if it's due to boredom or they know they can't win or something but I'm constantly coming across people that openly and admit to joining the match to make the game unbearable for the killer or even own team mates because they find it fun. Each to their own I suppose on what people find fun... Personally I find it fun to beat the toxic players at their own game and out toxify them then watch them rant post game lol. Had 2 swf being toxic together recently, I remembered them from before so I went straight for them and they quit.
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I solo que and I'm a Gen Jockey. And I hate mates. Period.
They Kite killers at me when I'm just trying to get a Gen done. And or expect me to stop my Gen progresses to heal them. And when I'm 10% near completion of the task, I try finishing the Gen before healing anyone. They don't have that patience. So what do a lot of them do?... screw me over at endgame. They get me caught and never save.
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This is unfortunately my experience. A lot of SoloQers I get are 100% accurate to what BHVR has said in their streams about SoloQers - selfish. Entitled, bad, and selfish at that. I am very sick of people doing this to me and friends I am SWFing with, I would genuinely rather have a toxic Killer than a toxic teammate.
I never trust SoloQers anymore. I only go in with a 3-4 stack of friends if possible. I genuinely think it's an entitled mindset that says "well we can't have 2v8 back, so I'm going to make the game suck for everyone else until we get it back." Just people throwing tantrums.
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I had a zarina who was doing a gen right next to my chase. I ran the killer for like 45 seconds, and the killer switched targets and went for the zarina. Loe and behold the zarina went down in like 7 seconds. Of course that was MY FAULT, because the moment i unhooked her she sandbagged me. (She tried killing herself on hook) The killer was actually so nice because she saw zarina’s behavior and slugged her out, and my other teammates teabagged her lol. The spirit gave me hatch at the end and helped me get the tanuki achievement. I checked the zarina’s hours afterwards just to see ######### was going on AND SHE HAD 4500 hours. At that point why even still play the game if youre going to get that mad? I know she def queued up into another match instead of logging off
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I feel your pain. Last night I had two team mates let me hit second stage on hook while the third was being chased. I had Kindred on.
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I had a game a couple days ago where two Sables managed to convince a GF to farm. I don't like farming, but the third survivor seemed okay to go along with it. I motioned to the killer that I wanted out and he tried to get me out, but the Sables were painful about it and tried to get me to stay. They were starting to behave a bit trollish. GF managed to get them to back off and I let go on hook. Out of curiosity, I spectated to see if they'd turn on the third survivor and sure enough, they had cornered her and kept pointing for the GF to down her. He did, but when they started tbagging her, he Exposed and downed the Sables then hooked them both lmao I wish more killers were like that. He was willing to mess around but when they started BMing he was having none of it. Thankfully I don't come across these sorts of trolls often.
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As a killer main you point out another survivor you're the one going down.
It's that simple.
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Not all solo queue players are like that and making generalizations about all of them is quite ridiculous. I solo queue solely because I only play either when I get off work or on my days off and I prefer to play alone tbh. Guess that makes me selfish and entitled huh? 😆 If anything I find that most SWF teammates i run into are the most toxic when they are in a 3-stack and will sometimes go out of their way to get the solo queue player killed first.
Post edited by LadyOwO on0 -
Just had a last game where this cage lead the killer to me and sandbag me soloq players have been hella toxic lately
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Killers like that are great.
I had a match against a 3-man SWF once. They were memeing, ran appraisal builds and made a shrine of items in the basement. It was cute. I was friendly. But they weren't nice to the random, and at one point there were noise notifications and I discovered them all with birds as they body blocked her so she couldn't move. I bled the SWF out. The random remained wary of me, but she ran over for a moment to teabag at them before running back off. I left her alone, she got hatch.
That was a good while ago now, but it sticks out in my mind because it was so baffling. I don't understand why the SWF couldn't just be decent. Solo q is bad enough without having 3 teammates gang up on you.
In my experience, it has always been my teammates more than the killer who make matches unfun. Killers are sunshine and puppy dogs compared to the absolute misery survivors can rain down on each other.
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I gave up on this game because of this. I am tired of survivors teaming up with the killer to sandbag me. Unless I find 3 friends who play this one day, I am sticking to single player games.