Would you prefer short, explosive 5 minute games or a more back and forth rally over 15 minutes?

Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

Basically, the title. Do you think you would enjoy a much faster paced but more explosive kind of game balance where matches are much shorter or would you prefer a longer more drawn-out match where there is a somewhat even back and forth rally between killer and survivors?

Would you prefer short, explosive 5 minute games or a more back and forth rally over 15 minutes? 26 votes

Short and Explosive (5 minutes)
GuiltiiFrogsplosionCodesterKingColdCobaltNamtellumlolaliliHri15 7 votes
Back and forth Rally (15 minutes)
TragicSolitude[Deleted User]Marc_go_soloSepexChikyKatsuhxPCypheriusMrRetsejEEPk3ijusbebetterSleepyHBlightedTrapperYulechkaLivemoputopiaAnonyshadowYggleifRumplestiltskinAssassin97 19 votes
