General Discussions

General Discussions

Are we ready to admit that the prestige rework in patch 6.1.0 was a failure?

For those who don't know: before 6.1.0, the maximum prestige was the third one which gave the last bloody cosmetic, while a character's perks were obtained by reaching the first prestige.

What were the positives of only having 3 prestiges? reaching the third prestige and level 50 guaranteed a permanent level 50 bloodweb which made it more efficient to farm items and addons. Now to get the same you have to reach Prestige 100.

This rework could still be understood if there was a significant reward for Prestige 100, but now that prestiges are hidden until the end of the game what's the point if you can't even show your dedication to a character? And honestly, at the end of the game you don't notice the prestiges so don't use it as an excuse that "you can still show them", you're too busy getting out as soon as possible to go to the next queue.

I think that with light QoL like the item cost reduction that came with the prestige rework, and the sharing of already upgraded perks, the old system is much better. You reach the farmable bloodweb level 50 sooner with the old system and there's not this bs of 100 useless prestiges.

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  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Maybe expectations were too high?

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    No? I get every perk in the game (asides from general perks and the new ones) on the new characters instantly when the chapter drops.

    I don't have to spend 12-15m BP on a character to get a perk I want to use on them. That's amazing to have.

    I also don't have to throw away all of my BP for the prestige cosmetics either.

    You also get boosted chances of rarer items as you level up, so it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I think people massively undervalue how good it is to get a characters perk unlocked for all others by just prestiging them just once, and getting everything to max by leveling them toP3. I remember how I often had a character brought lvl 50 and was debating "should I prestige them? They have 12 of that event item left … and even if I did so, I should at least play 8 more games as to use up my iri add-ons."

    Or when I was already on lvl 40 and desperately hoped for the BBQ to show up in the last couple of levels, as not to gimp my own progress. That were some rough times. But its right to critisise the fact that there is nothin in it besides the bragging rights of having a high prestige character, not even a smol cosmetic. My dream would be a check box that applies the bloddied cosmetics shader over any other cosmetic, it would look goofy on some, but probably awesome on most and I usually love the bloddied looks and so often wish that I could apply those blood marks to my favorite cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    No but it was mistake to hide them though. I do hope they add in future real reward for P100 that grind is much more massive than what people had to get legacy skins. So reward is deserved it could be simply just P100 charm even.

  • Member Posts: 584

    There’s no reason why you absolutely MUST show off your prestige in pre game lobby other than for your own ego, which is silly anyway because no one else cares. The game is now mic healthier waiting until endgame. I can see my own prestige in my own lobby before I get to the killer lobby and I can see it at the end. This has zero effect on how I feel about my achievements. In fact, I’ve actually began playing my P100 characters again now that I can do so without being targeted and tunneled out of the match.

    This new system helps the overall health of the game way more. It’s also not hurting you in any way to let people see your prestige at the end. If they all leave the lobby without ever looking at your prestige, so what? Why do you need people to care so much that you have a P100?

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    While everything you said is right... that has nothing to do with patch 6.1.0

  • Member Posts: 786

    Lets be real NO ONE looks at the post game lobby lol. It should just be a toggle because now I don't like wearing prestige clothing unless its the full set again because I just look like a noob lol + it makes higher prestige so worthless like most 99% of people wont see it so why bother

  • Member Posts: 895

    new prestige system was released barebones and never fleshed out.

    i appreciate the chivalry to put old prestige outfits & charms in first 9 prestiges, but seeing 91 more levels being completely empty is just silly. alongside the pettiest and most disingenuous excuse.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    The new prestige system is amazing. I don't know what you are complaining about. I took a break for around 18 months and this was added during that time. It is single handedly the best change that was made during that time.

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