General Discussions

General Discussions

Killers could stand to struggle a bit more imo.

Genuinely don't see a reason for BL1 and new wiggle.

Maps got balanced pretty hard minus a few outliers(that are balanced out by other outliers,) no one takes Hope anymore and MFT is bad, I don't see why killers still should get BL1.

I forget the original justification for reworking wiggle but with hooks respawning I don't see why we still need new wiggle. If a killer wants to greed for a scourge hook or hooking near a gen there should be more risk.


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  • Member Posts: 2,211

    My guess is this stats post.

    From my reading that is 56%, the numbers aren't additive.

    Which is actually less than I would have guessed as to count you only need BL1 to trigger for a brief instant one time in a game to count.

  • Member Posts: 491

    I feel like if there are maps that are great for killers and there are maps that are great for survivors then that's a good balance? I feel as though if every map was the same power level it would get boring fast.

    My point is that there's not really any god loops and most maps are not bad for killer anymore, nor are there things like unlimited dead-hards, etc. Which were all justifications for Bloodlust getting buffed.

    Hitting greats used to grant more wiggle progress.

  • Member Posts: 491

    I don't think Bloodlust should get removed entirely, I just think it should be a lot more rare tbh. You have so many killers starting chases with playing for bloodlust.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    I could see maybe bloodlust being limited to certain killers. Killers like Myers who's power really doesn't do much to win a chase once started could keep it, while killers whose power SHOULD be helping can lose it. If your getting BL on Clown, that's a YOU issue.

  • Member Posts: 2,211
    edited August 2024

    Okay, but that doesn't sound like removing BL 1 as the step. Either increasing the time it takes to gain or reducing the speed boost.

    Post edited by crogers271 on
  • Member Posts: 1,579

    I've noticed the new map variants have favored the stronger killers more due to the more spaced layouts and weird tiles.

  • Member Posts: 9,039
    edited August 2024

    I ended up getting stick drift on 2 controllers because of it

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    If the killer cant beat a strong 4 man than they will likely always be perceive as underpower. That the gold standard for a good amount of the killer players. I not sure why this is but this is a very popular mindset.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    BL1 can still be necessary for some specific killers like legion on some maps like lerys if it spawns strong window rng, but there is no reason for BL2 and BL3 to exist.

  • Member Posts: 491

    So what part or the game is supposed to be fun for the survivor in your opinion?

  • Member Posts: 820
    edited August 2024

    Old wiggling was fun when you were popping off as a survivor and could spam the keys at the speed of light, but aside from that it could really be a chore. If I remember correctly, this was also about the time they swapped spamming Spacebar on second stage hook for simple skill checks, and I would never ever want that change reverted.

    As for Bloodlust, I usually tend to see that procc on killers like Trapper and Freddy and whatnot, instead of Blight and Nurse, so I don't see why a blanket killer nerf that would mostly hurt the weaker members of the cast is a good idea.

  • Member Posts: 776
    edited August 2024

    The part where you play with your friends and it's actually a challenge to work as a team and win instead of being able to slap on 16 perks that all boost each other and easily four man out. I still have fun doing this even losing a bunch more as Survivor. Why do you and others need to win consistently to have fun? Or is this about BP gain, a totally separate issue altogether?

    I want to be challenged as Survivor. I like hard games. It's sad to me that other Survivors do not.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    I think they are referring to when Wiggling first got changed to Skill Checks and hitting Great Skill Checks would shave a full second off of Wiggling.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Really? That was the best thing about wiggling. Unless you were trying to spin them at a 90mph or something, you just had to turn it in a slow, consistent circle. 1 or maybe 2 full rotations a second.

    It always blew my mind that people were apparently breaking their controllers over this.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    It would make Huntress even weaker too, considering 20% of the loops on each map are physically impossible to land a hatchet at because of her slow speed and windup time.(not to mention indoor maps) Not to mention another 20% of loops because you just have to catch up to pull the hatchet out and have time to throw it. She keeps bloodlust even when holding hatchets thankfully.

    Make M1 killers 120%, everyone else 115% and get rid of bloodlust.

  • Member Posts: 5,785
    edited September 2024

    Bloodlust was a bandaid for poor map generation, as long as maps can generate poorly then its needed and yes they can still generate poorly. Outliers on one side don't matter since you don't need and won't get bloodlust on very killer sided bad map gens and outliers on the other side are almost the entire reason it exists. Some killers kits are just so mid that telling them to play without bloodlust is all but begging for stronger killers to be played instead since they didn't get bloodlust in the first place with power use.

    Wiggle was just too overbearing to be played around reasonably on controller, pcs users can very easily counteract wiggling while console players can't, its still more effective than it used to be but it doesn't need another buff any time soon

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    This is wrong kind of. BL was added because of loop strength the were so many loops that killers couldn't do anything about and were pretty much infinites but real infinites still existed and where infinites because you couldn't get BL at those loops you would lose site of the survivor and lose chase no matter how you ran the loop.

    BL is still absolutely a necessary evil as BHVR hasn't figured out how to design maps. Either they are all full of way to many strong loops that chain the whole map together. Or the new design is a billion crappie loops that you drop and run because they are unsafe.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Suffocation Pit is a big one. If you get the one that generates the window in the middle rather than at the end where the basement spawns, it is pretty much an infinite. Even when they throw the pallet if you do not have high movespeed the survivor can loop that window till entity blocker a majority of the time.

    Infinites are so frustrating, free time sinks with no skill expression on the survivors side beyond holding W.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Literally just had that variation today, Seven windows chained together back to back. Throwing it in with my map design rant video I'm about to do because these new map variations and reworks have been atrocious.

  • Member Posts: 786

    Well last time we tried to get rid of blood lust it was a complete DISASTER and not much of anything has changed from then. If anything BL is needed more just due to the amount of pallets that spawn for each map now since they moved onto making maps based around pallet gameplay like they said they would.

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    You could also pick artist or knight for this. Since you missed the point, which was survivors leaving loops means more "hold w" chases where bloodlust is likely to occur.

    Killers can throw away bloodlust kicking pallets at loops, but can even accidentally get bl1 when the survivor "holds w". No pallets in open space means bl1 is effectively free.

    I'm not sure why you seem offended by this, all I'm saying is that the gameplay of all 3 of these killers boils down to "leave the loop" is the only real counter to their m2. That's not controversial, it's just a fact.

  • Member Posts: 491

    But if I said I have fun losing on killer and I think killers should just enjoy the chase and playing a scary character even if theyre weak I'd be crazy right?

    Acting like people are unreasonable for wanting to win without every match being a slog makes no sense.

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