Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Why can't killers get a "give up" button like survivors?

Member Posts: 5,976
edited August 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Topic, survivors can kill themselves on the hook to get out of the match quickly, why do killers not have an "open the gate" button regardless of gen progress?


  • Survivors should not be able to give up, and neither should killers
  • Both should be able to give up a match.
Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Good luck using map offerings if this ever gets live…

    I would prefer if "fast" way of giving up was not available for anyone.
    But also create late game cases, when game is decided, where it will be possible to give up.

    With killer, probably end the game and survivors would be replaced by bots?

  • Member Posts: 2,385

    u seen what a give up option have done to solo q. u definitely don't want that for killers

  • Member Posts: 4,206

    If killers got a quick and easy way to ragequit, that bypasses the DC penalties, then we would see a lot more killers ragequitting.

    …And that would prove that having a quick way to bypass DC penalties, causes a lot of ragequitting.

    …And that would prove that the survivor ragequitting problem is partially caused by the fact that survivors are allowed to speed through all the hook stages, by attempting self unhooks and failing hook struggle checks.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Nah, we definately shouldn't stimulate unsportsmanlike behavior further. Survivors shouldn't be able to let go on hook any time they want either.

  • Member Posts: 412

    I'm good with it so long as it's equal for both sides. Right now survivors have to be hooked, and left on hook long enough, in order to dip out. Make it so survivors can just hook themselves, even while slugged, and we can call it even.

    On top of that, go ahead and make it so survivors can see what killer they are playing against in the pregame lobby. This way both sides can dodge when they see something they don't like.

  • Member Posts: 5,976

    Right, but survivors still have to do the gens and often times intentionally wait out the collapse timer. So the match probably still takes a solid 7-8 minutes even if you stand in the corner immediately. Dying on hook is instant.

  • Member Posts: 4,942

    They need to get rid of hook suicides, not add an option for the killer to give up without penalty too.

  • Member Posts: 2,083

    literally this. Killer loads in, see's a map offering or, just gets a map they despise… boom, insta end of game. That would likely be the norm imo. And this is just one of probably many ways to abuse it.

  • Member Posts: 2,083

    If this was the case, most games would end as soon as the first gen pops with zero hooks. Most killers would never continue.

  • Member Posts: 1,731

    On the one hand something needs to be done about giving up on hook, on the other hand some of my favorite moments came from clutch kobe plays. It'd be sad to see those go. It would probably be for the best though.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Simple. Because it screws over the other players. If I'm playing as a survivor and I'm trying to work on a tome where I need to complete a gen or something. I shouldn't be punished because the killer chose to chase me around and then decides to quit the game after a gen pops. Now I can't work on my tome challenge until the next match. How fair is that? If you want to give up as a killer then go hide in the basement or something. Or just don't play as killer if you can't handle it.

  • Member Posts: 5,976

    And that is any different than survivors doing the same thing gainst a killer they dont like?

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I totally support adding a surrender or forfeit button

  • Member Posts: 2,083

    Quite. The game continues and its still 4 people in the game and a bot. We dont get killer bots. We definitely don't want killer bots. Have you tried the tutorial? Ugh its horrible.

    But thats the difference, and its a major difference. Still, Killers should get a way to decline playing but… not like this. Definitely not like this.

  • Member Posts: 8,919

    The quick give up as survivor they're talking about is suicide on hook, which doesn't result in a bot.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    I used to not mind that map, but lately I keep being sent there all the time and it’s starting to really irritate me 😭🤣

  • Member Posts: 2,294

    Correct us if we're wrong, but isn't that a mechanic of the game thats just abused by survivors?

  • Member Posts: 72

    If we're talking about equality here, there should be a function for 1/4th of the killer to give up for each survivor who does. Two survivors killed themselves on hook? Half the killer has given up.

  • Member Posts: 5,976

    A hook suicide does not create a survivor bot, it eliminates them completely.

  • Member Posts: 8,608

    A lot of dominoes have to fall before hook quitting goes away. Way too many worthless trials still happen. No reason somebody should be held in 3v1 at 4 or 5 gens for another 10 minutes. It's a game, not community service.

  • Member Posts: 8,608

    25% of the screen goes blank for every 1/4th killer quit. It's only fair. All things in DbD must have an equivalence on the other side.

  • Member Posts: 8,919

    Yeah, and it's something alot of ppl will defend to the death anytime it's brought up.

  • Member Posts: 776

    Nobody should be able to do it.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    I like the idea, but not because "Survivors can do it so why can't I?" No, that's silly. I like it because there should be an opt out button if all of one side agrees and no harm done, right? Like there's plenty of times when I'm playing and I've got the crappiest build, but then I'm forced to play harder because I realize the other side is using something really strong. Not too bad if you're SWF, but if you're ######### around as killer or are solo, then it can get bad.

    You get 3 mulligans a night and if you feel you need another, just call it and come back another day. Or, maybe if they just implement a mode - a casual mode - where the rules are a little looser and maybe the win conditions are more relaxed, maybe that's all you'd need. I don't ever have to play with meta perks, have to 4k or escape to have fun and I know I'd be down to play that, even solo.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Since survivors can just give up on first hook, killers should be able to open the gate at any time. Make it so that endgame perks like Blood Warden don't activate if that happens.

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    Oh silly billy, getting to throw a game without penalty is survivor privilege. Killers arent supposed to have that (according to survivors).

    IIn every DC-penalty discussion I chuckle at the obvious survivor bias to remove the penalty for only survivors. Its funny because survivors would loathe if killers could chicken out like survivors can now. (Not to mention that escapes would become somewhat impossible as killers would legalky/rightfully rq once gates are powered or the first guy escapes.) But as advocators of 50:50 fairness/parity shouldnt we all agree to having both sides have the same options?

    Alternatively, Remove hook suicides, maybe the most un-immersive change to just remove the death by failing the struggle phase skillchecks. Or add a cooldown to attempting a self unhook.(You'd keep the self unhook chance and shortened first phase if failing the unhook, bit you wouldnt be able to skip straight to dying)

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Honestly, I'd press it one minute* after any kind of map offering. That's a mechanic I despise and that seems better than the alternative : making the match as unfun and punishing as possible. It would certainly be faster.

    *One minute to guarantee loss of add-ons and offerings.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2024

    (edit: great, quoting is broken and I don't remember who I was answering to)

    The point, I believe, is to prevent survivors from giving up, not to allow killers to do the same.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2024

    (edit: great, quoting is broken and I don't remember who I was answering to)

    That'd be interesting. Maybe it'd make the devs consider fixing gen-rushing.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2024

    (edit: great, quoting is broken and I don't remember who I was answering to)

    Not fast enough and there is a penalty.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2024

    (edit: great, quoting is broken and I don't remember who I was answering to)

    I believe that's the point of this whole conversation.

    Getting rid of that option for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I'd rather get rid of that one problem than create another one.

  • Member Posts: 79

    That would be a bad idea. When you don't want to play as killer anymore you can DC or go afk and open the exit gates.

    I don't want this game to become a lobby simulator.

  • Member Posts: 8,919

    I mostly use brown or yellow addons on killer so...would be real tempting to waste someone's map offering.

  • Member Posts: 5,976

    Again, how is that ANY different, that survivors killing themselves on hook a soon as they see a skull merchant, or a map they don't like, or some other little issue that happens?

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2024

    That wouldn't.

    The way I see it, the whole point of this conversation is that it would be bad and that'd be as exploitable as allowing survivors to do so is.

    Argumentum ad absurdum if you will.

    The conclusion should be: prevent survivors to do it too.

  • Member Posts: 1,731
    edited August 2024

    After thinking about it I think they should:

    • remove 2nd phase skill checks
    • Extend the duration of 2nd phase by 20 seconds for every attempt made, if the survivor goes second on their first hook.

    this reduces the effectiveness of trying to hard quit while allowing for those clutch moments where a 4% makes all the difference

    Post edited by ratcoffee on
  • Member Posts: 768

    'why do killers not have an "open the gate" button regardless of gen progress?'
    I know that is not exactly what you ask, but about the lore in the Fog, the Gates need a power source to be opened (electrical source) and only generators can adduce it.

  • Member Posts: 2,083

    Correct. I had poor wording.

    My point was if the killer leaves this way, we get a Bot killer. BHVR can't program bot killers. Even so, if a Survivor DC's, they become a bot and the game can continue with much less impact than if the killer left.

    Hook suicide is far worse than DC'ing imo. The game can still be won by survivors since the bot is usually better anyway. But hook'icides prevent that and the game is typically a loss survivor side.

    In other words, A killer needs a way to hook'icide, not a DC button. That's the difference Im trying to make here. It's not fair survivors can hookicide and have no consequences while Killers are made to remain and endure.

    This is the basis of my thoughts. Adding buttons to do things we all agree is unhealthy for the game isn't the right direction. And from what I've garnered reading this thread, we do pretty much all agree Hook'icides need to go.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    I think after all gens are done the killer should be able to exit the match through the basement or something. Let the survivors run around the map until the EGC is over. Personally I don't care about hatch or patrolling gates. Gens done, I go AFK until it's over.

  • Member Posts: 8,354

    As others have pointed out, the problem is that survivors can do this, not that killers can't.

    If you absolutely have to leave a match early, on either side, disconnect. That's the system that exists to provide you that option, and it's even lenient enough to allow you one free DC a day since the starting penalty doesn't actually stop you from playing that session. If you're finding that you need to DC out of matches more than once a day… think about that before you queue up. It's a multiplayer game, you queue up with an obligation to not ruin everyone else's games for no good reason.

    One a night is enough to cover IRL emergencies, internet outages, and the occasional in-game reason to leave like a hacker holding the game hostage. Everything else is just… not wanting to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 8,919
  • Member Posts: 2,083

    2v8 is not even on the same planet as typical dbd. I don't for a moment think a killer bot will be indistinguishable from a player killer, or even remotely so, in a usual trial. It would be very easy to spot a bot killer and with it, methods to abuse their AI would be in play pretty quick.

    Bots are a band-aide. Not a fix.

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