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New Killer Opinion

What's everyone's thoughts on the new Killer, I haven't purchased him yet and I want to know how everyone thinks about Dracula, good, bad? Love hate relationship?

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  • Member Posts: 347

    Another killer whose power is just a weaker version of someone else's and doesn't do anything special. Not to mention, it feels clunky (hellfire and wolf form). It's pretty disappointing, considering they could have done something original instead.

  • Member Posts: 82

    From what I saw I think they were trying to make the new Killer a bit more complicated like intended for the The Lich, but 100% went down the path you said.

  • Member Posts: 1,136

    If you like pyramid head it could be interessting because he's a bit weaker but has better mobility. If you want him for the wolf form you shouldn't buy him, it's completely worthless at the moment because vampire and bat are just better together xD

  • Member Posts: 2,266

    Love hate. We do like the powers (they're good if not especially unique and get the job done) and despite what everyone claims about the wolf form we especially like being a good murder puppy. That said, like Vecna, he's a pain to use with a controller.

  • Member Posts: 679

    I think he would be a lot more enjoyable if he transitioned more fluidity into each form without the slows & CDs. He feels like he's meant to be played at a fast pace with a mid to high level skill difficulty, but sadly it really feels quite clunky and his chase gameplay doesn't really flow well with me.

    I think due to how he's effectively 3 killers in one it's going to be very difficult to buff or nerf him without making him weak or OP.

    I've tried about 10-15 games with him and his flow just isn't clicking with me. It's not even like I'm losing on him that much it just doesn't really feel enjoyable in comparison to almost every other killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 100

    name a power type that’s original BUT can work for competitive(sadly they must be)

  • Member Posts: 82

    What's so wrong with the wolf? I saw a little gameplay and it looks like the wolf has two lunges, and lots of mobility, even gaining mobility from these orb things.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Everyone seems pretty divided on the wolf power lol, but I definitely agree with him possibly being a pain like Vecna (Ps main)

  • Member Posts: 556

    There is nothing wrong with the wolf form by itself, other than the lack of own mori and an AWOOO button. Plus i can turn into the wolf and get pets by survivor if i feel like goofing around.

    The Bat form has its problems, its WAY to loud, so loud in fact that the Devs implemented a 50% boost to hearing survivors footsteps and its still often difficult.

  • Member Posts: 351

    Weak on high mmr

  • Member Posts: 1,136


    He gets slowed down while walking backwards, so no mindgames allowed.

    His jump is too easy to hear, has a to big hitbox for objects and a too small hitbox for survivors (it's also arguably too short to be able to be used well and you're nearly unable to walk between the jumps).

    His orbs give him speed so that he gets a 4,8 killer but only for 2,5 seconds, they need 6 seconds to spawn without addon, so 3,5 seconds downtime.

    He also has redlight and normal terror-radius so it's not even stealthy xD

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited August 2024

    wolf is borderline useless and just plain boring, perks are mid at best, hellfire is just another ani loop power, bat is mid power and can’t stealth for #########

    If you really like Castlevania go ahead and get it otherwise I wouldn’t bother paying real money for it

    Post edited by totallynotamegmain on
  • Member Posts: 1,257

    Speaking as someone who values how fun a Killer is over how strong they are (with most of my favorites being considered low-B or lower and REALLY hating most of the high tiers like Nurse, Blight or Spirit), I like him. I don't think he'll perform well in higher ranks, and there are definitely some tweaks I'd make (mostly to Wolf Form, since it is really lacking in just about every way that matters), but he feels fun at the moment.

    I've gotten some pretty nasty hits with his Hellfire, since it can go over some deceptively high obstacles, and I've found some good success with the Bat form teleport, especially on maps with multiple floors, so really it is just the Wolf form that feels incredibly underwhelming to me. The lunge is a bit wonky at times (I've literally come into contact with a Survivor with BOTH lunges and failed to hit him), and Scent Orbs just don't spawn that frequently, and the Haste you get when they do is barely noticeable. It should really only be used if a Survivor is going in a straight line, and at that point just stay in Vampire form.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    He is decent, but you can skip him, nothing huge to miss out.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited August 2024

    Worst killer theyve released in a while, and I am someone who loves skull merchant and knight.

    I maintain 100% achievements so I bought him, did them and have moved on.

  • Member Posts: 8,782

    The transitioning is clunky and the UI for it needs to be tweaked on console. It's also odd that there's a cooldown between the transformations at all since it's essentially just swapping between powers that have their own cooldowns. Lich has 4 abilities and didn't need a cooldown for swapping between them...

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    SSwitching to bat form with left bumper+triggers is weird they need to seriously add D pad controls

  • Member Posts: 8,782

    That would be really nice. With the current setup, it's too easy to swap to the wrong form simply because the options are on different buttons depending on what form you're currently in. Splitting 3 transformations between 2 buttons doesn't feel good.

  • Member Posts: 206

    I've thought about it a lot and the only thing that I think really needs adjustments is the teleport. It's so slow & short range for how telegraphed it is.

  • Member Posts: 820

    He feels nice in that you have access to so many different tools at a time. It does kinda feel like he got toned down versions of a few killer powers, but I'd say Bat form is unique enough to be its own thing and Wolf form's different characteristics and scent orbs mean he feels quite different from Wesker despite the similar dash, plus breaking pallets Basekit with it.

    I think people are starting to realize that with current release cycle, a lot of new content goes over safe ideas established by other chapters instead of treading new ground. To be honest, I'm just happy Dracula is both a faithful vampire and faithful to his game counterpart. He's a fun killer to face and to play as imo

  • Member Posts: 1,139

    I've really enjoyed playing as him so far. It takes some practice to switch between the forms, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I know we've had Chucky for some time now, but the third person Bat and Wolf modes still feel like fresh experiences to me (plus, those bats are cute as hell).

    I don't always get matched up with top tier Survivors though, so maybe the chill trials have made him a little more enjoyable while I'm still learning (it's not usually this way for me with a new Killer).

    I don't think he's weak at all, but players will need to put the time into learning him if they want to become consistent, which is not a bad thing in my opinion. Hellfire is probably his strongest power. It has some limitations, but you can't dodge it like Pyramid Head's Punishment of the Damned. Think the cool down may be a little too short for how strong it is.

    I absolutely love the add-on that spawns random hellfire in the exit gates. Can we get something similar as a perk please, BHVR?

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    I like him but I don't like the people who play him.

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