The self-unhook mechanic needs to be removed

Survivors are constantly (and intentionally) killing themselves on hook and it's leaving the rest of the team at a HUGE DISADVANTAGE (there will be 1 less player in the match). They do this because they got hooked early, they're playing against a killer they don't like, etc. It's been like this for the longest time and the DBD team isn't doing anything about this.
The self-unhook mechanic does more harm than good and it has very few beneficial purposes. My suggestion is to only allow the player to self-unhook when the bar in the anti-facecamping mechanism fills up or if they're using the Deliverance perk.
Note: Slippery Meat would need to be reworked. It's just a meme perk anyway and it isn't that great.
If you're worried about the survivor not having anything to do while on hook then I suggest changing the skill checks to award the player bloodpoints and if missed, nothing will happen.
The only time survivors killing themselves on hook is beneficial for the team is when there is only 1 survivor standing, and the person on hook wants them to get the hatch. In which case, present a prompt for the survivor to immediately sacrifice themselves so the other teammate can search for hatch.
Survivors killing themselves are ubiquitous - so much so that it just ruins the DBD experience. I've already uninstalled the game because of this, but I'll be willing to return if this issue of survivors killing themselves on hook is addressed. Take care.
Edit: Also, once the sacrifice meter drops to 50%, a skill check will appear: hit it and it's a toss up between you successfully unhooking yourself or proceeding to second stage. Missing the skill check means you will move to second stage like normal. This is to address the issue where survivors can't get to you in time to prevent you from reaching second stage.
Sad we can only upvote threads…
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It really is the new version of the old DC before bots.
It's not okay.
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If they do this. They can't consider this game as casual anymore.
Survivor has so much going against them whereas killer is solely responsible for their fun. I can't remember the last time I dc as killer.
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So you want to promote more toxicity? This will just lead to allowing toxic survivors to farm in SoloQ. “I’ll just stay on this gen and leave them on hook. They can’t do anything about it.” Yeah, no thanks. I have already been in SoloQ games where I HAD to unhook myself because nobody was coming and I was almost to stage 2.This is a terrible suggestion.
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I'm not so sure people who are ignoring survivors on hooks are the ones self-unhooking to get out of a match.
If anything, people will just afk until they die in exchange, which at least gives the killer something else to hit and waste some time. Or, they decide to at least try out of a lack of patience if they don't just DC.
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How does removing the ability for survivors to kill themselves on hook make the game less casual? Killing yourself on hook and making it harder for your team to win is not good for the game no matter how you try to spin this.
And the second half of your statement does not make any sense:
1) Survivors do not have a lot going against them. It's a 4v1 (the survivors outnumber the killer). The survivors have to worry about 1 person whereas the killer has to worry about 4. Not only that but the survivors have many tools at their disposal to make things harder for the killer (sabotaging, blinding, stunning, looping, forcing the killer to break pallets to remove their bloodlust, etc). And perk-wise, the survivors have to deal with the killer's 4 perks (max) whereas the killer has to deal with the survivors' 16 perks (max). Just because the survivors can't attack the killer, it doesn't mean they have a lot going against them.
2) But let's say you're right "the survivors has so much going against them", if that is the case, then you're just reinforcing my point that when a survivor kills themselves on hook, it'll make it harder for their team to win than it already is.
3) What does your "killer is solely responsible for their fun" statement have anything to do with survivors killing themselves on hook?7 -
My suggestion wasn't to promote toxicity. The idea of continuing to allow survivors to kill themselves and grief is.
And you can't say for sure if people intentionally wanted someone to reach 2nd stage or not. Maybe a survivor who was far away thought someone closer would go get them. Maybe they just weren't paying attention? My point is that it probably wasn't intentional. But do you know what is? People killing themselves on hook.
Besides if someone was intentionally letting someone go to 2nd stage and being toxic, they would do it regardless if my suggestion was implemented or not. If mine was implemented, there would be one less option of griefing in the game.0 -
Have to go with OP here.
Remove the self unhook along the skill checks on 2nd phase.
Allow only self unhook by the anti-face camping or Deliverance and give a prompt for the surv on 2nd phase to kill themselves while there's already two other survs dead.2 -
My suggestion wasn't to promote toxicity. The idea of continuing to allow people to kill themselves and grief is.
And you can't say for sure if people were intentionally letting someone go to 2nd stage or not. Maybe they were far away and thought someone closer would get them. Maybe they weren't paying attention. My point is that if a survivor was left to go to 2nd stage, it probably wasn't intentional. But do you know what is? People killing themselves on hook.
Besides, if someone was toxic and wanted the person on hook to go to 2nd stage, they would do it regardless if my suggestion was implemented or not. If it was implemented, there would be one less form of griefing in the game.1 -
thing is: people farming person on hook can be banned, as they should, while people who suicide on hook can't, literally because there is no technical way to determine if they tried to kobe or just wanted to go next, meaning it definitely won't lead to more toxicity :)
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The self-unhook mechanic needs to stay, because there are just as many times when teammates can't or just won't save you from the hook, and you have to take your chance.
Also, removing the self-unhook will just enable the teammate to ruin the game in other ways. I've had teammates grief and screw around, still making a miserable match for the rest of us when they got saved before they could go next. That those actions are reportable means nothing, since the whole report system is crap anyway. You'd need video footage for proof, and 90% of the playerbase can't be bothered with that.
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I agree with everything but the last part of survivors getting an instadeath button so someone can get a chance to instantly escape by hatch. Hooking the 2nd last player and looking for the other will give the killer enough time to try to find someone thats just hiding, so that they can get their last kill without having to slug for it. (Slugging should also be basekit unbreakabke only once all survivors are down the first person to get back up deactivates it and can pick everyone else up etc).
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Since you're worried about not having the option to potentially save yourself, then we can have it so that once the sacrifice meter (or whatever you call it) drops to 50%, a skill check will appear: hit it and it's a toss up between you successfully unhooking yourself or proceeding to second stage. Missing the skill check means you will move to second stage like normal. But there shouldn't be any other self-unhook attempts (other than the ones I listed in the original post).
Also, your argument for not removing this tool that griefers use (self-unhooking) lest it enables other forms of griefing is flawed because if developers thought like that then no forms of griefing will ever be addressed.1 -
But it's true, and that's exactly why the devs haven't addressed the "throwing on hook" issue yet. They know that removing self-unhooks will not stop people from giving up. No one knows what will.
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Honestly dont blame them at this point. The devs and the community have done everything to make survivor play the worst experience.
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I don't think it needs to be removed. But I do think something needs to be done about survivors screwing over their team mates. I think if a survivor does one of the following things during the first 7 minutes of a match then they should be subject to a disconnect penalty. Makes more than one attempt to unhook self, or misses more than one skill check on stage 2 hook. There really shouldn't be any "accidental" players getting caught up by that system.
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Probably buffing solo Q survivor to a playable state
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At a certain point people just need to "git gud" otherwise you end up in a buffing war to regain balance. Getting matched with good players is a night and day difference as it is right now. FAR too many survivors just waste time doing nothing, dont go gens, dont learn maps, how to loop, overly rely on second chance perks. etc etc etc. You can't buff your way out of bad gameplay.
There's already tons of proof survivors have the tools they need to compete IF they know how to use them. Buffing at base means making those good players just that more oppressive.
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I had a time that I got hooked and the other survivors let me hanging 2 complete states, I wished I tried to unhook myself :-p
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The problem is if you remove the ability to attempt to unhook yourself, you have:
- No ability to sacrifice yourself for hatch or to stop your team trying to save you in basement/dead zone far from gate.
- No possible comeback if the killer slugs your entire team while you're on hook.
- 100% reliance on your team to pull you off hook, which if they don't coordinate, get pushes off by a camping killer, there is no response from the camped survivor.
I had an idea for a potential fix that keeps all of the above things intact, while also making it impossible to immediately leave. To date this is the best shot I know to somewhat limit the issue: