More Xeno Pls

Just what the title says- I know some people despise playing against them - but as someone who plays the character I can't get enough of playing against them - on top of that, the whole turret interaction is so interactive and it can be spooky to hear them beeping when you're getting closer- even if that feature kills stealth builds a good chunk of the time.
Light's out is coming, facing Xeno is going to be so atmospheric. I hope i can find some.
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I feel like most people dont play xeno because this killer is marginally harder & more punishing to use than other midrange m2s and the payoff just doesnt feel worth it.
as day 1 p100 xeno main, Im starting to agree with them. Survivors have learnt the counterplay enough to make tail into 50/50 in a lot of tiles (as you must prefire it to make it in time and they can play around it) and they can buy a lot of time in chase with predrops and turrets.
Xeno also has big issues like bad or really clunky tunnel spawns and very punishing m2. Not to mention all the bugs.
In the light of recent killer buffs, xeno got outdated really fast.
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I can certainly agree with a lot of this - the bulk of Xeno counterplay boils down to holding W and double turret set-ups - though I'm curious to see if you might have some clever suggestions to help Xeno shine. :D
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if I had a say, I'd ask devs to add more control stations so they're more accessible and versatile. Or at least raise their priority over chest spawns so I dont have a random useless control station instead of one near main building gen.
I'd also reduce movement speed penalty while carrying turrets. It's a pretty annoying part of facing xenomorph.
Would also be nice to get some way to combat predrops specifically. Like being able to just walk over a pallet and lose crawler mode for ¬10 seconds and get slowed a bit so it works like Vecna's flight over vaults.
I dont think tail attack by itself is problematic like people say it is so I wouldnt focus on changing its mechanics like adding a wind up (idk what people imagine would happen, best case scenario xeno gets a slowdown for winding up and his power just stops being usable in most tiles and more likely scenario he just holds it and it results into creating the very issue people think they had as no wind up xeno has to prefire his power a lot which inherently doesnt let him zone with it).
Other than that, I'd give some basic QoL like reducing tail cd to 2.7s or making anti turret addons partially basekit (just so you can m1 turrets in open field if you react fast enough) and give these addons a more suitable effect instead. So a net loss overall in terms of turret protection, but better basekit.
Like emergency helmet should be an addon that activates when you do get burned out of the crawler mode (like increasing pallet breaking/vaulting speed for some time) and star map should do something with getting information on your surroundings. Maybe revealing auras of turrets within / outside certain range so its a direct upgrade to cereal rations that only work in tunnels.
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Raising the numbers of control stations is what Xeno needs the most, having double entrance/exit would make the Alien so much fun/better, you could really play with it's main thing, the tunnels.
I agree with everything else except the anti predrop thing. It's not a bad change at all, but it would be weirdly implemented i think.
I would in addition to everything else make turrets finite and separate the motion tracker from the flame turrets. Limit the Motion Tracker to 1 and 3 flame turrets per stations. You have 7 stations + the additionals one that would only be entrance/exit with not turrets/MT.
This way, you could play stealthy by destroying all 7 MT. As for the FT, it would be just like Wesker, you can run out but it's very unlikely.
After that, i would reinforce it's stealth mechanics and call it a day.
Im not a P100 Xeno like you, but im on the way (62 rn). Best killer ever.
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>I agree with everything else except the anti predrop thing. It's not a bad change at all, but it would be weirdly implemented i think.
Maybe, but I think it would be a fun way to implement xeno's agility & give players way to flex his menacing stance more in chase without implementing some ridiculous stance swapping or whatever. Shortly losing crawler mode for a reward like that sounds fair for both sides - survivor doesnt have to deal with crawler mode xeno for ¬10s and xeno doesnt have to play boring predrop sim.
>I would in addition to everything else make turrets finite and separate the motion tracker from the flame turrets. Limit the Motion Tracker to 1 and 3 flame turrets per stations. You have 7 stations + the additionals one that would only be entrance/exit with not turrets/MT.
Im not sure if that would work out. Losing turrets to xeno is super easy, even though they often win you slightly worse equivalent of an extra healthstate, it's not uncommon for your plan to just not work and turret to be wasted in vain. Also not sure about the logistics of splitting them in two.
I think its' okay there's a lot of turrets survivors have, it's just that xeno's kit is very oppressed by them. It's not like Singularity that can just smash buttons harder to match the pressure. Xeno just has to eat extra chase resources while having nothing to help that. His power does help outplaying safe pallets / outright shutting down less safe ones, but that's only true if survivor is actually staying there instead of chaining multiple tiles and predropping stuff at you while you never even get the chance to hit them. It doesnt help that when you do get the chance, it's a ping-reliant 50/50 because you literally have to forward drag the tail to hit the pixel.