This game needs a blacklist system

Something blocking just doesn’t cut it 🙏
I understand that you would not want to play with trolls, but I think it might be abused by some toxic people, especially in the areas or countries that the community's scale is small.
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This would just be abused. Players would block players they lost against.
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but you most likely never gonna play against them again tho
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I think a limited block list of say 5-10 people would be fine.
Although not if you have to play a match with them first to block them in the results screen.
Because I already got my list ready.
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Wouldn't it work if the blocklist had a limit? 25 players for example. Once you block your 26th player, the first person on your blocklist is unblocked.
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Or just have it so you can manually remove 1 person from the list in order to add another.
It would make more sense to do so since some people do get blacklisted/blocked for legitimate reasons (racism, homophobia, etc.), having it automatically remove them could lead to issues, especially if you get matchmaked with them constantly.