Dracula does not feel good
He feels clunky, slow. Seems like a character ill play to do my achievements then drop like the rest.
he is weak. they didn't bother to buff him from PTB. he needed double the amount of changes to be good.
For example, the dev in stream said he is suppose to be encouraged to switch forms? Ok right.
Why does he have a penalty cooldown for switching forms then?
Why does he have a slowdown when switching forms?
I believe he also said he is suppose to be stealthy.
Why does his bat have 45 meter lullaby?
Why is his teleport so slow?
Why does he have limited range for teleporting?
His wolf form orbs are too low duration for speed boost.
0 of these aspect were addressed.
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I agree 100% with all your points.
You wont see much of him after a week. He might be one of the weakest killers ive felt on release.
Personally I will do the achievements to maintain 100% then drop him. This is the most ive struggled with an adept too, usually I get them pretty easily. His perks being trash against full meta doesnt help that tho.
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don't even get me started on how bad human greed is and dominance is as perks.
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Im REALLY struggling with this adept against full meta. His combo of being trash + trash perks hurts. Admittedly I am trying to learn him, but I usually get it game 2 at the latest 3. Lots I get first match tho.
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I played Dracula little bit today and what i noticed is that the wolf forms basic attack.. not the lunge but basic attack MISSES survivors very easily. Like im doing a normal basic attack as wolf as i would do in dracula form but somehow i miss the survivor even though they are right infront of me…
Happened to me multiple times today. I'm too scared to use normal attack anymore on wolfy .
I like dracula i like how he looks, but the bat form.. Oh my god can you make it more quieter for the killer. Its so loud i cant hear my thoughts.
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Lol, as survivor i thought he was quite fast. He overall feels a bit strange. But will see what he brings. I only played about 5 games against him
I also still find it a missed opportunity of not bringing a new (castle) map
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While i agree with some, i think at the moment that he is not weak by any means.
They did buff the Wolf form by a lot by giving him the desired 4.6 mov speed (4.8 with orbs) and now feels a lot stronger to play. Also making him not stopping his second M2 when he collides with a wall or object was needed. They also reduced the pallet break animation by half a second. And reducing his cooldown a bit.
All of those but the cooldown one were asked and they did deliver.
They also buffed the Hellfire by reducing his movement speed penalty (again, was asked by everyone) and they even reduced the cast time by a bit (i think this one wasnt even asked).
Now, having said that, could they maybe still tweak him a bit? Yes. I also think that the bat form is too noisy and the teleport has somewhat short range and is slow. But again, the form works so well for mobility and by leaving pallets in the ground you have even more teleportation points.
Vampire form i think its good enough already and i only would tweak two things:
- Make the difference between "low" and "high" obstacles a bit more clear. Sometimes Hellfire goes through walls and sometimes it stops at a some rock that is not that big. It also stops at undropped pallets depending on your casting position, and i think it shouldnt stop.
- When Hellfire its released, it starts at the point you did release it, not where your character is already. Let me be a bit more clear. You can still move when you just release the spell. On any other ranged characters like Nemesis or Pyramid Head if you keep moving a bit when you release their M2, the attack starts not when you release it but it also "follows" your character. If with Nemmy you are at point A when you release your M2 and your tentacle animation starts but you are in point B (just half a meter away) when the hitbox starts (keep in mind im not talking about the "dragging" animation), the hitbox will appear at point B. With Dracula, it still appears at point A. This makes me sometimes feel that the survivor is totally in range but it doesnt reach them if they keep running, because the hitbox did appear sooner than thre rest of the killers.
And about Wolf form, maybe a bit more tweaking is needed. The attack is still hard af to hit, there is not much window to rotate at the second charge, and it could maybe have a bit longer range. Also, i think that the orbs should appear when survivor are still standing still/walking, even if it has longer cd between orbs. This would enhance the Wolf form as a tracking form (do i know they are near but i cannot see them? Wolf form to track).
But even with everything of this, while is still soon to say, i think Dracula can be a solid A tier killer when in good hands. It has good mobility, great chasing potential with the (clunky) Wolf form + Hellfire and a bit of stealth (it has a lullaby but the survivors dont know where you are in those 48 meters).
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I think Dracula will fall into the same category as pre-rework Singularity. Too hard and weak for most people to play and fade into obscurity after a week.
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Took me 3 tries to get adept, 2nd failed because of hatch. His abilities may be slow and clunky but they do still kill people. Now im not saying hes great as ive met a few who can loop him all day which required saving them for last. It does take some getting used to. His bat is useful in double floor maps or just getting from point a to b. His wolf excels out in the open like trickster. And his hellfire requires good aim/timing/knowledge of what it can shoot through. Hes decent against average randoms but can be easily looped to infinity on high mmr (like any other killer). Thats just my experience with him so far. I plan to main him afterall
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it is pretty clear what it goes through and doesn't go through once you understand what height it checks.
They also reduced the pallet break animation by half a second. And reducing his cooldown a bit.
What patch notes are you reading what says his pallet break in wolf is reduced? Wolf form looks like a bug fix then a buff. That is how little improvement it had.
But even with everything of this, while is still soon to say, i think Dracula can be a solid A tier killer when in good hands.
I disagree. he is at best average, if not below average. His kit suggests that he should be above killer but he really isn't. his numerical balance and traditional dev hand-holding makes him a lot worse.
It has good mobility, great chasing potential with the (clunky) Wolf form + Hellfire and a bit of stealth (it has a lullaby but the survivors dont know where you are in those 48 meters).
I haven't been able to stealth anyone yesterday with his default kit. i somewhat predict this would be the case because i played survivor in PTB and I did not notice any threat vs him. For what major final Castlevania boss, this guy looks like mini-boss. Taurus demon dark soul 1. barely a challenge.
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What patch notes are you reading what says his pallet break in wolf is reduced? Wolf form looks like a bug fix then a buff. That is how little improvement it had.
Official 8.2 patch notes.
Wolf has been severely buffed and using it now compared to before its like night and day. Still need some help with his M2 attack but the improvement is massive.
Again, its too soon to have a solid judgement. Right now its the same as on every killer release: i see people saying he is just overpowered and other people saying he is weak.
Lets wait a bit more time.
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On indoor maps trying to navigate the bat form was a nightmare
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It's like you're in a Fast and Furious film drifting a car whenever you're not moving in a perfectly straight line.
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He's pretty much the same as Vecna for me. Just not interested in this power in its current form. I really dislike this continued trend of designing killers like VHS did where they're more or less copy paste of each other with little room for skill expression. The killer roster is becoming so homogenized. There's anti-loop slowdown that you counter by pre-dropping. There's the wind up attack that you usually fake a pallet drop and keep rotating. And there's mobility tool X Y Z to watch out for. Most of the killer roster falls under those categories outside of the oddballs like Billy, Blight, Nurse, Spirit, etc.
The Hellfire can't aim lock that early in the animation and also give me such a wild speed curve for cancelling. Pick one or the other. Let me adjust the aim or reduce the speed curve. Preferably the former.
Bat form is…ok? I don't know.
Wolf form will probably take the most time to get used to, but we've seen this power before in slightly different iterations. Maybe I'm just burned out or jaded after 6 years and thousands of hours. But it seems like we're just rearranging powers we've already seen before again and again.
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I think it is one of the best designed killers so far, and doing anything with him is pretty smooth. The only things that are a little "clunky" are the Bat to Wolf transformation and the Hellfire spawning the exact same instant you press the button, making it hard to aim while moving, so you need to adapt to it.
Is he strong? No (and that doesn't mean he is weak, either). But clunky and slow? Absolutely not, especially if you use his forms appropriately.
Post edited by Batusalen on0