Could We Get A Knock Out Rework?

I don’t know if there’s something in the water or if someone made a video or what, but I’ve been getting a ton of killers lately who use knock out solely to slug everyone and refuse to hook. Tbh we need less perks that encourage this playstyle because it is by far the most infuriating thing to play against, especially in solo queue. Being unable to play the game for several minutes at a time is a huge game design flaw, I don’t care if it’s a viable “strategy”.


  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    It needed a rework the moment it came out. A perk whose sole purpose is to slug until bleedout and that is pretty much tailor made to make soloq players miserable should not exist.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    If there weren't so much punishment tied to hooking then it wouldn't be such an issue. You should probably forget about a knockout rework until "endurance" doesn't swoop in to hard-carry survivors against the weaker killer kits.

    You've got 4 minutes to make a difference in standard DbD and no killer-player is interested in getting screwed by god-mode perks that pardon survivor-players from needing to play well for the escape.

    You guys really ought to stop ignoring the entire picture just because you think something isn't fun for you.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 789

    gonna be sad when they do change it eventually

  • bogwitch69
    bogwitch69 Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2024

    if you are so wound-up about a core mechanic of the game that is entirely meant to keep all players continuously engaged and move the match along, then maybe you should play a different game? also endurance shouldn’t be such a big problem for you if you know how to play outside of camping & tunneling lmfao (and know the very simple counters to perks like DH and OTR). that status effect is the least of my concern when i play killer. literal skill issue.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    What's the counter for DH, DS and OTR if you play Ghostface or any other M1 killer? The counter is that you don't play for hooks like a novice.

    The only skill issue in this case is being granted god-mode and then acting like you were good at something when the hit literally didn't count.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 776

    Speaking as someone who plays Ghostface, the counter to those as Ghostface isn't slugging.

    The counter is 99ing people and downing them before they can get their endurance up, then hooking them, then downing and hooking the other people you presumably also 99ed, because you actually know how to stealth.

  • bogwitch69
    bogwitch69 Member Posts: 77

    as a wraith main, another M1 killer, it’s pretty simple:

    DH: literally just wait. with many killers you can easily bait it out.

    OTR: either go after someone else i.e. don’t tunnel, or wait until they do literally anything. if they wait the full 80 seconds without touching a gen that is a good thing for you, the killer.

    DS: again, just don’t tunnel, or slug them for the amount of time DS requires. yeah, i said slug. because the issue i’m specifically discussing here is killers coming in with the intention of bleeding everyone out for no reason other than spite and butthurt.

    learning how to play around survivors’ different perks and playstyles is literally part of the game’s learning curve. if that bothers you too much, you might not want to play this game at all.

  • bogwitch69
    bogwitch69 Member Posts: 77

    okay so you genuinely sound like you don’t have that much experience as killer. as a wraith main, another M1 killer, here’s how to counter these perks:

    DH: literally just wait and don’t swing right away. many killers have little ways they can bait out DH. you might get tricked the first time, but this was also the case with old DH pre-endurance.

    OTR: if you notice they’re not making any injured noises off hook, they have it. either avoid them and go after someone else or wait until they do literally anything. if they decide to do nothing for full 80 seconds for whatever, that is a GOOD thing for you, the killer.

    DS: again, either don’t tunnel and go after someone else, or if they’re using it offensively, just slug them until the DS timer runs out. yes, i said slug. because the specific issue i’m talking about here is killers intentionally wasting survivors’ time by bleeding them out because of spite and butthurt. and bringing a perk that very much encourages them do this.

    learning how to play around survivors’ different perks and strategies is literally part of this game’s learning curve. throwing a tantrum and bleeding people out is not going to make you a better killer.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    5th in world for marked downs, thanks.

    DH counter: Don't activate it.

    DS Counter: Don't activate it.

    OTR Counter: Don't activate it.

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 299

    Knock out is a strange case. It's the most unhealthily designed perk in the game arguably, and it's not even that good at it's job because it's countered by comms. If they rework this perk to an unrecognizable new version, id say good riddance.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 776