Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

If Dracula doesn't get some tweaks soon, he might end up forgotten just like Vecna

Member Posts: 1,032
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I should start by saying that, no, I don't think Dracula is weak. He is actually quite decent, with multiple chase abilities and map mobility with the bat form. The problem that might make him unpopular in the future is that, honestly, every ability he has seems like a clunkier version of another killer's power, which certainly doesn't make him very fun or appealing to play for many players, specially in comparison to other killers that feel smoother to play as. Of course, be mindful that everything in this post is my opinion and, if you think I'll end up wrong, feel free to disagree.

The vampire form has arguably his strongest chase ability, since it's antiloop, but it's also an ability that feels quite bad to use: it's similar to Nemesis' tentacle, but slow to charge and with a cooldown. The slowdown just feels awful: even if you press the button for a quarter of a second and immediatly cancel it, you can feel the effect and lose a lot of distance. To make it worse, the only add-on that increases its range makes the charge time 25% slower. It also seems a little buggy and inconsistent right now. Sometimes it goes trough certain tall tiles, sometimes it doesn't. However, I must say I like that it can hit people in different elevations, to me that's the best part about it.

The wolf is, in my opinion, his most fun form. 3rd person view + a passive with speed boosts + a pounce attack. The problem is: the pounce attack feels similar to demogorgon's, but with a surprisingly long charging time. Sure, it's a double pounce, which is the part that makes it unique and fun, but that doesn't make the slow charge feel any better. Of course, there's also a cooldown on top of that.

The bat is great for map mobility, but using it near survivors is… oh boy. You can't see survivors just like the Spirit, but they can see you and, because there is a huge bat and many other smaller bats on the screen, is much harder to pay atention to details like grass moving. The bat screeches make it harder to hear survivors even with the survivor sound increase, and it doesn't help that the chapter was released just a while after Iron Will got buffed back into the meta. Pray for the scratch marks to be working fine when you play this killer, because when they take that delay to appear it feels awful.

Finally, even his shapeshift ability has a cooldown, AND he slows himself down when changing forms. So on top of other slowdowns and charging times he already suffers from, he also gets a slowdown for switching between powers, AND he needs to wait before transforming again every time, even if he just used the bat form to teleport near a gen and now can't even attack. Again, none of those things make him weak, but they do hinder the fun of playing him to an extent, and it shouldn't be a surprise if he ends up being another rare killer with a small pick rate. We already had multiple killers that received a lot of hype at first only for it to die out really quickly.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,451

    Lol poor Vecna.

    Dracula is pretty solid. He def needs some better skins though. Being average around the board isn't really a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    if you understand what elevation hellfire hits, it is extremely predictable for what the attack fly over vs what it does not. it is not inconsistent. I agree that the dracula will be forgotten if dracula does not receive any changes.

    the main two forms that need help is

    wolf and bat.

    wolf is suppose to be form that help you track survivors and it is suppose to be form that help you catch-up. it does neither of these job well. scent orb don't spawn outside of chase which is weird design decision because Oni who also has same mechanic does spawn outside of chase and scent orb themselves are super low duration. Just 1-2 extra seconds like 2.5→4.5 second would do masses for wolf catch-up. The sliding tech is only part that makes wolf good. while i use this tech all the time, you have almost no reason to stay in wolf form because passive bonuses of this form are just worthless.

    Bat form has many issues, but among its biggest issue is slowdown when changing forms. This is the form that i am 80% in when playing dracula and it is the form that your suppose transition between for wolf and vampire. the slowdown just feels awful. the other issue is how loud his bat audio is. it makes very hard to track survivors. the undetectable on bat is ineffective due to large loud lullaby the bats emits. TP is super slow for teleport killers and the radius could definitely be increased. just about all bat form add-on should be made partly base-kit.

    examples of base-kit bat add-on that should be base-kit

    →Clock work grey add-on cooldown reduced from 10% →2%

    →Magical ticket reduced from 25%→15%

    →Winged Boot radius reduced from 20%→10% meters.

    -reduced movement speed penalty by 10% when switching forms

    -Increased radius of bat teleport from 32 →40 meters.

    -increased bat teleport speed from 10 meters to 14 meters.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 1,032

    I mean, his skins really don't look as good as his base one, but is there a way to fix this? His base skin is already based on his most iconic Symphony of the Night look anyway, which was the obvious right choice for a base skin, but also happens to be his best looking design too, which makes hard to make appealing skins. One of the ones in the store is already his look from Chronicles, arguably his second best look from the games. What other skins to make? Lords of shadow and Judgement are certainly the most distinct ones (I must say I'm not a fan of either, though). As I see, the only one that could compete with his base skin would be his look from the Netflix animated series, but that would be hard to deliver due to licensing issues.

  • Member Posts: 1,451
    edited September 2024

    With Halloween right around the corner a Blighted Dracula would be sick.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Well, thanks for the correction then.

    About the scent orbs, I really find weird how useless they are for tracking. The word "scent" it suggests they would be his biggest tracking tool, but they can only do that with the add-on that reveals survivor auras when your pounce recharges.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Woah, yeah, I agree with that. I hope we get both a blighted Dracula and a blighted Vecna.

    Still, the wolf and the bat probably won't change regardless of skin, which is kinda sad.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    I really hope the devs do not do anything to make this killer more broken than he already is.

    Real quick you guys;

    Hellfire is 7s basekit cooldown. You can hold people hostage at a loop with how stupid broken that is.

    Dog form double pounce can be used in several functions, as an anti-loop, or if someone decides they dont like being held hostage at a loop, double pounce catchup so you can hold them hostage at another loop with brokenfire.

    Then once you hook, you can traverse UP AND DOWN levels on the map with bat form. So you can repeat this strategy.

    If anything, hellfire needs to be double its cd AT LEAST. And something has to be punishing for swapping forms.

    Currently you have no downsides playing this killer. Hard skill issue if you cant manage to hit a hellfire, PH judgement is easier to dodge than this skill.

    Why am I perfectly fine with legion, MEND HITTING someone across a pallet or vault on a 20 SECOND CD with feral frenzy? But this broken killer can just spam his m2 until he gets a health state hit? And then have 2 other powers to just laugh through the rest of the match?

    Spoiler alert: its not balanced or fair at all. Stop asking for buffs to a clearly broken killer.

  • Member Posts: 999

    I don't think Dracula will be "end up forgotten just like Vecna" because he misses some tweaks or that his powers are weaker variants of other ones. The issue with Dracula and Vecna (according to Nightlight Vecna has a good pickrate) is that both of them are rather difficult to pick up and difficult to master. In case of Vecna, you have to use your power right or otherwise you will get punised with a long cooldown on it - the skull power is very difficult and can be frustating when you use it wrong or have a different mindset of how it should be. Meanwhile Dracula, has three different Forms and all of them have unique abilities and different things to learn. You have to switch between the forms and adapt to the situations. Wesker, on the other hand, is easy to pick up because his power is simple to understand and to use - thus mastering is still difficult. Same with Huntress. Of cause, why should you spend all this time in an average killer whne you can spend this time in Nurse, Blight or Billy which are strong S Tier killers. Lastly, in my opinion, DnD and Castlevania is not as popular in the DbD as RE.

    The vampire form has arguably his strongest chase ability, since it's antiloop, but it's also an ability that feels quite bad to use: it's similar to Nemesis' tentacle, but slow to charge and with a cooldown. The slowdown just feels awful: even if you press the button for a quarter of a second and immediatly cancel it, you can feel the effect and lose a lot of distance. To make it worse, the only add-on that increases its range makes the charge time 25% slower. It also seems a little buggy and inconsistent right now. Sometimes it goes trough certain tall tiles, sometimes it doesn't. However, I must say I like that it can hit people in different elevations, to me that's the best part about it.

    The charge time of 0.9sec is fair and fine - Artist has a similar charge time. However, the slowdown to 2.0m/s feels so clunky and the developers should change it to either 2.5m/s or 3.0s/m (more could become problematic) to make Dracula smoother. Comparing it to Nemsis is not fair because even though Nemesis can charge his Tentacle much faster and has less slowdown, he has to hit survivors three times, has only five meters and has to earn his 6.5 meter by using his power correctly. That is a fair.

    To make it worse, the only add-on that increases its range makes the charge time 25% slower.

    That's fair. The baserange is already 8meters which is huge. Having 9meters without any drawback would be bs for the survivors.

    It also seems a little buggy and inconsistent right now. Sometimes it goes trough certain tall tiles, sometimes it doesn't.

    I think this is rather a map thing than a Dracula thing. For example you cannot hit over these shelves on Autohaven which is akward but it might be that there is an alpha wall or something like this. But year, it sucks.

    However, I must say I like that it can hit people in different elevations, to me that's the best part about it.

    Year, I like this part too! Hellfire is really fun to use and it feels so satisfying to find spots where you can hit survivors!

    The wolf is, in my opinion, his most fun form. 3rd person view + a passive with speed boosts + a pounce attack. The problem is: the pounce attack feels similar to demogorgon's, but with a surprisingly long charging time. Sure, it's a double pounce, which is the part that makes it unique and fun, but that doesn't make the slow charge feel any better. Of course, there's also a cooldown on top of that.

    I wish the player could control when to release the second Dash because sometimes you want to release it immediately and sometimes you want to wait two seconds. They could also make the Dash a bit longer or create an Addon for this. And of cause remove the hug tech exploit. I also would say it is a mix of Demogorgon and Wesker but weaker. The cooldown is fine, you get your power basically after two Orbs back and having a cooldown makes it fairer for the survivors.

    About your bat part: The developers should reduce the high pitch noises and let us see pools of blood - it is the same with Legion why do they hide the blood from us? Seeing not survivors is kinda weird because bats can see but I guess it adds some skill ceiling to the form which is fine. The IW buff should be in general changed because it is so stupid strong. They could also increase the teleport range by a few meters. I also don't understand why this form has a lullaby but also undetectable status. Why do the developers do this awful mix? You are a big fat Bat with little bars around you, survivors can see you clearly. They also can see the teleport. Why has it a lullaby that is also directional when you are closer to the survivor- not from afar.

    Finally, even his shapeshift ability has a cooldown, AND he slows himself down when changing forms. So on top of other slowdowns and charging times he already suffers from, he also gets a slowdown for switching between powers, AND he needs to wait before transforming again every time, even if he just used the bat form to teleport near a gen and now can't even attack.

    They can reduce the Shapeshift cooldown by a second but it is fairer when everything has some type of cooldown because otherwise you could just spam the switching to confuse survivors and this would feel really bad. I guess it is also a bit of "punishing the killer when using the shape shift wrong". The slowdown after shapeshifting is alright and fair. If you remove it, it could become problematic.


    The Dracula is a good and fun to play killer but he needs some tweaks and buffs to feel smoother and better. Currently he feels rather mediocre and should get some buffs.

    The developers can give him a blighted skin because Konami gave the permission for Pyramidhead so why not for Dracula too? Blighted skins usual drop around Halloween which is the next big event and starts during the Castlevania rift. Xenomorph got a blighted skin after his realease at the same time last year. Also we will get his Demon form as a cosmetic in the next rift which is huge as this one looks amazing and they give it to us for 10bucks rift pass instead of a 15bucks cosmetic.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    that's another weird design where your forced to use pounce to purposely put the skill on cooldown to try use add-on to track. again this makes no sense. all of it just cement wolf as poor tracker. it is suppose to be good at tracking by default. they even have that weird killer instinct mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    And those changes would be buffs to him. Unnecessary even.

    And hes not B tier unless you actually want to tell me a killer with traversal, UP AND DOWN LEVELS, and 2 antiloops is worse than Chucky/Alien/PH/Huntress/Wesker…

    My post is to bring some actual critical analysis and comparative power imbalance there is from the actual broken killer they just released. To something like legion that cant even injure across a pallet/vault but only mend on a 3x longer cd. And has a single power versus 3.

    Yet legion is perfectly fine the way it is.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    Hellfire is not weaker than punishment. I dont know how many matches you load into a PH and constantly just hear the power and 0 health states happening.

    Bat form: Weak stealth that lets you traverse the entire map.

    Wolf form: CD is not long AF gather orbs

    Your last opinion on wolf for CD tells me you dont know how to play Dracula.

    In summary; you dont know how to play Dracula.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Hellfire is completely free. I hold it and walk towards the survivor. They either drop the pallet and I get a hit for free, or they don't drop the pallet and I body block the pallet into an M1. Same thing with windows. It's a free health state.

  • Member Posts: 522

    Hellfire is faster to travel than punishment. Its easier to dodge punishment than hellfire.

    Batform allows you to traverse UP and DOWN levels and at large distance.

    Wolf form has a larger slow from missing or hitting compared to wesker.

    Who asked?

    You got a 20 winstreak

    Who asked x2?

    You think wolf pounce has a long cd, it doesnt.
    Learn to use orbs in wolf form.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I think Dracula bugs aside is one of the funnest killers to play as with lots of room to improve as a player with how fun his abilities are, don't buff him, I don't want to hate another killer I've come to enjoy playing as, I think he is where all killers should be atm, good 1v1 and good 4v1 IMO.

  • Member Posts: 522

    Never said I had a problem hitting punishment. Said its easy to dodge comparitive to Hellfire, travel time makes it easier to dodge. Which you would know if you played PH.

    Bat form allows traversal up and down in a map, noone asked about it being map wide.

    Noone asked if wolf form was weaker than Weskers dash

    The fact that you think Dracula is B tier shows a lack of skill across many killers, including Dracula.
    And that wolf pounce is a long CD, its not, learn to use orbs.

    Letting us know that even with that lack of skill, you can get 20 win streaks in a row.
    Unless everyone you are facing is just unskilled as well?

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2024

    That's weird, I had Scent Orbs show up outside of a chase before and it helped me find someone. I wasn't running anything special. I think it could be too powerful if they were always around, but if they were like that experience I had I think they'd be fine (it was still a relatively close Survivor, they were just on the other side of some rocks).

    I don't think it's that much of a problem that Bat Form makes it hard to hear (and that it still allows Survivors to hear you despite the lack of a Terror Radius). Vampire form and Wolf form are already both good for chasing. The way I see it, Bat form is the travel power. It's not really meant to be for chasing or stealth, not that I would mind if they made it quieter to Dracula. I do think it could use a longer teleport range though. Too long and it'd probably be too oppressive, but half the time right now, by the time I'm close enough to use it I have other options unless it's a floor change.

    I think the worst part of Hellfire's collision detection is it's hard to even see what it did or didn't hit over. I can't really get used to it. I don't even use the spell if I can help it, but I appreciate that he has it.

    The weirdest thing I experienced today was that I seemed unable to get Iridescent awards as him (since I needed that for a challenge). I had almost identical matches when I played him as when I switched to Sadako, but Dracula would just get Silvers and Sadako would get Iridescents. I couldn't figure out what was different.

  • Member Posts: 49

    I along with many others think Dracula is B tier. Are you trying to say that everyone who agrees with me is bad at the game? There's no way you're that delusional.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    I already listed killers in A tier that you think are stronger than this killer. So yes if you and many think this, its hard cope coming from nothing. Dracula is better than all of the ones listed.

    I see a few say "B" and by few I mean 3-4, but that doesnt mean majority. I could find a majority of people that think old MFT was fair that doesnt mean it is.

    Again learn to use scent orbs. Dog pounce does not have a long CD you just dont know how to play Dracula correctly. Scent orbs = run into them.

    Hope this helps

  • I agree, both facing and playing as Drac is fine just the way he is. Not every Killer NEEDS to be nor should be super powerful. I don't think anyone should be S or D tier, at all. I do however, think Drac needs some small, small QoL things:

    1. Perhaps SOME of the addons could be basekitted,
    2. Sylph Feather is still apparently bugged,
    3. Reduce the ambient sound on Bat the way you reduced Dredge's sound,
    4. Why does Force of Echo power up Wolf not Bat?
  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    PH cant teleport. He has 0 map pressure and actually LOSES pressure by caging most of the time. (See all threads about camping and tunneling)

    Dracula has constant map pressure even after hook.

    PH has a single power Dracula has 3

    PHs judgement can go through walls but not up slopes. Hellfire can go down AND up slopes.

    You arent hitting through wall blind hits, you are getting vault and pallet hits 9.9999/10 times.

    Instead of responding with namecalling calling others trolls, maybe provide actual discussion around the matter. I provided my reasoning why Judgement is weaker than Hellfire.

    Both of you reasoning(s) is "Yea well Judgement is stronger than hellfire because you're a troll"

  • Member Posts: 49

    Wrong, PH cages so he doesn't have to waste time hooking and can keep pressuring survivors.

    Pyramid Head has a single good power and Dracula has 3 mediocre powers. Quality over quantity.

    "You arent hitting through wall blind hits, you are getting vault and pallet hits 9.9999/10 times." Dude literally just admitted his lack of skill with Pyramid Head.

    Your reasoning is "any killer who can beat me is op" so how is that better?

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    If you are getting through wall hits constantly on your opponents with Judgement then you are telling me that you are facing some questionable and predictable survivors.

    Telling me you won 20 matches in a row as Dracula, when noone asked, and not knowing how to run into orbs to lower dog pounce CD is hinting at an extremely low MMR/experience. You should know that dog pounce has a very short CD if used properly, it seems you do not know, but definitely do now, about the scent orbs lowering its CD.

    Pyramids power is a very poor, slow traveling, and telegraphed power. Draculas Hellfire is faster traveling.

    Cage of torment bypasses some survivor perks but at a downside of losing track of a survivor that you had pressure on. And you dont know where they are caged. Losing pressure, and limiting what build you can run as well. With the top killer perks being used all revolving around hooks (BBQ, Pain Res, Pop, DMS, Grim…). Cage is also conditional, you have to actually have a survivor run through your Torment.

    If I have to explain by Cage of torment is usually a bad idea, and it losing you pressure. As well as scent orbs lowering the dog pounce cd; you are telling me that you have very little experience/extremely low MMR in this game. Which is okay, we all start somewhere.

    You are free to continue playing like this but you will soon struggle once you get past the beginner/medium range of survivors. That just die to anything.

    Noone said "any killer who can beat me is op", no idea why you are saying this.

    You seem to have trouble responding to anything, instead go on the offense as if you have to prove yourself with "20 dracula wins" "you have trouble hitting judgement" "pounce is weaker than weskers power" "any killer who can beat me is op"… when noone asked or claimed any of these.

    Hope this helps clarify some things.

  • Member Posts: 49

    You're making assumptions about my mmr based on a discussion which makes 0 sense. I have 3000+ hours in DbD so I definitely don't have low mmr/experience.

    I did know that scent orbs decreases pounce cooldown. My bad for saying it has a long cooldown. Happy now?

    Punishment isn't easy to dodge, you are just bad at Pyramid Head. Watch somebody like Ohmals play.

    And caging a survivor doesn't make you lose pressure. It actually helps you keep pressuring survivors by not wasting time hooking. As well as countering a slew of the strongest perks in the game. Getting survivors tormented isn't a problem if you're good at PH.

    As @Devil_hit11 said, struggling vs Dracula is largely a learn to play issue.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    You're making assumptions about my mmr based on a discussion which makes 0 sense. I have 3000+ hours in DbD so I definitely don't have low mmr/experience.

    Again I didnt ask about your hours you keep doing this. I am directly responding to the points you make and you keep grandstanding like you need to defend your honor. This makes me think you have trouble at the game, despite however many hours you have or MMR you personally think you are at.

    Dog pounce CD being long AF: Not true, run through orbs.

    Pretty basic knowledge on understanding a killers power.

    Cage of torment pressure: Not true, you dont want to use this in most cases, even if you have the option. You lose track of the survivor you have pressure on and you create an unknown area where you cant camp/tunnel.

    Pretty basic knowledge on pressure and playstyle that most killer players adopt.

    PH map pressure come from being able to tunnel survivors off hook

    As mentioned by your esteemed colleague above.

    Getting survivors tormented isn't a problem

    If survivors in your games are just giving you free torment then I guess either they have extremely poor map rng in small spaces(as not seen by the offering complaints), or dont know to crouch through torment (skill issue/beginners)… Very rarely should you just be getting torment on any experienced survivors.

    Its not really up to you as PH if survivors get torment or not, its mostly on their level of unawareness or map RNG tight spaces.

    Punishment isn't easy to dodge, you are just bad at Pyramid Head.

    One more time for you:

    Punishment travels slower, it is easier to dodge than hellfire. I dont know why you keep saying anything about me playing PH here.

    Hope this helps clarify a few things.

  • Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2024

    You're the one complaining about Dracula therefore you're the one having trouble in the game.

    His cages always spawns the furthest away. You just have to understand the spawn logic. The cage always spawns at the furthest possible spot from the killer, a good pyramid head can use game sense to locate these cages.

    You just place the torment at loops. His trail is a natural mindgame as some survivors will risk going down instead of stepping in it.

    Punishment is not easy to dodge unless you have incredible reflexes. If you can dodge punishment, you can definitely dodge hellfire.

    And don't say "hope this helps" as if you're doing me some favor.

    Post edited by RootsofDredge on
  • Member Posts: 1,032
    edited September 2024

    @Devil_hit11, one more thing to point out:
    I was intrigued by the claim that scent orbs don't spawn outside of chase, because I hadn't realized that, even though I had noticed they weren't good for tracking. So I decided to test this and played a few matches with the brown add-on that doubles the range you can see the orbs (Cerberus Talon). Well, it turns out that they do spawn outside of chase… but the normal range is just so short that it's quite usual that we only noticed them when we're already on the survivor. Without the add-on, the scent orbs are indeed pretty useless for tracking: even if you haven't yet seen the survivor by the time the orb spawns, you will probably have already seen a scratch mark, blood stain or heard the gen they're working on. But if you use the Cerberus Talon, it actually makes the orbs a little useful for tracking. It's still not a huge distance, but enough to frequently locate survivors you otherwise wouldn't, specially considering you can see them through walls. So I was expecting this add-on to be useless, but it actually helped me quite a bit, giving the wolf form something it normally lacks.

  • Member Posts: 522

    You're the one complaining about Dracula therefore you're the one having trouble in the game.

    Apply this same logic to any concern in the game. This is flawed correlation. Lashing out isnt helping you.

    I'm skilled enough at Pyramid Head to the point where I know where cages will spawn. You clearly aren't.

    So you are changing what you say now. And you dont know 100% where they will be you just know the general direction of them.
    Okay real quick whats easier to pressure:
    A place you 100% know where the survivor is (hook)?

    A place you dont 100% know where the survivor is (cage)?

    Your lack of understanding on this basic concept highlights a very reckless way to use cage of torment. You dont cage every single time, and you certainly dont do it if you want to apply pressure. You will learn this as you play PH more.

    You just place the torment at loops. His trail is a natural mindgame as some survivors will risk going down instead of stepping in it.

    Apply this same logic to traps. Its up to the survivor if they want to step in it or not. Only torment is 1000% more obvious. You can place torment all you want at loops. From what you are describing you are facing very new/unknowing survivors though. Not many will willfully enter a loop seeing your torment. And you are limited in how much you can put down. You are just proving that torment is not up to you in this case.

    Punishment is not easy to dodge unless you have incredible reflexes. If you can dodge punishment, you can definitely dodge hellfire.

    Punishment has a tell on the ground, the rectangle lights up about .5 second before it actually can damage, and you can move out of it extremely easy.
    Hellfire does not do this, the moment you are in the path of the first traveling fire spout, no matter how fast you move, you will not avoid the others.

    We see this in footage where you can be INSIDE the punishment rectangle and have plenty of time to move out of it. We dont see this in hellfire.

    I hope this helps clarify any confusion you may be having.

  • Member Posts: 479

    I think people are being pretty harsh with hellfire. It's no punishment of the damned but it's VERY deceptive with what it goes over and you can use it to your knowledge. Unlike Punishment, Hellfire can travel up or down elevation and the "low obstacle" requirement only needs to be a pixel lower than the survivor hitbox. It takes a lot of testing but there's a lot of bullshit shots you can make with it.

  • Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 2024

    I don't think Dracula needs buff for strength, but more like changes focused on how he feels to play.

    Hellfire is weird to use with how using it works. (Can't flick like most killers, but camera is also not locked like PH)

    Wolf is valid only because of hugtech, which is difficult to use. (I definitely drop the killer, if they remove it without buffs)

    Bat is so loud and annoying I try to always get out of it asap.

  • Member Posts: 438

    Blighted Unknown is what I am really hoping for. Imagine, when he's moving, you hear the normal bones and squelching, but on top of it you hear the wet pop of the pustules, and when it tries to talk it sounds gargled.

  • Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2024

    The problem is it's not a valid concern. It's basically not wanting to adapt and get better.

    I never said you should cage all the time. You should cage a survivor when you know someone is close by. Rather than wasting time hooking them I can get to the chase much quicker, effectively applying pressure without slugging. If nobody's around, it's better to hook them so they're in a more defensible position. Pyramid also applies pressure thanks to his tunneling ability. Since I know the general location of the cage, I can tunnel the survivor out of the game after they get rescued, effectively putting pressure on the survivor team.

    "Not many will willfully enter a loop seeing your torment." That's just not true at all. Is every loop that has torment a deadzone?

    His hellfire is something you need to adapt to, genuinely just a skill issue if you can’t figure out where it will come from when dodging and what it can and can't go over.

    I'm going to stop talking about PH now, because this discussion isn't about him.

  • Member Posts: 522

    The problem is it's not a valid concern. It's basically not wanting to adapt and get better.

    Yea I mean you are applying the same broad reasoning as "just wait it out… ' "just grab a tape…" "Just let go of the gen…" to the broken mechanics of DH/Eruption/Sadako2.0 . Unfortunately this has no real response, you may as well just say what you already have been saying with the "git gud" arguments you keep having.

    I never said you should cage all the time. You should cage a survivor when you know someone is close by. Rather than wasting time hooking them I can get to the chase much quicker, effectively applying pressure without slugging. If nobody's around, it's better to hook them so they're in a more defensible position. Pyramid also applies pressure thanks to his tunneling ability. Since I know the general location of the cage, I can tunnel the survivor out of the game after they get rescued, effectively putting pressure on the survivor team.

    So we are in agreement that this has nothing to do with your play. But the play on the survivors in the match. Being right next to someone who is about to go down with torment on them.

    Again, you are painting a picture, much like everyone just running through torment you say above, that you are facing aloof/new survivors. That's fine if these are your opponents. But you dont really need a strategy for these types of players.

    "Not many will willfully enter a loop seeing your torment." That's just not true at all. Is every loop that has torment a deadzone?

    Depends on the situation. For the most part you wont be chasing someone who has torment, if they are experienced that is. This is highlighting that your cage isn't even guaranteed; its a conditional power. And as said above, you probably wont cage unless there are questionable survivors in range of their teammate going down…. for some reason.

    His hellfire is something you need to adapt to, genuinely just a skill issue if you can’t figure out where it will come from when dodging and what it can and can't go over.

    I mean yea I can fake a vault fake a window big skill expression there; but other than that there's no chance you dodge it if you are in its path. Judgement you have a window to actually get out of its hit, even when you are in its path.

    I'm going to stop talking about PH now, because this discussion isn't about him.


  • Member Posts: 122

    There are several high level competitive players who do not think Dracula is easy to play against and actually believe he is very difficult to play against. I am not suggesting anyone believing otherwise is a bad player like what is being thrown around in this thread, but to discount the experiences of these strong players as well as those in this thread as a skill issue sounds very interesting.

    The fire attack cannot be dodged at close range but can be reacted to at far range. Dracula can wait until you are locked into animation or until you are in a narrow area and hit you and otherwise walk you down for an M1. He can reliably set this up by only holding out his hand when he is in closer range to do this, so there is no counterplay. If he holds his hand up earlier he is misplaying and that is the fault of the player, not the design of the killer.

    You cannot hold W from this at most loops, as any filler loop is circular and Dracula can simply zone you for a free hit if there were a nearby loop but often there isn't one. In a tile there are narrow spaces you will eventually be corralled into for a free hit. He needs his walking speed while charging the fire to be reverted back to ptb value in order for this strategy to be less effective.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Name a high level player who thinks Dracula is OP.

    I agree that Dracula is hard to play against. Being able to switch between 3 powers at anytime can overwhelm survivors. However, he's nowhere near OP.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I did not say OP, but I have heard Xeno on his stream earlier today say Dracula is A+ tier, which is much higher than the B I have seen in this thread. A+ tiers I think are at least fairly unhealthy for the game, but perhaps that is splitting hairs.

    I am more flatly saying that his Wolf and Vampire form have little counterplay, not that there is a lot to learn vs them. It is true there are many situational things to learn vs him though, just as with any killer in DBD.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Wolf just treat it like Wesker.

    Vampire form

    try to find low LOS loops with high walls that won't allow Hellfire to pass through.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    cerburus talon is only aura reading for the orbs. if they do spawn outside of chase, the radius must be so low that it is unnoticeable at base-kit. the wolf is only good for its slide tech, beyond that, it is rubbish.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    Mm yes this would be good. Normally I would play a lot of Unknown but I'm waiting to see what tweaks it's gonna get soon. Plus the mori is my favorite of all killers.

  • Member Posts: 122

    Wolf is not like wesker. Wesker has more charge time on his rushes, does not get a speed boost that increases his rush range or his speed beforehand, cannot get into better spots or outright win loops due to his short height and third person camera, and his hug tech is miles easier. They are hardly comparable.

    For the vampire form, I have already addressed this point but I'll say so again: you cannot guarantee you'll get the kind of loop you mention. Even if you do get it, he can just close then hold out his hand then there is no counterplay. If he uses it at max range he has misplayed.

  • Member Posts: 49

    I mean, Xeno's tail has no counterplay but I don't see people crying about her on the forums.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I agree with you, but that just means we need to be addressing it! More interactive gameplay makes both survivor AND killer feel more rewarding when done right, and no it doesn't have to mean it makes the killer weak either.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Also, just wanted to say that wolf form does in fact have counterplay. The speed boost you get from the orbs really isn't that much because it's incredibly short. You get slowed down when charging your pounce attack which is an obvious tell. And it's dodgeable.

    Hug tech is clearly unintended an I don't expect it to stay in the game.

  • Member Posts: 122

    If they do remove the hug tech then it would be a lot better I can agree with that much. I do think you are underestimating the speed boost and height and 3rd person camera advantage though.

    I would imagine pounce will still be optimized and will be used in a lot of places where it'll either be difficult or perhaps occasionally impossible to dodge, but I still think it'll be better simply because it won't be usable in so many places. The hitbox does seem large enough but with a predictable timing to where you could force some fun 50/50s or other mixups though, and I hope that aspect of the pounce can be emphasized more!

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