Myers buff when

Basically a reminder at this point that this dude hasnt seen a buff since 2018.
Just a few suggestions I've seen:
Give him back bloodlust in t1 (introduced in 1.2, outdated since 1.2.1)
Give him back the ability to stalk multiple survivors (removed in 1.2.1, outdated since 4.1.2)
Make his stalking speed 20% faster basekit (basically make Jewelry basekit without altering Jewelry or Jewelry Box)
Either make Boyfriends Memo basekit, merge it with Scratched Mirror or double the value.
Make him 110% in t1(or add a permanent 5% haste to Scratched Mirror)
Make stalk shared between survivors, and increase the total stalk by 10 per generator finished.
And to compensate for all those buffs, give the ability to stalk a single survivor on Tombstone Piece, keep stalk limited to 10 per survivor, and fix the bug where he keeps stalk if he murders someone at the end of T3. Effectively nerfing Tombstone Piece in comparison to the rest of his kit being buffed.
Its coming. When exactly is anyone's guess.
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Yeah, but I feel like he is on the radar like Twins was.
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I expect Freddy in the next update and Myers in January
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I honestly expect them to do Myers first, like literally, its been 5+ years since he has seen any significant adjustment. He has been the weakest killer since 2018. The only reason people putting him not at the bottom of a tierlist is literally tombstone piece
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I would want a Freddy update before Myers tbf Freddy is literally the worst killer in the game
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No, he's not. He's arguably one of the least played, but worst? The dude can teleport, the dude has anti-loop. The man has quite a lot of nice addons, not amazing sure, but they are fine. And Freddy has literally been meta, twice, in the same duration that Myers has been bottom of the list.
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" we are hoping…"
That basicly says it all. Im hoping as well guys…
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Freddy is confirmed to be getting an update first, he is the worst killer in the game right now so that makes sense.
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I highly doubt it. Twins was left on the back burner for so long because nobody plays them. There was no urgency or pressure on them to do it.
Michael on the other hand is one of the more popular killers. I also don't believe Michael needs as many changes as what Twins or even Freddy does.
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Myers needs some serious numbers tweaks and some updates to what his kit HAS, but not what his kit IS. His kit overall is fine, it's the numbers being off and the need to rework several addons while basekitting others.
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I agree. The OP had some good suggestions. Just a few tweaks but not an overhaul.
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I just hope whatever they do to him, they change his insta-mori and tweak the related achievement. Playing against him is already incredibly un-interactive as is without needing to worry about being instantly removed from the game because your teammates let him stalk for free.
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As someone who sometimes Myers, I don't hardly even bother with the tombstone addons unless I am angry or have a Mori challenge. That's all they're for. And even then I prefer using Memento Moris.
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Worst performing*, again, looking at tombstone piece, the singular reason keeping Myers from the bottom because sometimes he can get a very early kill. Remove tombstone piece, and Freddy is objectively better
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Freddy doesnt need a lot either, a small addon pass, give him back the old amount of traps and pallets and he's genuinely fine. Twins is in a weird ball-park where I think she could actually be fine if holding Victor inside her body gave her benefits that she loses while Victor is out, giving reasons to keep Victor away from camping hooked/slugged survivors. Like lets say that Victor-less Charlotte breaks pallets 10% slower than default, but with Victor attached she can break them 20% faster than default. Or Victor-less Charlotte having 10% longer cooldowns after hits, but 20% faster cooldowns if she's holding Victor. Because lets be honest, the only reason Twins players have to play Charlotte, is to bring survivors to the hook.
Twins needs probably a similar amount of changes as Myers, even if Twins changes are real head scratchers balance wise. But even then Twins has gotten buffs relatively consistently, Myers, again, hasnt recieved anything for 5 years. And technically, that means he's gotten nerfed, since map reworks didnt favor Myers, a tall wide killer, because a ton of vision blockers have been removed for killers like Nurse and Blight.
Just as a comparison, remember how people wanted Trapper to be (slightly) reworked and buffed for what seemed forever? Yeah, that was only 2 years after they removed the ability to sabotage traps, something that literally buffed Trapper at the time untill they reworked maps (which, again, also affected Myers equally negatively). The removal of sabotaging traps happened 1 year after Myer's last impactful change, and then he recieved a nerf.
That's how desperately Myers is in need of a nett-buff. Tombstone piece needs a significant nerf, but everything else could almost be doubled in power. I can legit pick 4 addons to basically be turned basekit, and it still wouldnt get him out of the bottom tier. Other than maybe Pyramid head, due to his addons being so ineffective, there is not a single killer you can say that about.0 -
His pink addon-combo is fine, in fact, I'd actually say it should gain a buff, since these are the actions you can do to not get mori'd on the spot:
1. use selfcare, constantly miss skillchecks
2. do a totem, let go for a short second and do it again.
3. sit on a generator, constantly miss skillchecks
4. hide in a locker
5. use a map. Yes, just use it
6. use the key aura
7. open the hatch
8. heal a teammate
9. keep vaulting a pallet.
10. spam unhook a teammate, practically pauses the hook timer while also buying you a LOT of time
11. open a chest
12. pick up and drop an item, so if you run out of map charges, you're still fine.
I could also list a lot of specific perks that counter it, but its ridiculous. If he uses Judiths Tombstone, he's 9% slower already, you can basically infinitely loop him if you slow-vault certain windows. But he should gain the ability to mori downed survivors with that addon. Survivors literally have enough time to finish all gens, even with Dead Lock.
Tombstone piece deserves to be nerfed to the ground tho, I think it should give the ability to permanently turn him t3 and mori survivors during the endgame for free, while blocking the ability to go t3 during the generator time. That would legit be a lore accurate myers endgame.0 -
They can buff him whatever they want, but they need to remove his insta mori abilities
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Yeah, the game I played yesterday with one where the Lara Croft refused to do anything but hide while I'd get chased for a bit, run into a locker when he got close, wiggle out, get chased again, jump into a locker, etc. was super fun.
Took about twenty minutes before he finally dropped me on the ground after I stopped wiggling and just pulled up YouTube to wait.
He came and tried to pick me up again before I bled out but thankfully I crawled far enough away that he found me right after.
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Nah, those make Myers what he is, the issue is tombstone piece being very easy to trigger and it removes someone from the match.
I feel like if tombstone piece could be reworked as follows:
You gain the ability to kill people who have no stalk remaining(even in t2). That way, only those who have been fully drained get the stab instead of people who havent even been spotted.0 -
Absolutely, everything I have ever suggested is an addon pass and a numbers tweak. He genuinely doesnt need more than that. He could be a solid C tier killer if they just fixed his t1 to modern standards. Btier if they updated his stalking and an addon pass, and arguably A-tier if they also update his basekit.
Like, the dude has potential, its just that every potential he has, has been chained up in the basement waiting to get out.0 -
Delete the tombstone items and make him able to Mori the Obsession basekit, or able to build up to a basekit Mori somehow.
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Nah, his 4 kills with judiths tombstone is an iconic play, getting t3 myers with both iri addons takes roughly 4 gens, even with stuff like Ruin and Deadlock, and somehow getting more than 1 kill without iridescent hair is even harder.
I dont think it should be basekit either (because then any addons affecting any part of his power related to the basekit mori will be kept at an extremely weak spot). The purple tombstone should also still kill people, just not at 5 gens. And maybe if they fix most of the murder options, they might wanna add a visual indicator (like fixing his open hand to just the mori's rather than his movementspeed) to show that he's about to murderize someone.0