Boy I sure do love playing against Doctor nonstop even though a brand new killer just released!

I can tell my teammates do too since they’re throwing the game half the time :)
I was wondering why I haven't seen that shocky boy in ages. Hey, can you keep them all for me plz? 😋
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NO! 😅 Though my streak was broken I finally got The Dark Lord followed by Singularity. You have to wonder if dropping fairly big overhauls for several killers at the same time you release a new killer is maybe not an ideal business strategy. Save it for the mid chapter.
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I had someone whose name was something like PlzNoMoreDredge. Said they had 7/12 Dredges. For people who choose not to buy the DLC it seems people would rather try out the killer changes instead.
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I love playing dredge and the new changes to him feel pretty good
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Usually a newly released killer is either too weak, either nerfed after one or two weeks.
I suspect many players are waiting to see if this one is worth buying. (If I recall its perk aren't worth getting at all for my playstyle.)
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The last two Doctors I faced were afk lol I wouldn't mind a good Doctor game tbh
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honestly this is pretty much every new chapter release in a nutshell I never play against the new killer one exception was chucky I played against him like 26 times once during launch week
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Pretty strange indeed.
I had Unknow and Vecna almost no stop when they were released, but now Dracula is like only 30% of my matches.1 -
his perks are mid at best, his perks are basically just corrupt for chests and totems, but only for 8 seconds. Undying for chests. And a hex that is just a slowdown for the obsession only that also reveals its aura so it’ll be cleansed in about 30 seconds.
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So it's not worth getting then.
Too bad, I love the Castlevania theme.
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I’ll take Gigglyboi over Huntress or HillyBilly
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He did get buffs this patch so I’m not surprised people are dusting him off to play. I’ve ONLY gotten Dracula outside my first match on launch day being a Pyramid Head.
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I'd actually prefer this approach. Getting the same new killer 30 times in a row just causes survivors to groan. We had that alot with Wesker upon his release. On the other hand, if they give players a good reason to not only try out the new stuff, but dust off afew older characters too... that offers decent variety. Chances are, the reason you're seeing Doctor alot rather than the others simply is due to most people owning Doc while alot of ppl skipped out on buying Dredge. Likewise, Nemesis being a licensed character means you can't purchase him with shards so... ppl who didn't play him before likely didn't own him.
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Sorry guys. after failing miserably to get Dracula adept I figure I may as well release some stress by testing Knights new changes.
The boys are back, and they're lookin for trouble!