Does any killer have a chance to win a top SWF team?

I'm forced to practice nurse when I lose to surv perks, though I feel uncomfortable after blinking, my M2 hit rate obv higher than 90%, and I'm still tired in map control, surv can win just cuz of OP perks. I feel everything I tired to slow gen rush helps nothing, injury or hooking won't slow it down, they also heal fast for no reason, I don't dare to split hook and I'm forced to tunnel, then facing against anti-tunnel perks. Obv survs perks are stronger in both value and mechanics than killer's. I strongly doubt that all the staffs are survs only.
I think you should stop worrying about that and focus on improving your general skill before expecting to win against much better opponents running meta. That'll get you way further than trying to play full meta and sucking all the fun from the game.
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No matter what game you are playing, you have to play the most OP char to get more effect with the same effort. In DBD, a top SWF team is dominating, they can relax, gen rush, or bully as long as they want. In opposite, how many top killers can get 4k as long as they want? That's my point, killer and surv do not get the same effect with the same effort
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I would say in terms of is difficulty it's on survivors side. You need to get 4 good/decent players and most players are bad.
But when we talk about how stressful it is, then it's on killers side for sure in my opinion.
There are killers where I am confident to win against 99% groups, if I would play to win every game, which I am not. With Blight I try to end the game on 0/1 gens left if survivors are not that useless.
There are definitely killers, where you are going to lose na matter what you do at some point. Legion is very good example of that. That's something that comes with the killer and you should expect it to happen, that's like people who expect to escape games regularly as soloQ.
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Most survs are bad cuz they are spoiled by OP perks, imagine I'm taking Deliverance + Off the record to anti-tunnel and plunder killer's advance, the killer can never force the game into 3v1 therefore survs are always in the lead.
Post edited by BoxGhost on4 -
this is 1v4 assym with no proper matchmaking past pretty low bar, what do you expect?
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Well, doesn't change they are bad and it won't help them.
This wouldn't be example I would use as why some survivors won't improve.
Lately I have realized my reasons were Lither and WoO. It's simply brainless to have a good chase with those two perks, so I got rid of both from my builds now.
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You dont need nurse. Your becoming like those people you dislike if you play her out of this reason.
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in pubs, you only need game sense because average SWF is definitely not a "god tier" one
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I am pretty sure that you will not likely to meet top SWF team as they are very rare from first place. Most of the survivors are Solo Q or casual SWF.
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I remember, when a starstruck nurse went against the "best team in the world" with no limitations and slugged them at what. 3 gens left?
Glad thats gone. To answer the question, the only killer that can keep up with absolute survivor optimum is a nurse that is 100% on point.
These groups, however, dont really exist. You will meet them maybe once in 3 years.
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Unless you regularly play custom games with comp squads most killers are viable because matchmaking in pubs is quite loose
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I mean u playing nurse that basically says boosted MMR right their yes going to be hard if you intent is to never loose the system is designed to give u harder survivours evey time you win if u were so focused on wining or forcing a win then mabe the matching would actually be at you level
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If you aren't winning as the strongest killer with the strongest perks consistently then you won't and shouldn't ever win against good teams. It's working as intended.
Why should there be a shortcut to make up for your lack of skill lol?
Post edited by WolfyWood on8 -
Bringing up skill in a computer game? Lol. It's not Olympics.
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4 man SWFs in the highest MMR bracket have less than a 50% escape rate globally. It is highly unlikely that you're facing a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase with any consistency. Like others have said, you'll get more mileage out of focusing on killer fundamentals, because most of the killer roster is viable through all brackets.
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To answer your question, yes. Technically any killer on the roster can beat a high MMR SWF team.
It’s more difficult with some killers than others but every killer has the potential to do it. While game sense, perk selection, macro and micro play skill expression all matter, what it comes down to is snowballing a mistake made by the survivors.
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As Nurse …
I don't do gen slow-down: I do either chase, either end-game.
I don't mind slugging if hooking takes too much time (happens a lot)
It's not rare for me to have one or two survivors bleeding out.
I don't doubt some teams with specific builds and tactics would wipe the floor with me but I have not encountered these for a very long time.
Check your Steam profile with
and look how many "Survivors hit after a blink" you got.That's usually a good benchmark to evaluate how far you are with her.
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Speaking as someone who mains a Killer a lot of people say is "too weak to be viable" - Ghostface - and as someone who prefers "weaker" M1 Killers with stealth?
You're tripping. There's comp Ghostface players. There are comp Sadako players. There's even comp Legion Players. Pretty much every Killer can win against a top tier team if they have the requisite gamesense, skill, and ability with that Killer. It just takes time and knowing what you are good at. I'm certainly not a comp Ghostie but I do well enough even against decent teams, he isn't as weak as people say when you're decent with him.
And in pubs? Oh I can destroy pubs, because I am very good with this Killer. I know what I am doing. I mained him exclusively for years. And in general that's also true, of every single Killer - not a single Killer is too weak, too map-dependent, or too outdated to be viable if you know what you are doing with them. Every single Killer in the game can 4k, consistently, though it's harder with some than others.
In pubs, which most people play, everything is viable and anything works. In pubs, there's no such thing as a "trash tier Killer". Only Killers you are good at and Killers you struggle with.
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I mean those killers only really work in a comp setting because there's a pretty significant list of banned perks against them, and they get a good map. There are some times as the weaker killers where you'll get a team that is basically impossible to beat because of the things they bring.
Most pub lobbies aren't generally that good, though, so that doesn't really apply to most players.
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These groups do exist and constantly release content on youtube laughing at killers who they make DC.
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They do? That sounds pretty awful. Please give me a link if possible.
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You'll have to look on youtube yourself because i'm looking to get banned for naming and shaming.
But just search youtube for "dbd killer dc" and you'll find tons of videos about it.
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Nurse or Blight, and that is it.
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on my way.
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Please update if this is validated. :)
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I mean, literally just do it yourself, it takes 2 seconds.
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I mean, literally at work, can't youtube. Dont wanna wait. Will wait if needed. Now, back to waiting!
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So you are at work, and can't youtube, but you can still browse the dbd forums? Makes sense.
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Correct. Im not going into the details of my job to satisfy a random person on the internet.
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I decided to give it a look.
First 8 videos on that search
Video 1: Survivor playing soloq, compilation of times a killer DC
Video 2: Another soloq compilation.
Video 3: This is a duo with 3 matches. First one a DC, second one the player gets killers, third is a 2e where the uploader gets killed again.
Video 4: Another soloq compilation.
Video 5: Soloq compilation, this time specifically using a perk setup to counter gen kicking. Of the 3 games, in only 1 does a killer DC and in one video its a 4k.
Video 6: This is a killer player highlighting times survivors DCed.
Video 7: From 2 years ago, looks like a soloq compilation.
Video 8: Again a soloq compilation, 3 matches, only one does the killer DC, and in one of them the killer 4ks.
Lots of these videos are pretty dated, but I think Youtube spits out different results based on your algorithem. Limiting the search to the last month, it again looks like its basically soloq videos, but lots of these have views only in the double digits.
So it does not seem like a popular title to draw in views, many of these videos are streamer compilations that might be over a long period of time were the survivor is playing normally and the killer rage quits, and in some of them its just a title that applies to only one of the matches.
Edit: I should add I don't doubt these exist, bully squads are definitely a thing, but doesn't seem to be very common.
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Thats what I figured. Man those bully squads are running rampant.
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I searched "dbd killer dc".
First video i found was a chill streamer that looped some weskers, a vecna, a nemesis and a trickster. Was soloq though and the player seemed way better at looping than the killers at their powers, or at killer in general. No 4man ultra squad there.
Second video is a player with a bit more of a meta build. However, the killers in that video also make huge mistakes and dc for the smallest things like eating a dh. Still not 4man ultra squad there.
3rd video was jrm´s anti 3gen build when gen kick was in full force. Really enojable to watch. ^🐽^
I scrolled through a few more, but they all contained soloq content with sub optimal killer play. One was even about dead by roblox… Obscure stuff let me tell you.
After about the 15th video i stopped looking.
To conclude, im not saying, that @Reinami is wrong here and im certain, that these groups exist. However, the real "death squad", meaning a group of 4 players with no limitations that play this game to perfection against any odds, is extremely rare. Ive seen maybe 2 of them in my almost 4 years of playing this game. Im certain, that there is a misunderstanding and that @Reinami and I think of different kinds of groups.
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Against the safest survivors who chase like a Gloveworld bus and only do gens when somebody is in chase, theres not much you can do regardless so I dont think its necessary to play Nurse because youll still find the match unenjoyable anyways.
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Do you allow things that are rare to be completely overpowered because they are rare?
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Never said that. Of course im against the ultra squad. Im also against nurse and of the opinion, that if the game would go into a more healthy direction, her power would need to be almost completely reworked.
I very much dislike the extremes of dbd.
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they do, however to do so you have to tunnel, and BHVR nerfs that ever patch, so i complain, and average killers tell me i should just get better and 8 hook against those teams.