The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Rework Map Offerings to Block That Map

Map Offerings in their current state are just frustrating for whichever side doesn't get their way. Either survivors bring a killer to a map that greatly favors them, or a killer brings survivors to a map that works for their own abilities.

Instead of map offerings forcing that map to be selected, what if map offerings instead *prevented* players from being sent to that map?

It gives both sides some semblance of control over maps they're tired of seeing or that they feel favor the other side too much, but still retains some aspect of randomness to the map selection process.

This would also help Behaviour track which maps people are blocking the most often to determine which maps are A) the most disliked by each side and how they can be tweaked and B) which maps need to be reworked entirely.


  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    This idea gets suggested so much it's never going to work. The opposite would happen where killers would just play Gideon or Badham and never have to see those maps as long as they have the offerings for it.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    There are so many rare offerings I usually only have a handful for each map. You're going to run out quickly if you're spamming the same one.

    But just like you said … you have to pick one or the other, you can't block every survivor-sided map from showing up. If you block Badham you might still get sent to Garden of Joy or Eyrie of Crows.

    It just adds back some randomness so it's not automatically just favoring one side or the other.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    Sure, and I actively use them when going up against expected SWFs…But just like I said before, there are so many rare offerings in the game the number of these that show up in the blood web is fairly limited and you're going to run out quickly.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 807

    I think that Sacrificial Wards should be yellow rarity, and they should not only block all map offerings, but even remove the map from the loop entirely

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 87

    It goes the same way for Maps. So instead of suggesting changing something because you as an individual, don’t like it, why don’t you try just working with what already exists to help you?

    Why is there a mentality that “because I don’t like something it must go.” ?

    Use sacrificial ward. If you run out of them, that is a personal problem, the game does not need to be changed around you.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    Sorry, I kind of figured the point of a "feedback and suggestions" forum to be for... Y'know, feedback and suggestions. You're welcome to disagree and give actual rebuttals but just saying "because you don't like something you think it needs to go" kind of defeats the entire purpose of this forum, y'know?

    According to one of the previous commenters apparently this is a pretty common thread anyway, so doesn't sound like I'm the only one who thinks they could use a rework.

    Back to the discussion at hand... Survivors only need one person out of four to bring a map offering, so it's much easier for one side to control the game. Map offerings are also more prevalent in high elos, and it's a problem how much they can skew things when survivors are already pretty strong at that level of play. This suggestion is an attempt to mitigate that, still give players some semblance of control over what maps they play, and do away with a lot of the negativity and toxicity that stems from one side bringing the other to a map that benefits them.

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 87

    There are several maps as both survivor and killer, respectively, that I absolutely despise.

    Do I like it when someone brings me there? No.

    But again, that is what the sacrificial ward exists for.

    And here is the reason why reworking or removing map offerings is a terrible idea:

    The RNG for maps does not actually promote or provide significant map diversity. I have stated this several times that 90% of the time that I play a map offering it is because I’ve seen the same three or four maps repeatedly over the course of a gameplay session. Yes, they might be different iterations, but it’s the same aesthetic regardless. Seeing coldwind farm, autohaven, Macmillan’s and red forest becomes boring.

    2v8 only exasperated this.

    Feedback and suggestions are fine. It’s when you ‘suggest’ that something be taken away from everyone because you don’t like it, that it becomes a problem, especially when something already exists as a solution to the issue that you are having.

    You might not like a certain book or a certain movie. That does not mean it needs to be taken away from everyone else that does enjoy it simply because you don’t like it. The solution here is to not read the book or not watch the movie.

    In this case, the solution is to use the sacrificial ward, or if you’re that bothered, just DC on loading screen.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 608

    We told the developers so many times that this game would be much healtier when they would rework map offering because there are no good reasons to keep them as they are

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    Maybe we can agree on an earlier comment about lowering their rarity then, or otherwise not consuming them when no map offering is actually brought?

    I do agree with you that I seem to see some maps far too often. I'm guessing that's because those older maps each have several variations, whereas stuff like Nostromo or Toba Landing only have the one version each. Maybe they could also work on balancing that out some more.

    I don't quite think the book / movie analogy works for this particular situation, though. This is more of a "hey instead of being forced to eat anchovy pizza all the time because that's what this one person likes, what if we all say one type we don't want and then get something we can all agree on?"

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 87

    I definitely agree that you should not lose the offering if there was no map played.

    But I also think that maps should work correctly as the indication is, that offerings are consumed UNLESS they conflict with another offering. So I feel that if two maps are played, only the one that gets selected should be consumed.

    It is equally as frustrating when I’ve been playing the same four maps for hours and finally get an offering for a map I haven’t played on in days and oh look … one of the random survivors played coldwind farm … and then that gets selected and I lose my map offering anyway.

    I get losing it to the ward, but come on!

    I think the rarity is based on the fact that it’s an offering against maps which are green. Though I do agree that because there are far more map offerings to be claimed that at the very least the sacrificial ward should come more frequently.